Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1582 Substitutes

Chapter 1582 Substitutes ([-])
This sudden voice shocked everyone!

Time stood still for an instant, those fighting sounds stopped, and the whole world fell silent...

That crazy Ju Wentai was no longer as manic as before. He put down the monkey with one hand, and then looked towards the ladder outside. The expression on his face was unspeakably excited, even crazy. .


Brother Wang...

is it you?
Is that you? "

"it's me!",
From the stairs, a voice came down faintly,

"Brother Wang, I'm late!

May I come in? "

"Woooo~~~", Ju Wentai was so excited that he couldn't speak for a moment, his whole body trembled, and he kept crying.

But he couldn't shed tears from his eyes, the tear grooves seemed to be petrified, and his face was all twisted together, like a mass of wax men starting to melt.

And when Chen Zhi went to look up and look outside, he saw the sound of going down the stairs slowly at the dark stairway.

"Dang~~dang~~", a heavy voice sounded from the metal ladder.

After a while, at the other end of that darkness, a figure appeared.

This man was wearing a tattered cassock, with a bald head and ring scars printed on his head. He folded his palms together and hung a string of old wooden rosary beads. He walked out step by step, revealing his face.

It's Danxuan!
Danxuan still had that humble look, his face was exactly the same as Ju Wentai's, but it was a bit more vicissitudes.

The vicissitudes of life are very indescribable, no scars can be seen, but it seems that thousands of years of suffering have been grinded on his body.

However, his limbs have obvious dislocations, and the ups and downs are very uncoordinated. It feels like they have been broken and reassembled.

"Brother Wang,
Still remember me?
Sorry for being late and making you suffer! "

Danxuan's face smiled slightly. Although it was full of trauma, that smile was like a kind of sunshine, illuminating everyone's heart. It seemed that the darkness in the whole world was just an illusion. In front of you, everything can be let go
After Ju Wentai saw Danxuan, he was obviously very excited. He didn't think there was anything wrong with the face in front of him that was exactly the same as his, but rushed forward excitedly, hugged Danxuan's cassock, and began to cry .

"Brother Wang, where have you been?
Li Shimin broke his promise, the people of Tang came to beat me!

My Gaochang is ruined, the people are all dead, my mother, my princess, my child~~
They're all dead, they're all dead~~, uhhh~~"

Then Ju Wentai began to cry loudly, the sound of crying was earth-shattering, as if the greatest pain in the world had condensed together and burst out suddenly, it was shocking.

The entire earth began to shake, and the world seemed to start to break apart. There were broken pieces falling down in the air, and this space became unstable.

In the violent shaking, Chen Zhi and the monkey couldn't stand still for a while, and quickly leaned against a horn to maintain their balance.

However, Danxuan is still as stable as Mount Tai.

He smiled and looked at Ju Wentai who was holding him, watched him howling and crying, and put his hand gently on his head:

"It's all my fault! Don't cry, it's all my fault!"

"Why didn't you come~~", Ju Wentai's voice was extremely sad, with infinite resentment in the grief, which made people sound sad.

"Delayed!" Danxuan said softly, with that relieved smile still hanging on his face, he patted Ju Wentai's shoulder lightly,

"When I was in Chang'an, I was delayed because of a human woman~~
I also thought about leaving, but I had to pay the price for what I did, otherwise I would not be worthy of inheriting the Dharma or being a Buddhist disciple.

The world is safe with both laws, not to the Tathagata and not to the Qing! "

"Then you don't care about me?
Do you know what I suffered afterwards? ", Ju Wentai's voice was almost torn apart, so sad that people could no longer listen to it.

And the huge metal Buddha behind him burned more and more red, so red that it was dazzling, and one could even feel the hot burning sensation, approaching his cheeks.

"I've never forgotten you!", Danxuan still smiled lightly,

"I will always remember the promise I made with you! I will remember it even after death. I changed into your face just to remember you after death.

I wanted to come to you after I died once!
Unexpectedly, it was delayed~~, the avatar is still useless!My memory is so vague that I forgot.

I just lived like this from generation to generation, living with clones one by one, my memory became less and less~~, more and more blurred~~, and finally I gradually forgot!
I didn't think about it until I finally got back here!
Brother Wang, I'm getting old, this clone is also the last one!
I don't have much strength anymore, just stay here with you, with me by your side, don't be afraid of anything! "

After Danxuan finished speaking, he went down to help Ju Wentai.

Ju Wentai seemed relieved after hearing Danxuan's words.

He didn't speak anymore after that, but hugged Danxuan's cassock tightly, bowed his head and kept crying, like a child.

However, Dan Xuan suddenly turned his head and looked at the monkey:
"Evil! I ask you, you answer!
You always say that the world owes you, mankind owes you, Xiqi owes you, and you will never forgive.

Today, I will go to this sea of ​​fire hell for you, and exchange your life with Patriarch Jiang.

In this way, can you learn how to forgive, and never bear any hatred for human beings or Xiqi? "

"Never!", the monkey was very emotional at this time, he didn't lie, but gritted his teeth, and said very firmly,

"You want my forgiveness!

Unless Dou Victory Buddha is revived and returned to me, I will always hate human beings and Xiqi~~
As long as I live, I will enjoy killing people.

You are a mere human being, if you are willing to die for me, then you will die, I will not give you any gratitude, and I will not recognize your kindness!

When you are willing to die, I am willing to send you with my own hands! "

After the monkey finished speaking, his eyes glowed with blood, and infinite hatred emerged from his eyes.

"Okay then..." After Danxuan finished speaking, he opened his arms towards the monkey,
"If you still can't learn to forgive, push me into the furnace with your own hands!"

"Okay!", the monkey was also very emotional at this time, and then he jumped up, stretched out his hands without hesitation, and pushed Danxuan's chest.

"Boom~~", the fire ignited all over the sky...

"If you still can't learn to forgive, push me into the furnace with your own hands!"

"Okay!", the monkey was also very emotional at this time, and then he jumped up, stretched out his hands without hesitation, and pushed Danxuan's chest.

"Boom~~", the fire ignited all over the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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