Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 226 Sky Fox God Tomb - Doll

Chapter 226 Sky Fox God Tomb - Doll

In fact, in ancient China, there were many legends about this kind of puppet dolls, which far surpassed the high-tech robots made today.

According to legend, 3000 years ago, during the Zhou Dynasty in China, a skilled craftsman met the King of Zhou and expressed his willingness to dedicate his skills to the King of Zhou.The king of Zhou asked, "What skills do you have?" The skilled craftsman said, "I can make anything you want. Besides, I have already made something today. You might as well take a look first." King Zhou agree.

After a while, the skilled craftsman brought a "person" to see King Zhou.The king of Zhou asked him, "Who did you bring?" He replied, "My lord, this is not a human being, but a puppet I made that can sing and dance." The king of Zhou looked at the puppet in amazement, Walk and pitch, just like a real person.Shaking its head, it sang a song in line with the rhythm, and holding its hand, it danced in line with the rhythm.It can do whatever you tell it to do.

The king of Zhou thought it was a real person, so he called all the concubines in the palace to watch it together.When the performance was about to end, the puppet who could sing and dance actually winked at the left and right concubines of the king of Zhou to show affection, and waved to the left and right concubines of the king of Zhou.The king of Zhou, who was watching, was jealous and furious, and wanted to kill the skilled craftsman.

The skilled craftsman hurriedly cut open the doll's belly to show the king of Zhou. It turned out that it was made of leather, wood, paint, red powder, green powder and other materials.The king of Zhou inspected carefully and found that the liver, gallbladder, heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, muscles, bones, skin, fine hair, teeth, hair, etc. in the body were all fake, but they were just like real people, lacking nothing. When these parts are assembled, they are exactly the same as the dolls I saw at the beginning.

This kind of legend also appeared in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty more than 2200 years ago. It was a legend about a puppet saving Liu Bang.

According to legend, the Han army led by Liu Bang was surrounded by the Xiongnu Maodun Shanyu in Pingcheng. Liu Bang's counselor Chen Ping learned that the soldiers commanded by Maodun's wife, Yanshi, were the most elite and powerful team of the Huns, but Yanshi's heart jealous.

So Chen Ping spent a lot of money to buy an exquisite wooden doll from a capable craftsman, and dressed the wooden doll in beautiful clothes, and painted its face with paint and paint. Rouge, looks more handsome.Then put it on the city wall, turn off the engine, and the puppet will dance gracefully, gracefully and lovable.

Yan Shi saw this scene very clearly outside the city, and mistakenly took this dancing puppet as a real beauty in the world. He was afraid that after breaking the city, he would spoil himself by spoiling this beauty of the Central Plains, so Yan Shi led her The troops abandoned the city.Only then did Liu Bang and his Han army save themselves from danger.

There are many such legends. Although some are true and some are false, it can be seen that in ancient times, especially before the end of Qin Dynasty, some people did master this technique of making imitation wooden dolls.And the colorful painting of "Magic Skills of Creation" painted on the wall today should describe the method of making this kind of wooden doll. .

Thinking of this, Chen Zhi suddenly thought, "If the coffin is filled with Ziqing, the creator of the Warring States Period, then the mummy buried here is...".

"Parrot, quickly check how many corpses there are on the ground?" Chen Zhi shouted to the parrot,
"Okay!" the parrot agreed, quickly jumped to the front of the coffin, and counted the corpses around the coffin and in the corner of the tomb from beginning to end.

"Brother Xiaozhi, I checked. There are a total of 88 mummified corpses here, all of which are adult male corpses, all of which were smashed to death," the parrot shouted to Chen Zhi.

"Damn it! 88 male corpses? It is said that Ziqing has 88 sons? Could it be that these corpses are all Ziqing's sons? Isn't Ziqing a psychopath! He killed all his sons and buried them with him. ?" Fat Wei cursed in a low voice to the coffin next to him.

"Killing the son and burying him? Is it possible?" Chen Zhi remained silent, "If this is the case, then this Ziqing is no longer a person.",
"Brother Xiaozhi, what should we do now? Since this is definitely not the tomb of the Tianhu God, shall we continue to move forward?" The parrot pointed to the inner ear chamber with a gun in his hand and asked, "The tomb next to it There seems to be a lot of things in it, if this craftsman named Ziqing was really so good back then, then he must have accumulated a lot of gold and silver treasures, shouldn't we go in and open our eyes?".

The parrot's proposal is reasonable. Since everyone has worked so hard to get here, there is no reason not to enter the tomb. Leaving aside the matter of gold, silver and treasure, it is very strange that Ziqing will be buried in this God's Domain. In his tomb, there is likely to be clues to the tomb of the Tianhu God.

In this way, still led by Fat Wei, a group of people walked to the ear chamber next to the main tomb. Everyone carefully walked around these tombs and checked them once.

I found that the two ear rooms here are full of things like ancient books on bamboo slips. The Tomb of the Heavenly Fox God has nothing to do with it.

In the back room, there are some iron processing and polishing tools and some equipment of hand workshops. These abrasive tools and equipment are very well-made and have the shadow of modern craftsmanship.In particular, some wooden hand-made machines, in addition to carving flowers and flowers, are exquisite.The mechanical gears on it can still rotate normally after more than 1000 years. It is really a work of magic, which is amazing.

But apart from these tools, there is nothing else. It seems that this Ziqing did not bring his property into the ground before his death, and there is no clue of the tomb of the Tianhu God in the tomb. Everyone is somewhat disappointed. Walk in the direction of the main tomb, trying to leave the underground cemetery from the original entrance.

Pang Wei has always been at the forefront of the team. When he walked to the door of the main tomb and just stepped over the threshold, Pang Wei stopped suddenly. In an instant, he opened his arms vigorously to block the direction of everyone moving forward, so that everyone could Back inside the door as quickly as possible.

"Brother Fat Wei, what's the matter?" the parrot asked loudly.

"Hush!" Fat Wei quickly covered his mouth, motioned him to stop talking, and then pointed to the main tomb.

Everyone looked inside, and saw that the lid of the big coffin had been lifted at some point, and the mummified corpses that had been scattered beside the coffin just now had all disappeared.

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(End of this chapter)

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