Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 243 Spiritism

Chapter 243 Spiritism

"Spiritualism?" Fat Wei was surprised and turned to Chen Zhi, "Chengzi, I have no objection that you want Qin Yueyang to do spirituality, but if you really bring back Bai Qian's soul, don't you think it's a risk? It's easy to ask God to send God away, but that girl Bai Qian is not a good person, you recruited her back, is she willing to leave?"

"You're talking about reviving her completely, I don't have that ability," Qin Yueyang said, standing aside, with his arms folded on his chest.

"There are three souls and eight souls in a person. The three souls are fetal light, refreshing spirit, and ghost spirit. The seven souls refer to corpse dogs, arrows, sparrows, swallowing thieves, non-poison, defilement, and stinky lungs. But the gods are Four souls and eight souls, one more soul than human beings. And this soul will not disappear because of the death of the god, and will be preserved in her remains. This soul is called the shape soul. What I need to do now is Recall Bai Qian's soul with the method of summoning souls, and then attach it to my body to pretend to be her to open the gate of the tomb of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox God. If there are no accidents, this method should work.

After Qin Yueyang finished speaking, Ghost Dao came over, put the big jar with Bai Qian's remains on his back, and put it in the middle of everyone, and unscrewed the sealed lid of the jar.Immediately, a burst of fragrance rushed over, and everyone looked into the jar.

Inside the jar is a jar of cream as white as suet jade, which looks sticky and has a consistency like white gypsum slurry.

"These are bone plasters made by pressing white bone powder," Chen Zhi said to everyone, "after a while Qin Yueyang will set up a magic circle for spiritualism here, apply these bone plasters on his body, and then She will cast spells to summon Bai Qian's body and soul left in the bones. If she succeeds, Qin Yueyang can pretend to be Bai Qian and twist the key to open the door of the Tianhu God's Tomb.

"It's really good! It turns out that you have prepared it a long time ago," Fat Wei exclaimed, and then became a little worried, "But is it possible to do this? This is the enchantment laid by the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, can it be so easily fooled and passed? ?."

"It should be no problem," Qin Yueyang replied: "Although the enchantment was laid by the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, the enchantment itself has no wisdom. It is just a magic spell of the gods, just like the current fingerprint scanner. It only needs The door can only be opened after checking Bai Qian's body, and we don't care whether Bai Qian is dead or alive, so we will give it a Bai Qian body, and it should be able to fool around."

Now that everything is ready and it is only Dongfeng who owes it, Qin Yueyang will have time to prepare for the formation for a period of time after that.

Because the exact location of the gate of the tomb of the gods is not yet known, Qin Yueyang chose a location in front of the waterfall.There is a large grassland beside the deep pool in front of the waterfall, and there is a large flat stone slab on the grassland.The slate is smooth, perfect for writing spells on.

The arrangement of the "spirituality" formation is very complicated. Fortunately, Qin Yueyang's treasure bag was not lost just now. She took out incense candles, guiding rice, past life paper, incense burner and other things from the treasure bag.

These magic tools for invoking souls are very particular. The incense candles must be two full white candles for the upper offering, and there is no dross in the middle.The guide rice is even more troublesome. The guide rice is not glutinous rice, but a low-yield tribute rice, and this kind of rice must be selected one by one, and the rice grains must be long.Both ends should be pointed.It cannot be damaged. About one grain out of a thousand can be picked out, and about four taels can be picked out of a sack.The death paper is a large piece of yellow paper filled with death mantras.

Qin Yueyang first lit a candle at the southeast corner, then lit the incense, and made obeisance to the forty thousand people. Sprinkle it in all directions, chanting the incantation "In order to find the true god, quickly reveal the true spirit,...".

After killing the rice, Qin Yueyang began to burn a lot of papers on the ground here.

After the ground was covered with ashes, Qin Yueyang swept the stone slab clean, then bit his finger and dripped it in the ink, and drew dense patterns on the ground with a brush.Because of Qin Yueyang's blindness, the entire process of casting spells was completed with the support of the parrot, and the process of drawing figures was very difficult.But after she finished drawing, everyone was shocked. They saw that the pattern Qin Yueyang drew on the ground was circular, and the structure and lines inside were very complicated. Overall, it looked a bit like the circular Six Paths in Buddhism. Reincarnation diagram.

After drawing this huge Fa picture, Qin Yueyang looked very tired, and she took out a long cloth strip like a cloth cover from her treasure bag, hung it on a branch, and put it beside her.

Chen Zhi recognized that kind of cloth cover, and the name of that thing was Calling Soul Banner.

Calling Soul Banner, also called Spirit Banner, is a flag used in ancient times to attract the souls of the dead. Ancient people believed that the soul of a person can live forever.

The common folk banners are white, with "Three Souls on the Left" written on the upper left corner, "Seven Souls on the Right" written on the upper right corner, three ticks representing the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty painted on the top of the middle, and words such as "Feng Imperial Order" written on the bottom.

But in the past hundred years, people who can really summon souls have been rare. Most people in the Taoist sect are liars, and most of them are pretending to be gods and ghosts to scare people.True spiritualism has long been extinct, so genuine spirituality banners are rarely seen.However, the soul-calling flag that Qin Yueyang was holding at this time, although the fabric was old and dull, the embroidery on it was very exquisite, and it was not a vulgar thing at first glance.

At this time, Qin Yueyang took out a small box from his bosom. After opening the box, inside was the pair of large white pearl earrings they found there during their trip to Japan. Qin Yueyang took out the pair of earrings and hung them up. On the top of the summoning banner.

After everything was ready, Qin Yueyang sat in the middle of the picture of reincarnation, took off his clothes, and after taking off all the clothes, he reached out and took out the pale bone powder in the jar, and applied the white ointment on his body.

At this time, everyone turned their backs, and when they turned around, they found that Qin Yueyang had painted himself like a white plaster man.

"Hey, let me go! Celery seedlings, don't even mention it, once you put on this white paste, it looks even whiter than Baiqian," Fat Wei said with a smile.

After doing all this, Qin Yueyang finally lit a white candle in front of him, and said to Chen Zhi.

"That's fine. I'll hide my numerology later, summon Bai Qian's body and soul, and let her attach to my body. That's when she may show up. Don't be afraid, it's just the remains of this corpse." At that time, I will deliver this body to this image. At that time, the candle in front of me will automatically light up, and you just hand me the key."

[Thank you for the rewards: Instant & Millennium 200; Anlan Yuefeng 100; Dou Ma 100; Beach Taodian]

(End of this chapter)

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