Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1533 Inquiry

Chapter 1533 Inquiry

Although this record about Tang Taizong is a bit absurd and cannot be completely believed, the general events that happened at that time are already very clear.

As for Tang Taizong's trip to the underworld, it was probably done on purpose. In fact, it is not difficult for a person who has mastered the basic methods to implement this kind of thing.

Chen Zhi can use the illusion spell or the invisible spell to make anyone have nightmares, let him dream that he is falling into the underworld and crying in pain, but the premise is that this person must have a ghost in his heart.

If this god in white is Yuan Tiangang, he is the leader at that time.

Then his method of using the upper-level institutions to replace mainstream religions is indeed perfect.

That night, Chen Zhi summoned Wu Jia out with a summoning technique.

Wujia is very beautiful these days, holding Jiang's banner outside to attract many demigods.

He was originally a descendant of orcs and new gods, and his status was not high. For a long time in the past, he was excluded by the descendants of gods.

But now under Chen Zhi's banner, the descendants of the gods took a high look. I heard that there are many little demigods outside, and they have already called them gods.

Wu Jia is now wearing a gorgeous outfit and a crown of red gold wrapped with white silk on her head, just like those heavenly soldiers and generals on TV.

After seeing Chen Zhi, he immediately knelt down and bowed down, saying respectfully:

"Master, what is the purpose of summoning the slaves?"

"Wu Jia...",
Chen Zhi bowed his head and ordered,
"Go to the East Thousand Buddha Cave and bring a beastman over here. I have something to ask him..."

When Wujia heard the word orc, he hesitated obviously.
"Master, what a status you are! Why bother to meet the orcs in person.

You must know that the orcs are humble and will stain the clear eyes of the master. If there is anything to do, just let the slaves pass it on. Those humble things are not worthy of seeing the master's holy face! "

Chen Zhi frowned after hearing this, put his hands together and lowered his body, and looked into Wu Jia's eyes:

"Wujia, remember one thing!
The level difference between creatures can never be spoken from your mouth!

When you go to pick up that orc later, don't speak out, let alone scare him, understand? "

"The subordinates take orders!",
Wu Jia immediately knelt down obediently, accepted Chen Zhi's order, then turned around on the spot, and disappeared with a puff of smoke.

Not long after, smoke sprang out of the ground again, Wu Jia emerged from the ground, and then picked out another person.

It was the old man who was the gatekeeper of the Thousand Buddha Cave...

The old man was obviously terrified by Wu Jia. When he saw Chen Zhi again, he immediately bowed his head and saluted very humblely:

"The patriarch of the Jiang clan is superior!
Slaves and humble orcs, kowtow to the gods!Kowtow to the gods!

May I ask the servant girl what to do, and the servant girl will do it immediately..."

"I want to ask you something, don't be too nervous, just sit down first!",
Chen Zhi casually pointed to a chair next to him, motioning him to sit down.

But the old man was obviously terrified, he looked at the chair, then at Wujia.
I saw Wu Jia's eyes were wide open, and the corners of his eyes were red. The meaning was very obvious: old guy, you don't deserve to sit there!
The orc old man immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Zhi:

"The patriarch must not kill the slaves!
With such a humble status as a servant, I dare not admire your breath.

The divine descendant next to him didn't have a seat yet, and the servants didn't dare to sit even if they had the guts to do so!

Please patriarch take pity on the humble life of the servants, let the servants kneel and accept orders! "

"Okay~~", Chen Zhi stopped forcing him, and waved his hand casually:

"You are old, you don't have to kneel down!

Just stand and talk!
I'm going to ask you some questions now, answer as many as you know, and say you don't know if you don't know!

Don't imagine, don't mislead me, understand? "

"Slaves dare not!",
The orc kowtowed respectfully and replied:
"What the patriarch asks the servant, the servant will answer whatever, if the servant doesn't know, just say he doesn't know!"

"En!", Chen Zhi nodded slightly,
"I've already checked, there should have been an orc bloodline in Guazhou in the past, and this bloodline is not just for nothing.

But you orcs have never been good at recording, you have no marriage ethics, and you don’t often communicate with your relatives.

Let me ask you, besides your husband and wife, are there other orcs active here in Guazhou?When was the last time you saw your kind! "

The old man tilted his head, listened carefully to every word Chen Zhi said, and after thinking for a while, he replied respectfully:
"Report to the patriarch!

The servants and servants were sent here when they were teenagers. Because we are sidelines, we are insignificant among the tribe, so we have never seen the same kind since then.

But more than 100 years ago, when the war was raging here, an elder of the slaves came to the Thousand Buddha Cave to find the slaves, saying that the world was dangerous at that time and they wanted to go back to the desert.

Let us husband and wife take good care of the "Holy Buddha's Revelation Scroll", and live carefully in the future, and do it well.

At that time, I begged my elders not to leave our husband and wife behind, but the elders said that there are not many orcs left, and the environment in the desert is dangerous, even if we go back this time, we may not survive!

And our bloodline originally came from the desert, where our ancestors lived, and now we have to go back even if we die, this is called falling leaves returning to their roots!
Since then, I have never heard from them again!
I think it should be dead already! "

When the old orc said this, his tone was indescribably deep, obviously missing his clansmen.

"It turned out to be like this...",
Chen Zhi thought for a while, these days he used magic to search around, and also found a lot of information on the surrounding Gobi Desert, and indeed there was no trace of orcs.

So he looked at the orc old man again:

"You said that your blood originally came from the desert, so do you know which region of the desert it came from?"

"Hmm..." The old man tilted his head and thought for a while,
Finally, he seemed to remember something and said:

"Your maidservant remembered, I once heard from the elders that our blood came from TLF in the Eastern Desert, where there is an important road leading directly to the ancient Gaochang Kingdom!
That desert is the legendary Flame Mountain..."

 [Thanks to the Nine Heavens Yushen Sword for the rewards and updates]

(End of this chapter)

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