Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1599

Chapter 1599
Young Master Zhen is a typical businessman, his mouth is as sweet as honey.

When Chen Zhi and Pang Wei saw him, he greeted him from afar, and then ran over to hug Chen Zhi and Pang Wei warmly.

That kind look, as if Chen Zhi was his long-lost brother, and Fat Wei was his own daughter-in-law in his previous life.

Ning Bin's fat wife also came with her. She seemed to like it very much. She said with a smile on her face that the winter in the Northeast is very interesting. I want to have a good time here and eat the famous hot pot stewed big bones here. , but also to soak in the famous snow hot spring in z city.

Zhen Fei has been silently following behind, she is a very cultivated girl, compared to others, she did not show too much enthusiasm.

But when she looked at Chen Zhi, there was a sweet smile on her quiet face, one could tell at a glance that she actually missed Chen Zhi very much in her heart.

The old somersault's original intention was to invite them to the Shelter Pavilion to resettle them.

But then he thought that Ding Ning was still recuperating there, and there were people coming and going, including witch doctors, and he was afraid that there would be clues about the organization, so he gave up.

Or put these people in Bao's private hotel.

It was not very convenient to eat in the hotel, Chen Zhi then had a suggestion to serve these guests in the hot pot restaurant opened by Liu Xiaohong.

Liu Xiaohong's hot pot restaurant, because of its good location, has been very popular, and has made a lot of money over the years, and now it has also undergone refined decoration.

The large box upstairs is very luxurious and can accommodate these guests.

The most important thing is that the Northeast cuisine there is also very authentic, much better than those pretentious dishes in five-star hotels.

Although Liu Xiaohong didn't know what was going on, she was very enthusiastic in receiving these distinguished guests from other places.

Let them into the largest box upstairs. The interior decoration of this box is very delicate, and there is even a small electric kang. The surrounding decoration imitates the characteristics of the old Northeast, which is very interesting.

The waiters served the store's special dishes, big bones stewed in hot pot, and then filled the table with all kinds of meat and vegetables.

During the dinner, Young Master Zhen was full of praise for the stewed big bones.

Stewed big bones is a common dish in Northeast China, and most of them use big pig bones.

The bones of Liu Xiaohong's family are all high-quality goods. After they are stewed in water, they are eaten with garlic sauce.

The rotten bones have the original taste, and the white bone marrow is fragrant. Add some Northeast blood sausage and sauerkraut, the taste is really incomparable!
Everyone ate to their heart's content, and in their free time, Young Master Zhen toasted one by one with a smile on his face, and began to talk about his thoughts in a word-of-mouth manner.

It was only at this moment that Chen Zhi understood why Young Master Zhen was here.

It turns out that the Zhen family is not satisfied with doing small finance anymore, and their eyes are fixed on the cards of the mainland.

China has a large population, and the water depth is easy to feed big fish. It is most suitable for the entertainment industry. In recent years, the film and television industry has developed rapidly and is the biggest dish in the capital market.

However, in the past period of time, bad business practices in the film and television industry have also frequently increased, such as tax evasion and tax avoidance, and celebrities asking for prices.

Now is a great opportunity for investment, Young Master Zhen thought, it’s no fun to be a small company, if you want to start a big one,

Young Master Zhen wants to join forces with the Tang family in Jilin and the Bao family in the Northeast to play a big game together and become a large monopoly film and television company.

Then the stars are self-produced, and a group of newcomers are individually trained to become international stars.

Then buy a series of big IPs, specialize in making large-scale quality films and TV shows, strictly follow the laws and regulations, don’t play around the edges, and don’t make money from tax evasion.

Then simply build a chain of film and television entertainment city, self-produced and sold, and the film and television entertainment will definitely become the overlord of this industry.

But film and television is not a delicious meal. Young Master Zhen is a layman, and he has been tossing around for more than half a year, but there has been no big improvement.

Ning Bin was willing to play along with him, but Bao Ping kept silent.

Seeing that Bao Ping didn't express his opinion, the various merchants in the Northeast didn't lend a helping hand.

The various channels in the capital did not give him the green light. Young Master Zhen has encountered many obstacles this year, and it seems that the stage will not be able to set up.

But now he understands one thing, relying on a big tree to enjoy the shade, doing business in mainland China is all about relationships, and you have to hug Bao Ping's thigh to get things done,

So this time he brought Zhen Fei to the Northeast on purpose. In fact, he brought a contract, a contract of a film and television group with three joint stock companies, and asked Bao Ping to sign it.

To let people outside know that Bao Ping has a part in this business.

"Brother Xiaozhi, you are not mean, why did you forget about your brother and me after coming to BJ~~",
During the banquet, Young Master Zhen showed his round face as a businessman, and his relationship with Chen Zhipan,

"I'm not going to hide it from you, I haven't been able to do it for the past few years, just last month, my head hurts all day long, and I'm afraid that tnd will die suddenly one day.

The business of the private bank is indeed the old line of our Zhen family, but it is really not done by people.

It's either this or that every day, and it's especially dangerous, so worry about making money!Maybe one day I will be like my ancestors, holding the client's things and jumping into the sea!Haha~~"

"Okay, Young Master Zhen, who will believe what you say?" Old Somersault jokingly said:
"How much money do you make every year, I don't know yet?

You said why do you need so much money? You are not satisfied with your own small coffers, and you have to wade through this muddy water in the film and television industry!
It's not that I didn't tell Leopard about your matter, Master Bao did. With the relationship between our two families, it's no problem to give you some money.

But if it involves registration and shareholding, forget it!We don't do unfamiliar things.

Besides, are you afraid that you won't find the money?

Even if you are short of money, you can find Ning Bin, this kid has been fat and oily this year! "

After the old somersault finished speaking, he pointed at Ning Bin with a smirk:
"Who doesn't know, this kid has made a fortune this year.

The biggest business in Northeast China is now in the hands of this kid!

He has earned so much money, he still doesn't know if he can change his wife~~"

"Yo! Uncle Jin, don't laugh at me~~", Ning Bin immediately cupped his fists and begged the old man for mercy,
"It's not because of brother Xiaozhi that I'm here today..., no, no, it's not because of my momentary luck!

You are lucky for a while, you are lucky for a while, don't run on me~~, don't run on me~~
In fact, Brother Zhen's idea is really good. The film and television industry is so clean at this time, it is different from the messy ones before, and everything is done according to the rules.

Moreover, domestic film and television is a big market. Look at the common people nowadays, what can they do when they are fed and clothed?
Don't you gather at home, watch TV and watch your mobile phone~~
Brother Zhen's self-produced and self-marketed idea is really reliable. Uncle Jin, you need to help out and say something nice in front of Lord Bao.

In fact, in the end, it's not about money at all, it's not about using your Bao family's reputation to coat it with gold.

With your golden feet stepping on, our big film and television group will stand up, haha..."

These people were discussing business matters on the table, but Zhen Fei winked at Chen Zhi from the side, and then pointed outside.

That means let Chen Zhi go out and talk to him alone...

(End of this chapter)

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