Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 252 Qing'e

Chapter 252 Qing'e
When the young woman in ancient costume said her name was "Qing'e", Chen Zhi's first reaction was, "She is lying".

Since preparing to enter the tomb of the Tianhu God, Chen Zhi has made psychological preparations for various situations. He thought that he might encounter various legendary gods, ghosts and ghosts here, and all things that subvert the material world view, and may even encounter He met the legendary god, but he never thought that he would see Qing'e, a little fox fairy who claimed to be the last year of the Ming Dynasty.

Chen Zhi always thought that this Qing'e was just a small person mentioned in the materials at the end of Yuan Dynasty, a character exaggerated by legends, and it is unknown whether this character really existed.But now it seems that this Qing'e not only really exists, but also appears alive in front of him after thousands of years, and can communicate with him verbally.

At this time, Chen Zhi carefully looked at every detail of Qing'e's body. This woman's body is composed, her figure is thin, and her hands and feet are a little uncoordinated. It may be that her body has been stiff in one posture for a long time.But her body shape, voice and smile, she is a normal human being, no different from Qin Yueyang, but her face is a little paler.

Chen Zhi fixed his eyes on Qing'e, continued to search for loopholes, and at the same time said in a calm tone, "You said you are Qing'e, a fox fairy, then you should be from the Yuan Dynasty, why did you appear here alone, and why did you hide in the crying in the closet?".

"I, I am indeed a subject of Dayuan, but I don't remember the rest. I just remember that I seemed to have fallen asleep for a long, long time. Then, I saw you open the door of the cabinet. You guys, don't hurt Yu Me." The woman seemed to be really scared, trembling in the closet, but the words she spoke were very concise, and she did not speak the ancient obscure language.

Chen Zhi made Ghost Saber and Fat Wei take two steps back and said, "You come out first and then talk!"

The woman looked at Chen Zhi and the others in horror. After hesitating for a moment, she walked out slowly, holding on to the closet door. Her hands and feet were stiff and numb, and her walking posture was very strange, as if she hadn't walked for a long time. She was crooked and struggling. He walked to the couch indoors, leaned on it, and gasped slightly.

Ghost Knife has been following her, holding the long knife tightly in his hand, watching every move of this woman vigilantly.

The woman's body seemed to be very tired. She leaned on the couch to pant for a while, moved her numb limbs, and her complexion gradually became normal as if she had recovered her breath.

At this moment, Fat Wei, who was standing aside, was impatient. He said with a stiff smile on his face, "Sister, let's get straight to the point! We are not in the mood to play with you here now, I advise you to tell the truth now." , What is your background and what is the purpose of attracting us, otherwise don't blame me for not being sympathetic, and I will send you back to your hometown."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he lit up the stone-controlling sword in his hand, opened the mountain, and reflected the woman's face on it.

Chen Zhi clearly saw that when Qing'e saw Dakai Mountain, a trace of real fear flashed in her eyes.

"I really can't remember, please don't hurt me, let me think about it, I can tell you everything I remember." Qing'e seemed to feel that the current situation was very dangerous, she looked up at the three people, It seems that among the three people with knives in front of him, the only one who is friendlier is Chen Zhi.

So he called Chen Zhi to sit beside him, and in a soft tone, he recounted all her previous memories.

Qing'e has known that she is a fox fairy since she was a child, but she is a demigod, her cultivation is very ordinary, she has no supernatural power, her status in the fox clan is extremely low, she is like a servant, and she is not even qualified to talk to the patriarch's son.

She didn't know who her parents were since she was a child, and she didn't know what her ancestors looked like. She only knew that she belonged to the Tianhu clan. The ancestors of the clan were one of the great gods in ancient times. In the tomb of the gods, and these little demigods will stay here to guard the tomb.

In her memory, she only met the head of the Tianhu clan and his son Bai Qian, but the memory of that period was very vague, and she could no longer remember the detailed plot.I just remember that it was at the annual Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Sacrifice Ceremony. Bai Qian was very powerful and terrifying at that time. After returning from the East, she rarely saw her real body. It was basically some illusory shadow. His emotions are extremely unstable, and he takes pleasure in killing and eating people all day long, and sometimes even eats demigods.

As long as Qing'e could remember, she and some sisters were sent to this city. At that time, thousands of demigods of the Tianhu clan lived here. Their abilities varied greatly, and Qing'e belonged to the lowest and humblest class.

