Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548
As Chen Zhi said, they have not left the Karez cave since the morning.

The cave spread more and more downwards, like an underground ant hole, intricate and unfathomable.

They have been walking down in this cave all day, and it is estimated that they have reached nearly a hundred floors below, a very deep position.

But the fake can never become real. No matter how similar the virtual world is, it can always find flaws. This is just a very simple illusion, which Chen Zhi can easily decipher...

However, when the real world appeared, it was beyond their expectations.

Chen Zhi also once thought that the lowest cave might be unimaginably huge.

But he never thought that he would see this scene in front of him.

When the original phantom world disappeared before their eyes, what appeared in front of them was absolute darkness.

This darkness is so deep, so deep that you can't breathe
A strong smell of rot and beast's fur came out of the nostrils, as if a lot of hairs had been inserted into the nose, and goosebumps rose all over the body.

And relatively accompanied by that special salty taste deep in the ground.

Chen Zhi and the others quickly turned on the searchlights and pointed them forward. Although they were mentally prepared, the scene ahead still greatly stimulated their brain nerves!
In front of it was a huge cave, like a huge round hall. The cave was so big that it was impossible to see where the top was.

However, in the middle of the round hall, there was an extremely huge mummy sitting upright on the ground of the round hall.

The mummy had an elephant head and a human body, with a long nose, sitting there half leaning on its body like a human.

He was wearing armor, and his figure was extremely huge. He really sat far away like a hill, and the scene was very shocking.

Sitting next to him was a mummified corpse that looked like a giant leopard. The corpse was very broken, as if it had just been in a fight, and almost all the flesh on its body had been bitten off.

The giant leopard's eyes had disappeared, and its spotted patterned skin was still lifelike. With its long fangs, it leaned against the rock wall.

Because of the age, these two mummies are shrunken and their eyes are rotten and ugly. It is estimated that they have been dead for hundreds of years...

Chen Zhi once saw the body of the nine-tailed celestial fox in the tomb of the celestial fox.

The huge fox is so huge, it shocks the soul.At this time, the corpses of these orcs in front of them were not inferior to that of Tianhu's body, and were even slightly larger!
"Is this the orc from the Western Regions?

These are the most primitive orcs, as they should be... ",
Chen Zhi thought about it silently in his heart, and then thought about the records of the orcs in Jiang's library.

"From the beginning of the beastman to the ancient times, there is no record along the river to the present day. Because of their roughness and barbarism, the gods often enslave them and beat them as rides. They are extremely lowly.

There are behemoths from ancient times, those with infinite power, who cannot bear to be humiliated, gradually retreat to the frontier, and return to the mountains, forests and deserts, and occupy them as kings. Its strong and huge flood is like a god..."

The majestic scene that suddenly appeared in front of them shocked everyone's vision. Seeing this scene that only appeared in fantasy dramas, everyone was stunned.

If in reality, even if photos of these huge creatures were taken, no one would believe that they were real.

At this time, the ground under Chen Zhi's feet began to loosen slightly, as if something couldn't get out, Chen Zhi covered his right arm, and finally recited a few words silently, and drew a round symbol on the ground.

Then, accompanied by a puff of white smoke, Wu Jia got out from below, and Fat Wei was also brought out by him.

When Fat Wei got out of the ground, his body was covered with dirt, and his face was like that of a little black child. He patted the dust on his body, and said to Chen Zhi with a full face of displeasure:

"Damn, this underground road is really hard to walk, I almost suffocated to death!
Next time, if you want to do the hard work of leading a snake into a hole, I won't do it anymore!
All the heroes are played by you all day long, and all these shameful roles are done by me, which made me lose my fans..."

Fat Wei babbled a few words, but Wu Jia knelt on the ground and replied to Chen Zhi,

"Master, this underground road is very difficult to walk. It is full of orc man's excrement. It is very dirty. The slaves also have orc blood, which is in conflict with this place. It was very difficult to walk all the way just now, and they almost didn't break through the ground!
Congratulations to the master's body of gold and jade, don't be humiliated, it's better to stay away from this dirty place! "

"I see, you go first!" Chen Zhi shook Wu Jia's hand, and with a puff of smoke, Wu Jia went back into the ground.

Fat Wei kept beating the dust off his body, and suddenly saw the back of the ghost knife, and immediately pointed there and screamed:
"Run away! Run away!

I said you people all have white eyes?

I went to such great lengths to sell the monkey that I just caught, and now it's gone. Didn't any of you find out?

Knife, you are still a samurai!The captives have all run away, you don't know it yet! "

After hearing what Fat Wei said, Ghost Knife didn't react at all. He wiped his own knife, inserted it back into his waist, and said nonchalantly,
"I let it go on purpose!
Naturally, I can catch it again..."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Fat Wei, but took a few steps forward, folded his hands in front of his chest, carefully looked at the two huge corpses in front of him, turned around and said to Chen Zhi:
"Patriarch, it is estimated that this is not the lowest level, nor is it the most central area.

I let that thing go on purpose, he should have turned into a small animal by now and left here.

Will he go to the center here, as you guessed? "

Chen Zhi nodded slightly, then opened the palm of his right hand, and read a few words silently,

Suddenly, with a "bang~~", a blue ball of air flow appeared from his hand, and a blue flame appeared in it.

The flame gradually changed into a figure, scratching his ears and cheeks, his body bent like a monkey.

The monkey was obviously frightened at this time, and ran very quickly in one direction...

Chen Zhi looked at the flame in his hand and smiled,

"This monkey is very stubborn and will never be subdued easily.

If he was forced to lead the way, he probably wouldn't obey even if he was beaten to death!

Now let him think that he has escaped, he will definitely run to the safest place to hide.

We just have to follow him to find the center here.

I'm really interested, what kind of good things are hidden in this lair of orcs in the ancient Western Regions.

Maybe, there are still relics left by Dou Victory Buddha..."

(End of this chapter)

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