Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1906 Overwhelming Victory

Chapter 1906 Overwhelming Victory
When Chen Zhi stretched out two fingers.

Everyone seemed to doubt their eyes at that moment, because they saw that the world seemed to be distorted!

Chen Zhi's aura began to lose control, and the majestic power contained in the aura also began to emerge thinly.

Soon those dense air streams began to flow into the ground under Chen Zhi's feet like a small snake.

Like a spider's web, it quickly spread out and merged into the ground, mountains, rocks, and this world in front of it.

At that moment, the whole world was filled with thousands of air currents, restrained by the air current lines, and converged under Chen Zhi's two fingers.

Chen Zhi's face began to change!

The corners of his eyes began to crack, the pupils of his eyes gleamed and turned into a dazzling purple, and the eyeballs began to enlarge, very eye-catching and breathtaking in the dark.

The lines of his face and body also began to gradually change smoothly and become perfect, and finally, his body began to slowly rise into the air.

"Come down!",
Chen Zhi said something softly, and his two fingers began to slide slowly in the air, drawing along a curve.

At the same time, the whole world was distorted and changed under his two fingers, and it began to collapse!

Chen Zhi's father once said that the fierce curse looks like a restraint technique on the surface, but it is actually the most irresistible force in the world.

Mathematics is the greatest invention of mankind, and the concept of mathematics is endless and endless!
And the incantation of the fierce curse, after being infinitely expanded by the concept of numbers, can bind anything in this world.

Whether it is a huge monster, or a mountain or a river, or even the entire mountain and sea, they can be fully controlled by the fierce curse.

"Boom rumble~"

The whole world began to bend along with Chen Zhi's fingers, and then shattered.

The earth shattered and mountains and rivers burst forth.

As Chen Zhi's finger fell, all the mountains on both sides collapsed.

Those red figures originally floated into the air densely, and the number was astonishing.

But now it was smashed open by the tall mountains on both sides, scattered like birds and beasts~~
In an instant, the whole world fell down!

Under Chen Zhi's fierce curse, everything turned into a puppet of air flow.

At that moment, everyone was not sure whether what they saw was real or imaginary.

Because under Chen Zhi's fingers, the red and black things were instantly confused, the world was chaotic, and there was no distinction between up and down.

The sight looked so majestic!

Chen Zhi, who was floating in the air, was like a creator, pointing to everything in this world with his two fingers.

Below that, everything is divided, no luck!

Most of the red shadows that were flying up and down just now have been completely crushed by this powerful force, and buried in them by the broken rocks.

And some of the survivors flew out.

These red shadows were like lightning, instantly surrounded Chen Zhi, and released red light, wrapping around Chen Zhi's limbs.

The speed of these guys was so fast that even Ji Ying hadn't reacted, those red rays of light had already surrounded Chen Zhi tightly.

And once those red lights entangled Chen Zhi, they multiplied rapidly like earthworms. In an instant, they entangled Chen Zhi densely, completely locking Chen Zhi inside.

But Chen Zhi didn't move!
Let these red rays of light surround him to his heart's content.

Finally, close your eyes and release the viscous airflow prepared in your body.

In an instant, Chen Zhi's body released thousands of air currents shining with golden aura.

These air currents were extremely fierce, but they followed the red rays of light and rushed straight towards the red shadows, grabbing them tightly.

This time, these guys can't move anymore! !

Those red shadows were all frozen in the air at this moment.

showed their true faces.

It was indeed a group of figures in red robes, exactly the same as the Feng Clan.

But they should no longer have bodies, and under the red robes are completely transparent images.

Only the position of the heart, there is a little bit of power, controlling their whole body, they are no longer living creatures.

Chen Zhi said something softly, and then drew a circle in the air with his other hand.

In an instant, a fluorescent circular pattern appeared in the air, filled with dense incantations.

It confuses the Fierce Curse with the Heavenly Thunder Curse, the God Emperor's imperial curse that he got from Shen Gongbao.

Blast away like a bolt of lightning!


With a loud bang, the world in front of him smashed apart instantly.

Those red shadows didn't even have time to struggle, they were blown into powder under the thunder spell and disappeared completely.

All this happened so fast that no one could react.

When everything disappeared, the earth became quiet instantly, the two rows of high mountains in front disappeared, and the world was in chaos!

At this time, those red shadows turned into shiny fragments, which slowly sprinkled down like fireflies.

It fell into Jian Di's hands...

Jian Di has turned into a human form, she was a little moved when she saw the red powder falling on her palm,
"This should be someone from our Feng clan..." she said softly,

"While they were alive it was..."

After the war ended quickly, the whole world stabilized.

Fat Wei has been lying on the ground since just now, but now he got up, picked up the binoculars and looked ahead.

Immediately shocked speechless.

After seeing his appearance, everyone looked forward, and the scene ahead made everyone extremely horrified!

It turned out that under Chen Zhi's power, the mountains on both sides had all collapsed, and everything in front was turned into powder.

This huge valley turned into a straight avenue, leading straight ahead!
And at the very front, the real body of the red light was finally revealed.

It turned out that it was a group of red flames, which seemed to be wrapped in something. From a distance, it looked like a red mountain.

But the crimson ball was extremely hot, with billowing heat waves and red flames constantly emerging from it.

That should be the final point of their trip!

Perhaps, Di Xin's body is there!
Seeing the huge red flame stone in front of her, Jian Di seemed to have been hit by some kind of impact, and suddenly knelt down.

Then, her body began to tremble uncontrollably, she embraced each other with tears in her eyes.

As if caught in half by a mighty force:
"my father."

Jian Di said tremblingly,

"He..., right there..."

(End of this chapter)

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