Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 249 Uncontrollable Appetite

Chapter 249 Uncontrollable Appetite

The houses in this neighborhood are very dense, and almost every hallway is filled with a large plate of barbecue meat. The meat is neatly cut, fat and thin, and the roasted meat is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The nose is tangy, the alluring color, the tantalizing aroma, which makes people salivate. There is an unheard of fragrance everywhere in the air, and it floats into everyone's noses.That feeling is like deliberately tempting people to eat it.

Everyone immediately gathered around, looking at the large plates of tempting barbecue, their faces seemed to have changed subtly.

"What the hell is going on in this place?" Fat Wei asked, holding a gun and standing beside those barbecues.

"Is there anyone in this ghost town? If some people can't hide, why can't they just finish these? It's still steaming! Damn! These ghosts and gods are hiding somewhere , spy on us together?"

Fat Wei became a little anxious at this time. He walked around the surrounding area with a charging gun, and shouted loudly: "There are any monsters, bastard gods, come out quickly! Don't hide and hide, you Grandpa, what I am most afraid of is this tone!".

Fat Wei's voice echoed in the empty city, but there was no echo.

Even though Fatty shouted loudly and arrogantly, the surrounding area was still completely silent and dead silent.

Chen Zhi gradually noticed that in this white city, not only was there no one, no animals, even a bird, a flying insect, or an ant could not be seen.It is a real dead city.

"There is absolutely nothing alive in this city," Ghost Saber said suddenly. "I can hear the sound within ten miles around, not only here, but even the mountains behind, there is nothing."

After Ghost Knife said these words, he walked towards the barbecues placed in front of him with a calm expression, and touched the boardwalk.

"These foods are not freshly prepared, but left over from a long time ago."

After Ghost Knife finished speaking, he turned around and lifted the wooden board to let Chen Zhi see the fungi growing under the wooden board.

Chen Zhi saw that although these wooden boards were very new, they were covered with densely packed bacterial colonies. The effect of this density of bacterial colonies could not be formed for hundreds of years.

"I estimate that these foods may have been stored here for thousands of years," Chen Zhi sighed.

"It's normal for this kind of thing to happen near the bones of the gods. Do you still remember the brand-new clothes we saw **** Seimei's daughter **** Saya wearing in the sealed tomb in Japan?" .

"Remember!" Fat Wei recalled: "The kagura bell that **** Saya was holding was brand new at that time. I took it back and sold it for a lot of money!"

"Yes," Chen Zhi nodded and said, "Qin Yueyang once said that the breath of the gods has the miraculous effect of keeping everything around for a generation, and everything is as new. The stronger the power of the gods, the wider the scope of its functions.

We have seen many places where gods have been haunted before, even in the damp tombs, the items there are kept very new, the metal is not rusted, as if it was just made, and now these foods are also in the same situation .

Judging from the current appearance, no matter whether the residents who lived here were demigods or other species, there must be a reason why they prepared so much food and put it here. Maybe they were preparing to eat at that time , but such a scene is too rich.

But we can be sure of one thing now, that is, if the food in such a large area can be kept so fresh for such a long time, then there must be a very powerful god nearby. Not far from here.

Chen Zhi was talking, but Fat Wei touched him lightly, handed him a color and pointed to the opposite side.

Only then did Chen Zhi notice that, except for him, Fat Wei, and Ghost Dao who were still staying here, the other few people were lying on the edge of the living room, looking salivatingly at the big plate of barbecue in front of them, with their eyes wide open. It became blood red, and its face was full of greed.

After the big battle with Chisel Tooth just now, everyone exhausted their physical strength and tossed such a long way, and their stomachs have already become empty.And since they entered this city, the pavilions, towers, pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, rare treasures, and beautiful scenery seem to soften their minds, making them forget the danger that is always around them.

The three gunmen threw their submachine guns on the ground at this time, salivating at the rows of delicacies in front of them, drooling from their mouths, not interested in anything, only the food. Greed.

"Brother Xiaozhi, since there is no one here, why don't we eat these things and continue our journey after feeding our stomachs!", the parrot raised its head and begged Chen Zhi, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"No," Chen Zhi immediately refused. "These foods are very strange. They have been placed here for more than 1000 years. Who knows what they have become. Moreover, there are no signs of animals on this island. The origin of the meat is unknown, and it may not be what it is. This kind of city is not It's not a place for us humans to come, try not to touch the things here, let alone eat them."

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, the parrot did not refute, but his eyes kept looking at the delicious food in front of him, drooling exaggeratedly, wishing to pounce on it immediately.

Chen Zhi obviously felt that something was wrong. He had never thought before that food would be such a temptation to people, but now, he didn't know whether it was because the smell of these foods was too delicious, or for some other reason. A few people seemed to be getting out of control.His attention was completely attracted by the food in front of him, and he turned a deaf ear to Chen Zhi's order.

Chen Zhi quickly took two steps forward, trying to pull the three of them back.

As soon as he walked over, an indescribable fragrance wafted from the barbecue. The fragrance was so tempting that it made people feel very hungry in their stomachs, so hungry that it was indescribable, as if they would not eat the meat on the table. The meat will die.This desire for food comes from the most primitive brain nerves in the human brain, which is a feeling of pure hunger and begging for food.

Just as Chen Zhi was stunned, the stone who had been silent next to him suddenly pounced on the plate of barbecue, stretched out his hand and tore off a large piece, stuffed it into his mouth, and immediately his mouth was full of oil, he chewed loudly , "It's so delicious, I want to eat it! I want to eat it!".

Seeing the stone like this, the parrot and Siyan next to it also jumped on it in a gaffe, as if they had lost their minds, their eyes were blood red and they gnawed on the fragrant barbecue.

"Don't touch it", Fat Wei suddenly fired a shot at the sky, and immediately calmed them down.

"Let me tell you, the meat came out for no reason. Nine times out of ten it is human flesh. You are all human. If you eat human flesh, you will never return to the human world."

 Thank you for the rewards just now: 200 in the blink of an eye; 100 in the Warring States Period Huang Gongzi
(End of this chapter)

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