Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1559 Seeing Gaochang at last

Chapter 1559 Seeing Gaochang at last

The legendary ancient country of Gaochang is at the end of this desert...

Compared to the unbearable high temperature of the Flame Mountain, the Ancient Gaochang Kingdom is more like a rare oasis.

Low shrubs can be seen here and there, and it can be seen that this was once a place where fresh water flowed, but now, this oasis has passed away...

It can be seen from some local chronicles of the Tang Dynasty that the former Gaochang ancient country was very prosperous for a long period of time in the past.

This rare prosperity is closely related to its important geographical location.

At that time, this was the only way of the Silk Road, and caravans from all directions had to stop here.

Traders weary from the scorching sun and hellish desert, this is a beautiful oasis with ample water.

According to the local chronicles of the Tang Dynasty, it used to be densely populated and the traffic was very developed. There were caravans of camels in front of the city gate, and women with braided hair and veils held fresh fruits and wine in their hands, receiving merchants and tourists from all directions.

When Chen Zhi and the others set foot on this former oasis land, they seemed to be able to see rows of camels passing by him, women in white veils, with grapes on their heads, carrying wine jugs, stepping on noisy roads. street~~
On the ground under their feet, you can still see traces of many large and small stone bricks, all of which are diamond-shaped paving patterns, more than 1000 years ago.This should be a wide stone road leading directly to the gate of Gaochang Kingdom.

Chen Zhi and the others walked along this avenue, and when they reached the end, there was a valley below.

Standing on the hillside and looking forward, you can see a vast ruins below.

The ruins are all yellow broken walls, the same color as the sand here, mixed in the yellow sand of the desert, like rows of large yellow building blocks, standing there quietly, majestic but lifeless.

There is the legendary Gaochang Kingdom...

To be honest, Chen Zhi didn't think of the legendary Gaochang ancient country as magnificent in the past.

Until now, they had seen too many tombs of gods, and there were very few human buildings that could shake his heart.

And how can a small frontier country in the Western Regions be so magnificent?
But unexpectedly, when he saw the ruins of the ancient city in front of him, Chen Zhi's heart was still deeply shocked.

It can be said that if all the ruins of the ancient Gaochang country are excavated, their magnificence and sophistication can completely compete with the ancient Roman city.

And the layout of the city's structure is also quite particular.

Anyone who studies Tang history knows that Gaochang Kingdom is the largest ancient city in the Western Regions. It was built in the first century BC and has a history of more than 2000 years.

It used to be the political, military, economic, and cultural center of the TLF Basin, and it was also the largest international city, religious center, and printing center in the Western Regions.

It is conceivable how far culture and art had developed in this small frontier country at that time...

Gao Chang's achievement like this is actually inseparable from the continuous introduction of Central Plains culture.

In 104 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Li Guangli tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to expedition to Dawan. Due to the long distance and insufficient supply, he was defeated in the end.

Li Guangli summed up his lessons and built a city here for reclamation, and finally won a big victory, so this city also stayed. Because of the high terrain and prosperous people, this place was named Gaochang.

During the war in the Western Jin Dynasty, a large number of refugees from the Central Plains fled to Gaochang, and Gaochang County was established for more than 100 years.

In 443 A.D., the Beiliang government-in-exile established the Gaochang State here, and made it the political and Buddhist cultural center of the four regions.

This is the history of the founding of Gaochang Kingdom...

During the Tang Dynasty, the Gaochang Kingdom sent envoys to Chang'an to pay tribute, and humbly learned the advanced culture and management experience of the Tang Dynasty.

Even Gaochang's imperial city was remodeled according to the outline of the Tang Dynasty, its scale and internal layout were the same as those of Chang'an City.

So if you want to know the scale of Chang'an City in Tang Dynasty, you can know it at Gaochang City.

Of course, the Gaochang Kingdom was later destroyed by the Tang Dynasty. In 1275, the Mongolian nobles rebelled and the royal city was destroyed.

Gaochang, this ancient and glorious capital was finally destroyed by the flames of war, leaving only ruins and ruined walls, which looked very sad.

The vast yellow sand seems to be very suitable to cover up the past history. No one likes to discuss the glory of the past under the scorching sun.

The ruins of Gaochang have been buried in the yellow sand and have not been discovered for more than 1000 years.

It wasn't until the year before last that an archaeological team accidentally discovered a remnant of the wall, and only then did they find this pearl left in the desert.

The archaeological team was shocked and immediately issued a project approval report to the higher authorities.

Because it is the Flaming Mountain Scenic Area and it carries the legend of Journey to the West, it has received national attention and support.

At the beginning of last year, large-scale excavation began in this area, and many ancient city walls buried under the sand showed their original shape. Now this ancient city has finally reappeared in the yellow sand.

It is estimated that after a period of operation, this place will also become a scenic spot.

Chen Zhi and the others began to descend the hillside along the avenue, and walked towards the gate of Gaochang Kingdom.

The so-called gate had already turned into a broken wall of loess, leaving only an empty gate.

But outside, I saw a lot of public tents and tin carts dedicated to the archaeological team.

Because he didn't know whether he could meet people in front of him, Chen Zhi made the monkey look like a human before approaching the front, so as not to scare them when he really bumped into people.

The setting sun was strong and the wind was singing, and the weeds were singing sad songs. When they walked together to the old city of Gaochang, an inexplicable exclamation suddenly surged in their hearts.

Chen Zhi took a special look at Danxuan, and found that his expression was extremely excited, and he seemed to be weeping very much facing this barren Gaochang City.

Fortunately, there was no one in the iron house in front, and there was no sign of anyone in the surrounding area.

It is estimated that it is midsummer, the environment here is too hot, and no workers can be found to start the construction, so the construction is suspended.

But fortunately, there are a lot of supplies and food left here, the most practical of which is the tin cart that can shelter from the wind and the scorching sun.

Although this tin cart is small, it has everything you need, including a generator, a few sleeping beds, a simple stove, a small refrigerator, and so on.

They opened the small refrigerator and found some preserved food, bottled fresh water and even canned beer inside.

After these drinks are chilled, it must be refreshing to drink a can in this place.

There are also some simple kitchen utensils and washing utensils in the tin car, and even simple bathing facilities.

Here they can take a good shower, eat a good meal, and sleep well at night.

So Chen Zhi decided at that time not to go to the city today, but to take a rest here to relieve the wind and dust on his body.

Then the next morning, I went into this ancient Gaochang country to take a look...

 【For Vicente Zeng Wan Rewards Add More】

(End of this chapter)

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