Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1529 River of Destiny

Chapter 1529 River of Destiny
Fat Wei is a person with a very quick reaction. After hearing Chen Zhi's words, he immediately understood.

Don't look at him being fat, he jumped out like a sky monkey, and pressed the old lady's head. At this moment, he didn't care about the oil and dirt on her head and face, and grabbed the old lady Cheeks yelled:

"Oh my god~~, auntie, don't scare me!
Don't get dizzy, don't torture yourself and me!Don't die, don't die, speak up if you have something to say! "

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei stopped her very quickly, which also prevented the old lady from committing suicide.

The old lady was very determined, but Chen Zhi could clearly feel that her teeth were not strong enough.

After all, the old lady was too old, her teeth had fallen out, and it was impossible to bite off the base of her tongue. She just wanted to bite her tongue, and then use the clogging effect of grains to suffocate to death.

Suicide is a painful process with strong self-control, which proves that the old lady is very determined in her heart at this time. She would rather die than reveal a word.

After Chen Zhi held down the old lady, he didn't try to scare her urgently, but said clearly in Chinese into her ear,

"Old man, please don't get excited.

If you can respond this way, you must have understood those words!
As I said just now, these words involve a very important secret of our China. This is a matter of our entire China. You are just a translator and have nothing to do with you directly. Why do you have to suffer so much?

I don't know why you do such extreme things, but I can tell you clearly now that I will use many kinds of spells.

If I want to know what's going on in your mind, even if you're dead, I can use the mantra to enter your cerebral cortex, and what I see then will be more accurate!
But you must still have life, and at this age, do you want to die like this?

Of course, if the goal is not achieved, I will definitely use extreme measures, and your family will also be implicated.

Thinking of your great-grandson, do you really want to push me that far? "

After Chen Zhi said a series of words, the old lady's eyes were obviously loose, she was not as excited and persistent as before, she clenched her mouth on Chen Zhi's fingers, and then slowly let go.

In the end, the old lady supported the edge of the kang helplessly, and began to pant slightly, with a sad tone in her voice:
"Where the hell did you get this thing?

This is a sacred object, not something we mortals should touch!
When I was young, many tomb robbers asked me to steal the tombs of ancient Sogdian nobles and promised me a lot of money, but I was never tempted.

I didn't expect to commit such a big taboo today.If I translated these words for you today, my ancestors will blame me after I die! "

"Will not……",
Chen Zhi quickly said to the old lady: "

"I know what you're thinking now, you don't want to spread the secrets of your ancestors, right?

But if you have read those words, it should be clear that there was a saint in your hometown, but no one knows his name or even who this person is.

Moreover, this text was written in ancient Sogdian script, which is extinct now, and you are probably the only person in the world who can recognize this Sogdian script.

Are you going to go to the loess with this secret?

As you may be concerned, some things are not open to the public.

But you don't have to tell the whole world, just tell me, trust me, I will keep this secret safely! "

When Chen Zhi said this, he glanced at his watch quickly, then looked at the old lady again,
"Old man, time is really running out!
Like I just said, I can conjure up what's going on in your head right now!

But you are already old and your brain is fragile. The mantra of the mind-entrance mantra will stimulate your brain nerves, and then you will become more stupid and even paralyzed.

Do you really have to force me to do this? "

The old lady sighed heavily, and slowly got up from the edge of the kang,
"No need! I understand, you are not a tomb robber, and you are not seeking money! You must be an important person somewhere!
I am just an ordinary old man. Although I know some ancient Sogdian characters, I have been poor all my life and dare not do evil. I believe in karma and retribution.

I didn't expect that before I was about to die, the river of fate would push me here, so I will do my duty! "

Then the old lady took the documents in Chen Zhi's hands with trembling hands,
Chen Zhi has carefully done typesetting of these documents. He printed each mural in miniature size and combined it with the words on it.

These words have been enlarged and arranged clearly below, and each frame can be clearly seen.

However, the volume of these texts is very large, and it will take a long time to translate them all. This is simply not a job that can be completed in one or two hours.

"It's a promise!",
The old lady first pointed out that King Gaochang held the picture of the monkey man with sad eyes, and said tremblingly,

"This is a promise made by three people. The three people make a joint promise. Based on faith, it is unbreakable!"

"three people?

There is a third person?Genzo? ", Chen Zhi asked softly.

"No no no!",
The old lady shook her head very hard,

"This is a promise made by three hands, and each of these three hands holds different powers!
A hand comes from a human, and in his hand holds the kingship!

The second hand is from the orc, and it holds power in his hand!

The third hand comes from God, and in his hand is the destiny, the destiny of all the people in the world.

He united the first hand and the second hand, and vouched for them, allowing them to benefit from each other, remove suffering, and make promises in the name of divine blood.

This oath, even after thousands of years, mountains and rivers flowing backwards, seas dry up and rocks rotten, must be fulfilled, otherwise..."

(End of this chapter)

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