Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1552

Chapter 1552
When the underground waterfall like a water curtain appeared in everyone's field of vision, everyone's eyes were immediately fixed on the glittering things in the waterfall!

It appeared to be a metal ring, but it was not clearly visible from behind the stream.

But that thing is extremely bright, with a silvery luster all over its body, even the most shining metal that humans can imagine, cannot match it in case.

And the brilliance of that metal is too familiar to Chen Zhi, it is the control stone!
This is definitely the most primitive control stone, the purity of it is extremely high, surpassing the god-level control stone above advanced level, it is enough to be called a real piece of divine iron.

Chen Zhi himself has such a piece of magic iron, which is the magic whip hidden in his palm, which can change from big to small in the air, and it can change infinitely.

They also saw this kind of iron in the tomb of Genghis Khan in Mongolia.

This kind of divine iron has its own executive power, can transform freely, transform into various shapes, and even chase the enemy, as if it has its own life!
At that time, those goblins were able to be strong and invincible in the ground precisely because they had the divine iron in their hands, controlling the boundaries of the land, and no one could escape.

At that time, Chen Zhi also brought back a piece of Shentie that had been cut off, but after it was sent to the research institute, the researchers clearly told him that the content of this metal substance was extremely complex and could not be copied at all. Can exist in the age of mythology.

But in front of him, this peerless light appeared again behind the water curtain, making everyone's hearts flutter.

"F*ck, shit," Fat Wei was so excited that he couldn't describe it. He pointed at the thing with silver light in front of him, and turned to look at Chen Zhi.

"Damn it, I never thought there would be such a holy moment, did we travel to Journey to the West, or something?
Don't tell me, that's the legendary golden hoop, the one used to subdue Monkey King, that's really against the sky!Can I see Fairy Zixia later?I'm stupid! "

"Maybe it's really..." Chen Zhi also fixed his eyes on the thing behind the water curtain in front of him,
"We have also seen such a thing in the murals, which means that it really exists, maybe..., it has always stayed here! It's just not exactly the same as the legend!"

"Is it so legendary?" Although Fat Wei was very excited, he obviously couldn't believe it at this time.

"Well..., Cheng Zi, if you have no objections, I'll go over and have a look first. Just look at what kind of artifact it is..." After Fat Wei finished speaking, he jumped a few steps directly to the rock in front of him , fell into the pool, wading through the water.

"Wait a minute!", Chen Zhi subconsciously looked at the shiny silver headband, looked at the surrounding environment, thought for a while,
"Go get it!

must be careful!Move fast!Come back as soon as you get it, don't hesitate! "

"Okay!" Fat Wei responded crisply, and walked to the bottom of the waterfall in twos and threes.

The temperature of the waterfall was obviously very cold, and Pang Wei was so cold that his teeth were chattering.

But Fat Wei is not a fool, he knows that where there are treasures, they are often connected with organs.

He first leaned his head against the grotto, looked around carefully, and then touched the surrounding stones.

After confirming that nothing was wrong, he put on the wire gloves, pointed his hand at the silver light circle in the waterfall, and stretched it in with a "swish", then took out the thing with lightning speed, and quickly retreated. return.

After the silver metal was taken out from the waterfall, the silver light flickered immediately, illuminating the entire cave.

But other than that, nothing happened, and no mechanism was touched.

When Fat Wei came back, he was completely drenched, the surrounding waterfalls were still rushing, and the water surface was rising with cold air.

After Fat Wei took it back, he didn't look at it carefully, and handed the first one to Chen Zhi.

At this moment, Chen Zhi finally saw the shape of this thing clearly.

This is really a headband, but if you want to talk about it, this headband is actually quite different from the legendary golden hoop.
First of all, this headband is pure silver and made of the purest control stone. This kind of warm touch is incomparable. It is true that it belongs to the level of Shentie.

However, the silver hoop is bare without any engravings. It is not like the one in the legend. There are double cloud spirals in the front, and colorful words are carved on it.

Now this headband is in Chen Zhi's hands, apart from being shiny and smooth, there is nothing special about it, just like the steel rings that can be seen casually in the factory now.

Chen Zhi weighed it, but it wasn't heavy.

"Could it really be that thing?" Fat Wei was so excited at this moment, he asked softly beside him.

"Maybe..." Chen Zhi replied softly.

But at this time, the ghost knife next to him came over, touched Chen Zhi's arm with his hand, and then pointed to the gap of the sarcophagus in the waterfall ahead.

Chen Zhi raised his head and looked down, only then did he realize that, at some point, a lot of white bones suddenly appeared in those black gaps!

Those white bones are a pair of whole skeletons, which are very well preserved, and at first glance they look like teenagers among humans.

But when you look closely, you can find that the skeletons and heads are very flat and small, the pelvis and lumbar spine are bent, the hand bones are hook-shaped, and there is an obvious tailbone behind them.

Only then was it determined that it was the skeleton bones of some monkeys.

What's strange is that these monkeys are holding strings of Buddhist beads in their hands.

The Buddhist beads are basically rough wood, and they have been deformed under the washing of waterfalls for many years, but for some reason, there are still no loose threads!

"It seems that it is true..."
Chen Zhi moved his eyes back to the silver hoop, looked at it repeatedly,
"This should be the real hometown of Dou Victory Buddha, and the monkey-shaped orcs here are all his bloodlines!
One thing can be confirmed now, that is, after Dou Shengfo accompanied Xuanzang to learn Buddhist scriptures, he returned here.

At that time, he was planning to settle in the Western Regions in the future, so he left such important things here.

But unexpectedly, an unexpected incident occurred in Chang'an later. The fighting Buddha died in the capital, borrowing someone else's face, and in the end he didn't even leave his identity and name behind.

Since then, he has never returned to his hometown, and these descendants of his tribe have been waiting for him here until he dies..."

(End of this chapter)

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