Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 212 Sky Fox God Tomb - Underwater World

Chapter 212 Sky Fox God Tomb - Underwater World

Everyone is now in a semi-comatose state, Chen Zhi's head seems to have exploded, his head is dizzy, and the sky is full of stars.

He lay flat on the ground, his arms and thighs were already numb, he tried to adjust his breathing, and gradually regained consciousness all over his body.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was lying near the square well, but there were no courtyards and Bixia Temple nearby.

"Cheng Zi, wake up quickly, come and see, isn't this still Mount Tai? But it's daytime.", Fat Wei did not know when he had fully awakened, he was standing not far from Chen Zhi and shouted road.

Chen Zhi sat up slowly, looked up, and saw the blue sky above his head.

Sure enough, this is still the top of Mount Tai, but there is no Bixia Temple here, nor any buildings or historical sites. Instead, it is a real primeval forest.

"This is an anti-gravity structure, which is the so-called mirror world." Chen Zhi stood up, patted the dust off his body, and said, "I guess, this jade spring is the exit connecting the upper and lower worlds. Going down from the mouth of the well on this side is equivalent to coming up from the mouth of the well on the other side, both sides are the same world, and there is a Mount Tai, but this world is the territory of the gods."

"This is really unbelievable! People live a lifetime, and it's worth it to be lucky enough to come here." Old Somersault sighed.

After the old somersault fell just now, the bones of his body almost fell apart. He is sitting on the ground and still can't stand up.

At this time, all the people on the ground stood up and looked around. The Mount Tai in front of them was still magnificent, surrounded by clouds and mist.But different from the outside world, this place has an ancient atmosphere that has not been contaminated by humans at all, pure and mysterious.

The sky here is dazzlingly blue, and there are large groups of white clouds. It seems that a fairy will pop out of it at any time and fly away in the clouds.

The tops of the surrounding towering trees are invisible, and the green vegetation has strange shapes. Some tall fruit trees bear strings of huge and attractive fruits, many of which are varieties that Chen Zhi has never seen before. The surrounding air is filled with A sweet and fresh breath that makes people feel refreshed.

Looking from the top of the mountain, the mountain peaks are steep and towering, the mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, shrouded in emerald green, and the waterfalls in the mountain streams rush down like the Milky Way, which is very spectacular.

If you had to use one word to describe the scenery here, it would undoubtedly be heaven. In an instant, everyone seemed to forget the hardships and dangers of this mission, and the tension began to relax.

"Is this the place where the gods live?" Fat Wei said loudly, "These gods really know how to choose a place, and this place is too beautiful, Orange, we don't care if it's 7 days or 8 days, Just stay here forever."

"Bah!", Qin Yueyang scolded Fat Wei from behind: "You can't be auspicious when you talk, you have to live by yourself, we don't want to live here forever."

"Cut, celery seedling is not conscious at all," Fat Wei grinned.

Chen Zhi reorganized the team, took out all the guns in the waterproof bag, and counted the number of people. Eight fast gunners plus Lao Somersault, plus Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, Ghost Dao, and Qin Yueyang made a total of 13 Not one person is missing, all standing here.

Bai Qian's remains, after expert treatment, have been condensed into a resin container a little bigger than the urn, and the Ghost Knife is slanted on the back.

"We are ready to go," Chen Zhi said to everyone after packing up his whole suit. "Remember, we have 7 days. We must do everything possible to find the tomb of the Tianhu God as soon as possible. In case of any emergency, we will act according to my previous deployment plan."

"Okay," everyone agreed in unison, and raised their submachine guns.

During the day yesterday, Chen Zhi had already deployed all plans, including various emergency plans and combat plans.These quick shooters had received orders from the Bao family. After entering the tomb, Chen Zhi was the supreme commander. Under any circumstances, they must obey Chen Zhi's orders unconditionally.

These eight fast gunners, except for Parrot and Four Eyes, are all veterans who are capable and capable. They still have the style of the army and are very organized and disciplined.

After Chen Zhi gave an order, they immediately raised their submachine guns and quickly stood beside Chen Zhi.

In this way, Fat Wei was still the leader of the team, and Ghost Saber was behind.Chen Zhi, Qin Yueyang and Lao Somersault walked in the middle of the team.Those quick shooters, carrying submachine guns, followed them in two rows.The parrot was carrying a sniper rifle and ran at the front of the team to explore the way.

They walked in the mountains for a long time. The temperature here is very low, and the cold wind penetrates into people's nostrils. Seeing that the sky is gradually getting dark, everyone finds that the Taishan Mountain in the underwater world is completely different from the outside.

This is a completely undeveloped virgin forest. The vegetation on the ground is densely packed, and it is very difficult to walk around their legs and feet. Looking around, they can't find a mountain road. There are towering trees everywhere. dizzy.

From time to time, mountain deer and wild rabbits come out of the forest. Although they have not encountered any large beasts, they have seen many huge footprints along the way. These footprints are not only scary in size, but also animals can often be seen around the road The bones were like a huge carnivorous monster, and everyone's nerves were tense all the time.

Fat Wei's feng shui compass has become meaningless here, the direction here is completely opposite, and there is no feng shui in the tomb of the gods. What everyone can do now is to walk all the way to the south and look for it with your own eyes. Traces of the tomb of the gods.

Gradually, the four eyes in the team acted as a guide for everyone in the mountains.

Of the eight quick shooters, only four eyes are children from the mountains,

The four-eyed master is from the Oroqen people near the Xiaoxing'an Mountains. Oroqen people are natural hunters. He has followed his master since he was a child, wandering in the forests of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains.Hunting, finding paths, looking for spring water, distinguishing whether mushrooms are poisonous, there is nothing he doesn't understand, and the trees and animals in the mountains, most people can't name them, can recognize them with four eyes. There are indeed two brushes for the ability that has been trained.

Siyan was not very optimistic about the terrain in the mountain. He said that there were too many depressions on the mountain, and there was no human habitation. The fallen leaves had accumulated for a long time, and there must be a lot of big smoke bubbles in the valley.So each person must find a big wooden stick to explore the way, be sure to see clearly before going down, otherwise the big smoke bubble will be worse than the swamp, and you will not be able to get out if you get stuck in it. If you are unlucky and it rains, This mountain is even more dangerous, no one can even think about going down the mountain.

The time here did not feel slower than outside. When they reached a high hillside, it was almost dusk, and the blood-red sunset hung on the horizon.

(End of this chapter)

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