Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1578 Test

Chapter 1578 Test
That was Danxuan's voice...

Danxuan's voice is very loud outside, but also very ethereal, it is really unreal, as if it is imagined in the human mind...

"Aren't you dead?",
Chen Zhi looked at the sky with his deep purple eyes, it seemed that the dark sky was turned purple by his eyes,

"I have long felt that your aura is not right.

The closer you get to Gaochang, the more and more wrong your aura becomes. In the end, I couldn't see it clearly. You deliberately hid your aura.

The edge of your aura is very thick, ordinary human beings don't have such a strong aura like you, you are more like an old man, a very old man who is not leaking!

If you only live for more than 100 years, it is impossible to have such a strong aura, and humans and demigods will not have such a long life span.

What the hell are you?
Is it a ghost?

or God? "

Danxuan's voice is still floating in the air, misty and wandering,
"When I was young, I was indeed deeply tempted by the position of this god, but in the end, I didn't have the chance to enter the rank of gods. This is probably my fate...

1300 years ago, Princess Gaoyang fell in love with an orc and was found pregnant with a baby.

After the Dongchuang incident, Emperor Tang was furious, and his lover was cut in half.

Afterwards, Princess Gaoyang gave birth to a son, thinking of her lover's blood, and wanted to raise him as an adult, but she did not ask for the royal jade butterfly.

However, the baby died less than ten days after it was born, leaving only a small corpse.

Fighting and defeating Buddha and Princess Gaoyang did not leave any living heirs! "

"then who are you?",
Chen Zhi looked at the sky and shouted loudly:
"I don't want to play charades with you anymore!
If Dou defeated Buddha and Princess Gaoyang did not leave blood, then who are you?

Why is the same face passed down from generation to generation, the face of King Ju Wentai of Gaochang? Is it to pay off the debt? "

"I'm afraid I'll forget..."

The voice in the air began to become weaker and weaker, flowing repeatedly in the clouds,
"1000 years is too long, in order not to forget the promise, so I will always be like that, and I will always remember the debt I owe.

Even if you don't hesitate to borrow someone else's body, you have to repay it.

There is a kind of repayment called waiting..."

"Don't talk to me outside!",
Chen Zhi suddenly hated Danxuan's tone so much, he stretched out his palm, and covered the surface of the barrier with crackling wind and thunder curses,

"Come out!

Let me see your true colors, what you look like! "

"Don't look at me, look at yourself...",
Danxuan's voice gradually became smaller,

"Look at yourself, do you still look like a human being?"

"I do not want this!",
Chen Zhi roared loudly towards the sky, he never thought that he would be so excited, at this moment his brain seemed to explode, and the boiling blood was uncontrollable.

All the time, that is, all the guilt, doubts and hesitation in his heart were completely released at once,

"I don't want to, but I have no choice!

Do you want me to spare that monkey?
But will he forgive me?Will Xi Qi be forgiven?

Jiang Ziya's mistakes are irreversible.

But this orc will never give up his hatred, no matter how he is forced, even if he is killed, he will never learn to forgive!

I can only choose to let it go away!Let this end, it's my only choice...

I have my responsibility, if the enchantment is destroyed in my hands, no one will forgive me! "

"Forgiveness comes from the heart...",
That faint voice finally echoed in the air and drifted away.

At this time, Chen Zhi seemed to wake up after being splashed with a basin of cold water.

The enchantment in his hand was as transparent as a mirror, and he suddenly saw his own face in the enchantment.

He was originally a very ordinary human face, but now it has become more and more perfect, every line is very delicate, but the most eye-catching is the pair of eyes that have turned deep purple!
This purple is very dazzling, not a color that can be found in this world.

That beautiful purple carried a sense of the most primitive nobility, reflecting his face perfectly and familiarly.

Suddenly, Chen Zhi saw Jiang Shang's shadow on his own face.

At that moment, he felt extremely frightened, all the aura in his body dropped, his blood froze, and he regained his composure...

Chen Zhi closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax for a long time. When he opened them again, his eyes returned to their normal color, and everything around him had dissipated...

The monkey was still lying on the desert, badly wounded and unconscious.
At this time, Fat Wei and Ghost Dao also ran over from behind.

Ghost Saber told Chen Zhi that he chased the monkey for a long distance, and when he slashed past it with the last knife, the monkey disappeared!
Only then did Ghost Knife realize that he had been tricked into diverting the tiger away from the mountain, and returned immediately.

When he came back, he found that the monkey had been pressed down by Chen Zhi's barrier, and his breath was weak.

"What was written in that letter?",
Fat Wei looked at Chen Zhi with a very serious tone, and at the same time, Ghost Saber also looked at Chen Zhi, the expression on his face said everything, "They need to know the truth!"

Chen Zhi didn't answer. He lowered his head and looked at the desert under his feet. After thinking for a long time, he finally reached out and took out the letter from his treasure bag, and handed it to Ghost Knife and Fat Wei.

Fat Wei has always been a person with a clear mind. Instead of reading the letter, he took it and handed it to Ghost Dao.

Ghost Knife opened the letter paper, quickly read the content on it, and suddenly became pale.

He also looked at the monkey on the desert, and there were many things in his eyes, even more sympathy.

He was silent for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice,
"Don't let this matter get out!
The past is in the past, and there is no need to delve into it!

Xiqi has encountered catastrophe several times, and people's hearts need to be stable!
At this time, the image of Jiang Shang Shenzun in everyone's hearts cannot be destroyed, otherwise people will doubt the authenticity of the enchantment, and the consequences will be disastrous! "

"The knife is right!",
Fat Wei's expression was so serious that he didn't look like himself.

"Chengzi, it's not easy to be the leader of Xiqi, you must have the skills to control people.

Don't worry about the past!
This letter must be destroyed at once, and must never be known again.

Otherwise, if Xiqi's straight-hearted warriors find out, they will definitely not be able to bear it, and they may not be able to do anything.

Once people's hearts are shaken, they will doubt Jiang Ziya, and finally they will doubt the enchantment!
After those three years, things will be in big trouble!

When it breaks, it breaks!

Like a man!
Destroy this letter, that monkey, and deal with it!Let our grandfather owe him once! "

For some reason, Chen Zhi's heart suddenly jumped up sharply. He lowered his eyes and looked at the unconscious little monkey on the ground. That little head was extremely helpless in the desert, as if it was testing his conscience.

Suddenly, Chen Zhi deeply felt that there was actually only a thin line between him and the evil he once thought...

(End of this chapter)

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