The rules here are very strict. The demigods can go out once a year and must come back after 7 days. Nothing can stay in the human world.In the tomb of the gods, a large-scale sacrificial ceremony is held every year. Every time the patriarch Bai Qian catches one of them and demigods, kills them and lets blood, soaking the land to worship the Su family, and then Throw the body into the mausoleum and bury it for the nine-tailed sky fox.Many sisters wanted to escape from the city, to escape the fate of being buried, but they were all caught by Bai Qian, killed and cooked, and their bones were hung above the city tower, in a horrible state.

When Qing'e was out, she met Ren Quan in Taishan Village, they fell in love with each other, and they decided to marry each other for life.Ren Quan is a scholar, and because his family is extremely poor, he has no money to take the exam, so he begged Qing'e to smuggle out pearls for him. After he sold them, he left with his family. He came back to marry Qing'e, but he didn't expect to hear from her for several years after he left.

Every time Qing'e came out to inquire about Ren Quan's news, and later heard that he had already been named on the gold list, and his official position was a third-rank official, but for some reason he never returned to his hometown, so Qing'e has been waiting here for her husband to pick her up.

But unexpectedly, her tribe discovered that she secretly gave the pearl to ordinary people. The patriarch Bai Qian was furious and ordered her to be locked in the building, and the windows were sealed with wooden boards, and she would never be allowed to go out again.

Later, it was the day when the nine-tailed sky fox was sacrificed every year, and the demigod was killed and buried.Patriarch Bai Qian was about to choose a demigod again, but this time she chose a very powerful demigod.The pure blood of this demigod is second only to his son, and his status in the clan is extremely high. He immediately set off an uprising. The demigods who have been ruled by blood for a long time have long been unable to bear it. Some extremely powerful demigods unite to kill Bai Qian. And so war broke out."

During that period of time, wars broke out in this city of gods, the sky was full of blood, and people were devastated. Qing'e can't remember the specific situation, but because she was too weak, no one paid attention to her. When the war broke out, she hid in the She kept crying in the closet, then fell asleep crying and crying, and when she woke up, she saw Chen Zhi and others standing outside the closet."

Chen Zhi and the others, listening to Qing'e's narration, seemed to be listening to a fairy tale that had gone through more than 1000 years. For a while, they didn't know what to say.

"Can you take me to my husband?" Qing'e still asked innocently, with tears in her eyes, "My husband is a member of the court, if you take me to him, he will definitely reward you of."

Fat Wei finally spoke when he heard this. He looked at Qing'e and sneered, and then said, "You said, you are here to guard the spirit, so you should know where the tomb of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox is, right? ?”

Qing'e nodded, pointed to the east and said, "I know, the front is the shrine of our patriarch. I remember that the tomb of our ancestors is just behind the main hall of the patriarch."

"That's good." Fat Wei grinned and laughed, "How about this, sister Qing'e, if you take us to the tomb of your ancestors, after we get out, we will take you to find your husband. Let you see him, do you like it?"

Really, Qing'e immediately became excited, raised her eyes to look at Pang Wei with tears in her eyes, her eyes were full of hope, "Okay, I will take you to the tomb of the gods now, but you must keep your word, take me Find my husband.

After Qing'e finished speaking, she quickly jumped down from the collapse and started walking towards the stairs.

Chen Zhi pulled Fat Wei, and said: "Why did you agree to her so casually? What age is this, where are you going to find her dead husband?"

"What are you afraid of?" Fat Wei said with a smile, "When you see people talking about people and talking about people, do you really believe the nonsense she just said? Since she is full of nonsense, what's wrong with me telling her a lie?" It's ok. Let's talk about it..." At this point, Fat Wei patted Chen Zhi on the shoulder and said with a hippie smile. "If it doesn't work, just say that you are the reincarnation of her husband, and you can accept her!"

"Hush!" Ghost Knife suddenly made a hissing gesture, shook his head slightly at them, consciously not to talk nonsense, and pointed to Qing'e's body.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei immediately looked at Qing'e's feet, and they were surprised to find that there was no shadow under Qing'e's body.

 Today's chapter is very fat, I went to take a shower, and the outline will not be updated at night.The story is coming to an end soon, and all the previous mysteries will be revealed. I have worked hard for so long, and finally I am going to start filling in the pits, haha.You wait, good things are coming.The book friend group has been suspended. If you have any comments, go directly to the book review area.

(End of this chapter)

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