Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1535 Organizational Records

Chapter 1535 Organizational Records

After hearing Chen Zhi's request, Bao Ping hung up the phone without saying anything.

An hour after hanging up the phone, Bao Ping's reply came.

The first thing I sent over were some colorful pictures, all of which were clear real photos.

These pictures are all encrypted, and it is impossible to forward them to any network except Chen Zhi's mobile phone.

Judging from those photos, they are some very old written records, organized articles, using official regular script, clearly marking the time.

From the perspective of time, this should have happened during the chaotic period of the late Ming and early Qing...

It recorded a small incident in the frontier area, saying that there was a village in the TLF area, which was located in a remote area, in the area of ​​the TLF Huoyan Mountain.

Some people in the village asked the local government for help, saying that a monster has caused disasters in the village recently, and many villagers have been poisoned by it, making them miserable.

He also said that these monsters looked like humans from a distance, but they had long claws and sharp teeth, and were extremely powerful. They forcibly captured the young women in the village to go back to mate, and robbed the village of food and drinks.

And these monsters live in seclusion in the desert on weekdays, nowhere to look for, once they appear, they are ferocious, like wild beasts!
The local government couldn't handle this kind of thing, so they had to ask for help from the upper-level organization at the time, the Ming Dynasty court.

But at that time, the Central Plains was in chaos, and the Manchu Qing attacked the Ming government, and wars broke out everywhere.

Under internal and external troubles, the imperial court simply didn't have the energy to take care of such small things on the frontier, so it just let it go.

So this matter spread to the ears of the organization, and the organization sent a team of blue-belt warriors to handle the competition.

According to records, there were about six of these blue-ribbon warriors, and they went to TLF twice.

According to the past practice of the organization, for such a small task, there is no need for a red belt warrior to go out, just find two ordinary blue warriors to handle it.

Unexpectedly, after a while, news came, saying that the two warriors had disappeared in the desert, and there was no news at all!
The organization had no choice but to send four more samurai to find them back. Who would have thought that these four samurai would never be heard from again after they left.

And the village that called the police was also wiped out, and there was no one alive.

Because the organization was also in a busy period at that time, dealing with complex issues of coordinating the imperial court and the Qing Dynasty, such small things as frontier fortresses were not important to the organization.

Since the samurai was injured, it proved that the beasts that caused the disaster there were not ordinary, and there were no more living residents in the area, and there was no place to stay.

In this case, there is no need to spend the organization's manpower and material resources to track down such distant problems, and this kind of failed task is also a shame for the organization, which is not easy to publicize.

So, facing the vast desert far away, the organization did not rush to investigate.

Later, when the dynasties changed, and the leaders and high-level leaders within the organization also changed, this matter was shelved and recorded in the secret file, and no one mentioned it again.

Chen Zhi flipped through these materials on his mobile phone. The records in the organization are always simple and clear. Here, there are detailed introductions to the six blue-ribbon warriors who died in the line of duty at that time.

These are six warriors of average strength, all of whom are around 30 years old and rank as blue belts. They have no right to lead a team alone when facing big tasks.

But even so, dealing with ordinary orcs is no problem!

If all these warriors could be beheaded, it would prove that the orcs in the Flame Mountain really should not be underestimated.

"Knife!" Chen Zhi looked up at Ghost Knife.

"We're going to go, go for a walk in the desert!
If it does happen, can you deal with it? "

When Ghost Saber answered, he didn't seem to have any hesitation.In fact, when he saw those documents just now, he subconsciously wiped his knife.

"Chengzi, then let's not rush away!",
Fat Wei said next to him,
"The desert is unlike any other place where oven-like temperatures can kill us.

Those of us who used to fight were also very taboo to go to the desert, especially the ghost place on the TLF side.

People over there, it is said that Mama Dutt does not need to buy a pot, but buries an egg in the sand, and it will be cooked after a while.

If we go, we still have to make a complete preparation, don't underestimate that side..."

"Yeah!" Chen Zhi nodded in agreement.

So Fat Wei continued to say...

"Let me tell you this time, let's not take those scientific researchers with us, they are not good at trekking outdoors, and they will make a fuss when they encounter something, what a drag!

But that Master Danxuan, we still have to take it with us, this is his own business after all!
But we have to think carefully about the master's safety, otherwise we won't be able to take the blame if something goes wrong.

Tomorrow, I will contact the organization and ask them to send us the necessary equipment.

I found out that no panacea is as effective as those things in the organization's treasure bag.

In case Monk Nadanxuan faints in the desert, we have to save him! "

"Three days later!",
Chen Zhi spoke softly and made a decision,
"We go to TLF in three days and have them send the gear straight there, which should be enough time.

Tell them to send four copies, including one for Danxuan, and then we will set off there..."

"Can you confirm the location of Gaochang Kingdom now?" Fat Wei asked beside him.

"It's confirmed!" Chen Zhi nodded.

"Before I came, I had someone make a positioning, in fact, this ancient Gaochang country has already revealed its true identity.

There is an ancient city ruins in the east of Gaochang District, TLF City today, which has been identified as the ancient Gaochang Kingdom 1300 years ago.

Although very few people know about it now, the country has approved a tourism plan to make it a part of the Flaming Mountain Scenic Area, and it probably won’t take long for everyone to know about it.”

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he changed the golden one into the quilt again, held it in his hand and weighed it,

"This time we go, there may be unexpected gains!"

"Oh?" Fat Wikaba looked at Chen Zhi with his eyes wide open,

"Is it possible?

You want me to go back to my old job and go there to make some more money?That's no problem, I guess there might be some treasure hidden under the Guchang Gaochang Kingdom..."

"There must be treasures!" Chen Zhi said meaningfully,
"The old lady of Nasog told us that the god in white at that time gave a treasure to the king of Gaochang, so he got those materials in exchange.

At that time, the god in white made the monkey man promise that after returning, he would transform into a god of war to protect Gaochang.

The treasure and the god of war, when these two things are combined, I can't help but wonder, what is the entity of this treasure? "

"Do you suspect that it is a spirit stone?" Ghost Knife asked beside him.

"Yes!" Chen Zhi nodded again,

"It must be a big price for a king who is in deep war crisis to use all the power of the whole country to support it!

I suspect that at that time, the god in white probably left a god-level spirit stone in Gaochang.

And this spirit stone is still preserved in the ancient Gaochang country!

It's just that no one can find it.

And that poor King Gaochang may still be waiting for the monkey man to go back and fulfill his promise,

More than 1300 years have passed, and this promise has not been fulfilled, which may be the reason why Danxuan was cursed..."

(End of this chapter)

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