Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 205 Tomb of the Sky Fox God - Female Praying Mantis

Chapter 205 Tomb of the Sky Fox God - Female Praying Mantis
Bixia Temple is a famous scenic spot of Mount Tai. It is located on the south side of the top of Mount Tai. It is a group of magnificent ancient alpine buildings. Spectacular, very beautiful.Bixia Temple is composed of [-] large buildings including the main hall and Xiangting Pavilion. The whole building is symmetrical with Zhaobi, Nanshenmen, Shanmen and Xiangting as the central axis. It is low in the south and high in the north. Scattered, it looks like a fairyland on earth from a distance.

Chen Zhi and his group looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them and walked towards the main entrance. At this time, Xiao Zheng's occupational disease broke out, and he introduced it to himself while walking.

"This Bixia Temple is the temple of our place, and the scenery is also very beautiful. In spring, you can see peach and pear blossoms in the mountains, and in summer, the top of the mountain is green. There are 360 ​​tile ridges in the main hall of Bixia Temple, which is to imitate Zhou Tianzhi. Count. The gods and beasts on the tiles here are all made of pure copper and gold-plated. You see, there is a huge plaque written by Emperor Qianlong himself under the eaves... ".

"Okay!" Fat Wei interrupted him, "We didn't come to see the giant plaque written by the Emperor Bird, so tell me quickly, where is that jade girl pond?"

Xiao Zheng felt something was wrong at this moment, and asked in confusion. "Aren't you from some research team? You don't study Bixia Temple when you come to Mount Tai, you just want to see the jade girl pool?"

At this time, the old somersault hurriedly answered: "Little brother, I told your father that our team is here to do water quality surveys this time. You don't know the details, so don't ask. We Let's go to the Jade Maid Pool!"

"Oh!" Xiao Zheng nodded half-understanding, instead of continuing to walk towards the main hall, he went around to the back.

It turns out that the Taishan Yunv Pond is not in the Bixia Temple, but in an empty courtyard outside the west wall of the Bixia Temple. It is said that this was originally a natural pool, and it was built into a square well in the Han Dynasty. .On the cliff behind the square well, there are three large characters of Yunvchi engraved.

But the square mouth of the well was covered with a thick large square brick.

Chen Zhi looked around at the surrounding environment. It was surrounded by a simple large courtyard. There was not a single floor tile on the ground, it was all mud. However, there were several conspicuous cameras in the corners, which had a clear view of the scene in the courtyard.

As for the large square bricks on the mouth of the well, few people couldn't move them at all.

"What's going on here?" Chen Zhi asked the old somersault softly, "Is there a stone on the head of the well all the time? How did our technicians put the test paper in before that?".

The old somersault didn't seem to have thought about the current situation. He scratched his head and said, I didn't participate in the previous actions on the mountain, and they were all remotely controlled.But I think that this large square brick must have been pressed on the wellhead in the past few days, otherwise our technicians would definitely mention this matter when they reported to me. "

After finishing speaking, the old somersault dialed the mobile phone, but there was no signal, and said: "You guys wait here, I will go in and see if their curator is there."

Just after finishing speaking, I saw a skinny black old man coming out from the back door of the west wall.

When the old somersault saw the black old man, he immediately greeted the old man with a smile, "Oh, curator Chen, you are here today! What a coincidence, I was going in to find you, and you came out. Let me introduce, this is The captain of our expedition team," the old somersault pointed at Chen Zhi and said.

The black old man didn't seem to be in the mood to chat with the old somersault. After he nodded to Chen Zhi, he looked around and said nervously, "I saw you on the monitor. I'm afraid that your matter may be It can't be done!"

The old somersault became anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "What did you say? Didn't we all agree? Our team has come from thousands of miles. The day after tomorrow, our staff will go up the mountain." !Curator Chen, do you still have an errand, please talk about the errand!"

Chen Zhi took a closer look, and the Director Chen in Old Somersault's mouth was a skinny old man in his 50s, his accent sounded like a local, his face was blackened by the wind, and his eyes were chattering around. , like a mountain monkey.

"It's really not something bad," said the curator Chen with an embarrassed expression, "Brother, let me tell you the truth, you see, I am a curator, in fact, I am usually in this Bixia Temple, that is, Guan Guan The old Taoists in the ancestral temple do things and collect incense money or something. The real big thing is still up to the Taishan Scenic Area Management Committee to have the final say.

In fact, the leaders usually don't care about these scenic spots, but today I don't know what kind of evil wind is blowing. Director Lu of the management committee suddenly came to Bixia Temple for inspection. Huo Taishan is a person who talks about everything here. I heard that next year he will be promoted to the province to become a big leader.

She doesn't come to Bixia Temple once a year. She didn't know what happened today. She went up the mountain early in the morning and told us that the Yunv Spring was completely closed for the next few days. Sightseeing is prohibited, and all yards must be locked.No, in the early morning, someone sealed the mouth of the well with big stone bricks. From tonight onwards, we will take turns to patrol! "

"What? Isn't this too much to memorize?" Fat Wei whispered behind Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi hurriedly turned his head and gave him a wink, motioning him not to talk nonsense, then turned around and said to the old man Hei with a smile: "Curator Chen, I know your difficulties, but you see, we are mobilizing teachers, people have come here, and we don't care about it." So let's go back like this! Besides, this is also a good thing to support China's geological survey research! Otherwise, you can introduce us to Director Lu, and I can talk to him again?"

"Oh! It's useless, it's useless!" The black old man shook his head like a rattle, "I tentatively mentioned it to her at first, who knew that as soon as I released some wind, she turned her face They said that I was abusing my power, destroying cultural relics protected by the state, and that I would be punished!".

When the old man Hei said this, he squeezed the old somersault to the corner, took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, stuffed them into the old somersault and said, "Repay the money to you, I really can't do anything about it."After speaking, turn around and go back.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman in her 40s came out from the back door.

The woman was tall, with slender shoulders, very thin, and looked like a praying mantis. She had a neat bun, glasses with dark red frames, and a black overalls, with her face raised high. , with a serious face.

"Old Chen, who are these people? Didn't I say that the Yunv Pond is not open to the public these days? What are you doing muttering in the backyard?" When the woman came out, she happened to walk away with Chen Zhi. On the opposite side, she was stunned for a moment, then turned to ask the old man Hei.

(End of this chapter)

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