Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1601 Zhen Tang Film and Television

Chapter 1601 Zhen Tang Film and Television
After Chen Zhi and Zhen Fei returned to the table, they found that everyone had noticed that the two of them left privately, and when they returned to the table, they were immediately laughed at by everyone.

Fat Wei immediately followed up and asked, saying that Chen Zhi and Zhen Fei had gone to discuss some secret matter just now, and let everyone listen to it together.

Then he laughed and said that Young Master Zhen was too narrow-minded, locked his sister in the basement to manage the money all day long, and then he went around to spend time and drink by himself.

I don't care about my sister's lifelong affairs, it's too irresponsible, it's time to think about my sister's future.

When Master Zhen heard this remark, he immediately took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, and in front of Chen Zhi, told how good Zhen Fei was, what kind of talent she was in the United States, and how many awards she had won, like memorizing a resume. again.

And I specifically said that if you meet a good one, you must introduce it to Zhen Fei. Zhen Fei usually reads Chen Zhi over and over again.

It's best to find Zhen Fei a boyfriend like Chen Zhi did.

If things really come true, the Zhen family is willing to pay a large dowry, but leave two private banks to Zhen Fei...

After these words came out, Zhen Fei was very embarrassed and found another excuse to leave the table.

At this time, Fat Wei said that Young Master Zheng was stingy, and if half of their family's property was given to Zhen Fei as a dowry, he would be able to make decisions for Chen Zhi and let him get in the door.

When everyone was joking, Chen Zhi turned his head and asked the old somersault softly:
"What is Master Bao doing now? Does he know what's going on here?"

Seeing that Chen Zhi said something serious, Old Somersault stopped fooling around with them, but lowered his voice and said in Chen Zhi's ear:

"known long time ago.

But Lord Bao didn't want to follow them into troubled waters. We've been too busy recently, and the thing they have to do is too big, involving various relationships, so we can't do it easily.

I am too busy with things in the organization now, so I don't have time to follow them.

Lord Bao meant that he would not come out to see her.On behalf of him, I am entertaining him to travel around and try his best to be a landlord, let's forget about it! "

Young Master Zhen is a person with a clear eye and a quick heart. He noticed Chen Zhi and Lao Somersault whispering early in the morning.

Even if you can't hear what's going on?But looking at the face of the old somersault, you can immediately know what they are talking about?
So he immediately followed up with the words:

"Brother Xiaozhi!
You have to do me this favor!

We are here this time, but we must see Lord Bao.

I have also contacted him before, and I don't know much about this project, and I don't want to make such troubles.

Indeed, my ambition is a bit big, and this game is also a bit too hasty.

But I think, we men live in this world, we should not be afraid of wolves and tigers!

If you don’t want to do it, just do it and have a good time. I even decided to name it, and I’ll call it “Bao Tangzhen Film and Television Group” so that everyone will know that this is a business between the three of us, and we wear a pair of trousers. dude! ",
After Master Zhen finished speaking, he looked at the people around him with shining eyes, then looked at Chen Zhi and continued,

"Think about it, in our country in the future, no matter where you go, you can see Bao Tangzhen Film and Television Entertainment City. Every movie you watch is written under it, produced by Bao Tangzhen Film and Television Group. How happy is that?
Can compete with Hollywood!
Our buddies are happy, stomping on the spot, the world's film and television circles will tremble three times.

In the future, those big stars in the world will not dare to show off in front of us, and they are all promoted by us.

Haha~~, in the future, we buddies don’t need to spend money on those little stars outside, but also support our own female stars, don’t the fat and water flow to outsiders’ field, right…”

"Haha~~", Fat Wei immediately laughed when he heard this,
"I said Young Master Zhen, your motives are not pure!

I guess if you insist on working in the film and television industry, this is the ultimate goal, right?

It's over, with you as a wolf, those female stars will suffer in the future! "

"You say you kid is always telling the truth!" Young Master Zhen patted Fat Wei with a smile, and laughed a few times with him, but turned his face and said to Chen Zhi seriously:
"Brother Xiaozhi, what I'm saying now is serious, this time I'm betting all my money.

You have to find a way for me to meet Lord Bao. I want to share my thoughts, and he will be interested.

You have to believe me, I have been doing business for so many years, and I know the depth, I am absolutely confident this time, and I will be able to handle this big event! "

"Bao Tangzhen Film and Television Group, right..." Chen Zhi said with a slight smile:

"The name is too strange.

Let me make a suggestion, let's change it to Zhen Tang Film and Television!
"Zhen Tang" is a homonym of "Zhen Tang", and it is a film and television unique to Chinese people.

The Bao family does not need to be named, but will invest as a major shareholder, putting your Zhen family in front, and the profits will be shared equally among the three!

All the support of the Bao family in the Northeast is at your disposal.In the future, the main management will depend on you!How much you bother! "

"...", Young Master Zhen was stunned when he heard Chen Zhi's words, his face froze, he didn't know whether to laugh or not.
The others were also stunned, not understanding what Chen Zhi meant by his words.

"Brother Xiaozhi!", Young Master Zhen thought for a long time, and asked tentatively,
"You mean to say that this is a promise to me?"

"En!", Chen Zhi responded easily, and continued to pick up vegetables.

"You..., you..., can you be the master?" Young Master Zhen still looked at Chen Zhi in disbelief.

"Yes, it's up to you!" Chen Zhi nodded and smiled:

"Not only can I promise this, but I can promise you another.

This film and television group, if you manage it well in the future, no matter how big you are, as long as you work hard, it will definitely go smoothly, make money every day, and have an unlimited future!
That said, you are bound to succeed! "

"This..." Young Master Zhen didn't react immediately, his mouth couldn't move, and he looked at Ning Bin next to him in a daze.

Ning Bin gave him a push at this moment: "Okay, just say Brother Xiaozhi!
Boss Zhen, let me tell you!You are lucky~~
Hurry up and give you a toast to Brother Xiaozhi, and tell you that you can't even exchange gold and silver mountains for this kind of luck, so you can just sit at home and collect money from now on!

You have eaten this big piece of fat in the film and television industry!

(End of this chapter)

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