Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1550 Water Hole

Chapter 1550 Water Hole

[Thanks to Mr. Lao Qiu, I will add more rewards]

On top of the six stone troughs, there were actually six cold and stiff corpses, lying peacefully in the darkness for an unknown amount of time.

It was obviously a human corpse, with armor and weapons on it.

Just like the straw mat on the ground, because of the unique geological environment and temperature here, a thick film formed on the surface of the corpse to protect the corpse.

However, the difference was that thick moss grew on the surface of the corpse, which was green, like a green stone statue, stiff there!
Ghost Knife jumped over immediately, first put on gloves, probed inside the corpse, then drew out the dagger, and scraped off the moss on the corpse's face...

What was exposed inside was indeed a human face, but the facial features had been frozen, like frozen meat.

However, there was no damage to the body as a whole, the clothes were well preserved, and the weapons were brought with him.

"This is the person who organized in the past...",
Ghost Sword turned to look at Chen Zhi, and said softly,

"I heard that for a long time in the past, the management of organizational clothing was strict, and warriors needed to wear armor according to their status, and it was not until later that they gradually changed to ordinary clothing.

I have seen the armor of these people, and it is exactly the same as the ancient armor in the organization, and the tattoos on the hairline are no problem.

They are the warriors sent by the organization to Huoyan Mountain 300 years ago! "

For some reason, the result in front of him made Chen Zhi heave a long sigh of relief.

"Actually, Chen Zhi has been worried about their final outcome ever since he saw the rare copies left by those ancient warriors in the Meijiu Village ruins.

Although they were Xiqi warriors more than 300 years ago, they still don't want them to fall into the belly of the beast, such a tragic result.

Xiqi warriors value glory the most, and this kind of belonging is the luckiest thing for them!
Standing on the stone platform, Ghost Knife searched for other corpses. Sure enough, there was no problem. These were the corpses of six men.

Every corpse has fatal wounds, all of which are bitten scars. Before they died, they all fought to the death.

And although these corpses have a layer of material like a protective film, the inner skin is full of tooth marks, and even the stone grooves are covered with deep scratches.

It is estimated that in the process of transporting these six corpses down, many obstacles have been experienced. It can be imagined that these human corpses were coveted by many beasts on the upper floor, and they resisted a lot of pressure before they were taken down!
"nd, it seems that this monkey is quite benevolent..." Fat Wei continued,

"Could it be that he deliberately saved some face for us Xiqi?

If I knew this earlier, when I beat him violently just now, I also let the knife show some mercy. "

"Don't think too much, he will never show face to Xiqi..."
Chen Zhi said softly,
"On the contrary, it is estimated that he will hate Xiqi very much!

If you don't believe me, try it, if we fall into his hands, he will cut us open without blinking an eye!
These warriors can have such treatment, it is estimated that for him, they are enemies worthy of respect! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he jumped up, and Fat Wei followed suit, looking down together.

The platform was high on it, like six large stone observations, blocking the way ahead.

Chen Zhi and the others used a flashlight to shine a light on the bottom of the stone platform, and it turned out that there was a small cliff!

The bottom of the cliff is full of stagnant water, and the sound of dripping water just now came from that side.

No wonder the place is full of green moss. It turns out that behind this is a wet land of water.

Looking forward along the accumulated water, there is a dark grotto. The depth of the grotto is unclear, and the edge of the stone wall can be vaguely seen, which should lead to another place.

Chen Zhi took a picture of the ground with a flashlight again, and found that there was a shallow layer of water on the ground, and some small stones were exposed on it, and the surface was relatively flat, and he could step on it all the way.

"Let's go in and have a look, maybe there is the road over there...",
As Chen Zhi said, he stepped on the stones on the ground and started to walk inside, and the others followed him.

This road is very difficult to walk. The surface of those stones is very smooth, and some are also very sharp. If you accidentally fall on it, you will fall and bruise.

Pang Wei was the first one to walk the hardest, swearing that only monkeys can walk through this damn place.

On the contrary, Danxuan's performance is very good. Since he arrived at this place, he suddenly became very adaptable, his body is agile, like a fish in water, walking on these small stones is like walking at home, he is very familiar with it.

However, this pitch-black cave is getting more and more frightening. The further you go in, the deeper and unfathomable it becomes, and the darkness is extremely dark.

In that kind of darkness and coldness, there seem to be pairs of eyes hidden inside, and even shadows flashing by can be seen, but when you look closely, there is nothing.

Occasionally, however, a little echoing sound can be heard.

The sound was like a scream, or the sound of running water, or something else, it's hard to be sure...

They walked forward in the darkness for a long, long time, and they didn't know how far they had walked. They only felt that there was more and more water on the ground, and at this time they saw a huge stone in front of them.

The stone was oval in shape, blocking the front like a stone screen.

And the flickering voice just now finally revealed his true body.

"哗啦啦啦", there was a rush of running water from top to bottom.

Right above the stone, there is actually a clear underground waterfall!

I saw that the underground waterfall is very transparent, and the surface is shining, like a transparent mirror, since the images of several of them are all reflected.

Just as they were about to take a closer look ahead, Pang Wei pointed at Danxuan's face in the waterfall, his mouth was so wide open that he couldn't speak.

Everyone immediately looked at the image in the waterfall, and it turned out that the face of Danxuan in the waterfall had disappeared.

Instead, there was a monkey-like face, but that monkey was even more hideous, even terrifying.

Under this face, Chen Zhi immediately thought of the description of Monkey King's appearance in the ancient book Journey to the West.

"He has round eyes, round ears, hairy face, thunderous mouth, thin face, sharp mouth and narrow cheeks. Although he looks like a human, he has fewer cheeks than a human.

Zha Er has a broad forehead and fangs protruding outwards, ferocious and ferocious, like a ghost..."

 [Thanks to Mr. Lao Qiu, I will add more rewards]

(End of this chapter)

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