Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1572 History

Chapter 1572 History
These things Ju Wentai said are in line with historical facts!
The Tang Dynasty was built on the coup d'état of killing fathers and brothers. After the establishment of the regime, stability was urgently needed.

In the early days of the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Gaochang King Ju Wentai once showed his favor to the Tang Emperor, and brought his wife Yuwen into the court, presenting generous gifts to seek friendship.

At that time, Li Shimin was just starting out, and he tried his best to win over Ju Wentai. He not only rewarded the Ju couple generously, but also bestowed the surname of Li on his wife, named him Princess Changle, and entered the royal clan.

Ju Wentai also became Li Shimin's son-in-law and joined Zong.

After that, the Tang Dynasty rose rapidly, and this small country of Gaochang, which was far away in a remote corner, no longer needed to be taken seriously.

The important position of Gaochang on the Silk Road has also become a thorn in Li Shimin's eyes.

According to the records of the Later Tang Dynasty:

In the 14th year of Zhenguan, Ju Wentai sent envoys to Chang'an three times to seek peace with the Tang Dynasty, but Tang Taizong refused.

In August, the Tang army surrounded Gaochang, Ju Wentai died of fright, and the capital of Gaochang was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

After this battle, Emperor Taizong of Tang revoked Gaochang's national status and changed its name to Xizhou. Since then, Gaochang perished and officially withdrew from the stage of history.

Looking at Ju Wentai's pale face in front of him, Chen Zhi knew that he was not lying.

He knew what happened at that time, and what he said was very consistent with history, but he didn't know what happened after Gaochang...

"Do you know the name of that god in white clothes?",
Chen Zhi looked at Ju Wentai and asked.

"I don't know,"
Ju Wentai looked at the ground lonely,

"But I know that he is an important person in China, he is the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty, and he also has a powerful army behind him, so what he promised must be counted.

Also, Brother Wang recognizes him!

Brother Wang said that he is a god, his status is extremely precious, and he is unwilling to appear in front of people easily.

Whatever he promises, he will be, and he will never break his promise!Let me rest assured! "

Chen Zhi then asked, "Then did this god come to Gaochang later?"

"No!", Ju Wentai was obviously a little sad when he mentioned this, he was still looking at the ground:

"After he gave the treasure to me for safekeeping, he never came again.

But he promised me that Gaochang will be safe from now on, and he will come to rescue me if there is any danger.

Later, Li Shimin betrayed his faith, and the fire broke out outside. I thought that the gods would come to Gaochang to save me, but he didn't come.

But it doesn't matter, Brother Wang will definitely come, Brother Wang promised me that no matter what the situation, he will never abandon me, he will definitely save me from the flames!
The god said that Brother Wang's bloodline is very talented. Although he came from a humble background, once he becomes a God of War, he will be the God of War in the world!
As long as there is that treasure, Brother Wang will be as powerful as nine days, and no one can beat him! "

"Baby..." Chen Zhi looked at Ju Wentai lightly, and rolled his eyes,
"You have mentioned this many times, it seems very important!

But you haven't answered me yet, where did you put that XZ?

Can you tell me whether it is in this temple or outside Gaochang city? "

Chen Zhi's tone was trying to be very calm, but when this question was asked, the tranced Ju Wentai suddenly became alert, and he raised his eyes.

In an instant, his blurred eyes suddenly became ferocious, and then even became less and less human,

"Where's my water?
What about food?
I'm hungry, I'm so hungry...

Give me water quickly... ",
Ju Wentai's eyes suddenly went straight, and then, like a mental patient, he suddenly went berserk, and his fingers suddenly became extremely sharp, and he rushed towards Chen Zhi fiercely.

This time, Chen Zhi had already prepared himself, a protective barrier blocked Ju Wentai's sharp claws.

At this time, Chen Zhi had already sensed the fact that Ju Wentai's power was really penetrating, leaving several fingerprints on his barrier.

What is even more worrying is that Ju Wentai actually has an effect on his enchantment. This is what Chen Zhi is most worried about!
The so-called different space can be divided into many types.

Some are time-space divisions parallel to the modern world, while some spaces are very special, because people's subjective consciousness is too strong, and the same space is copied out of thin air.

That is to say, this space itself does not exist, it only exists in the human brain and consciousness.

If I had to describe it, it was more like a human dream.

But to enter someone else's dream, you need to pay a price, that is, in this dream, everything must be under the command of that person...

In other words, the current situation is that if Ju Wentai doesn't want to let Chen Zhi go, it will be very difficult for Chen Zhi to leave...

Next, Ju Wentai became very irritable, emotional and out of control.

He kept scratching his head like crazy, no matter how Chen Zhi communicated with him, he couldn't communicate anymore.

Moreover, his body gradually began to deform, which felt very strange, even if it was a ball of hot wax that was continuously liquefied, stretching and deforming continuously.

Chen Zhi had a hunch that when this Ju Wentai collapsed completely, he might never be able to get out again!
"I'll go and bring your younger brother!" Facing the maddened Ju Wentai, Chen Zhi suddenly shouted.

This sentence is obviously very useful. Ju Wentai, who was in a crazy state, stabilized all of a sudden!

His eyes began to become very bright, and his beard and hair were also very bright. He looked straight at Chen Zhi, and asked urgently,
"Are you serious?

Do you know my brother? "

"Yes!" Chen Zhi said with certainty,
"I'm friends with your younger brother, he asked me to come and find you!

If you let me out, I can bring him to you, then you will be together, and he will relieve you of the siege! "

"Then..., where is the god in white?",
At this time, Ju Wentai's eyes had a glimmer of hope, and he looked at Chen Zhi firmly, as if he could see something from his body, and continued,

"The white god promised me to wait until my younger brother returns.

He will definitely come to Gaochang, enshrine the king's brother as a god, and protect our country from generation to generation, he..."

"He won't come!",
Chen Zhi suddenly yelled, so loud that he didn't expect it.

For some reason, Chen Zhi looked at Ju Wentai who was looking forward to this, and suddenly felt a strong sense of guilt, which felt like countless fine needles, piercing into his heart.

He closed his eyes, let his emotions gradually calm down, and then looked at Ju Wentai again:

"Forget about him!
He's not coming back, he... lied to you! "

(End of this chapter)

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