Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 260 8 Faces of Prestige

Chapter 260
In the middle of the square, Qing'e was still standing there, with the same charming face and thin body, but his aura was completely different at this time, his whole body emitted a strong silver air current , rushed the hair to the sky, turned into several white silver threads and stretched around.

More than a hundred black shadows were all penetrated by his silver thread and hung in the air. These monsters that were screaming just now were powerless and motionless. Chen Zhi saw that Qing'e's body was emitting silver The light of the air flow all came from behind, and where the silver light converged, a few blue-silver tails appeared loomingly, curling up with the silver air flow, that posture was like a divine soldier descending into the world, majestic and majestic, Invincible.

Qing'e's hair trembled in the sky, and she pulled back those silver threads. At the same time, all the black shadows that had been pierced through their heads fell to the ground, and their bodies disappeared, turning into a star. A black head rolled to everyone's feet.

It was only then that Chen Zhi could see clearly that those black heads were decayed and withered human skulls. Most of the trees had dried up and were so dark that they could not be seen clearly. Yes, it looks very disgusting.

After Qing'e's hair was pulled back, the silver aura on her body was still boiling, gradually disappearing into her body.

"These things are some shadow people," Qing'e said calmly, gently pulling up her fallen hair.

"You humans were very afraid of them in ancient times, and called them ghosts. It is actually a kind of puppet magic of our fox clan, and it has no life. Our ancient ancestors of the fox clan cut off some human heads and used magic to turn them into ghosts. People's grievances and good memories are trapped in the head, and then give him a fake limb, but this limb is just an image, very fast, it can be as intangible as a shadow and difficult to capture, only when it hits the brain in the brain , in order to kill it with one blow.

With the speed of your humans, you can't compete with the shadow people, so in ancient times, we, the Tianhu clan, often used shadow people to capture the best of you humans, and come back to be our slaves or food."


Chen Zhi was speechless to what Qing'e said just now. At this moment, he was not interested in the identities of these shadows and the bad things they had done. Chen Zhi's heart was still beating violently, and he held tightly with his right hand. Long Dao, gasping for breath, asked Qing'e in a low voice, "Could it be that you really want to help us?".

"Of course, otherwise, what do you think I'm thinking?" Qing'e seemed to find Chen Zhi's question funny, and returned to the voice of the young girl before, with a graceful and gentle voice, and said with a smile.

"Otherwise, relying on you guys, it would be a big joke to enter the tomb of the Heavenly Fox God on your own.

Didn't you see your own corpse in the forest before you entered the tomb of God?That should have been your fate."

"Hey~heh~heh~", Qing'e's crisp laughter echoed in the air, if you didn't see her terrified look just now, you would really think that she was a young and innocent girl.

After Chen Zhi heard what Qing'e just said, he already understood in his heart that it was meaningless to hide anything in front of Qing'e. Although this woman named Qing'e didn't know who she was, there was one thing she could do. Sure, she already knows everything.

After the fierce battle just now, the people in the team have been seriously injured, all of them are like blood men, with every good spot on their bodies, the skin on Shishi's body has basically been scratched, and the others have also been injured It's in a bad shape, the glasses on the four eyes have been scratched away long ago, and one eye has been sealed.But fortunately, there were basically no bones or muscles touched, and they were all skin trauma.

"Is it safe in Lutai?" Chen Zhi asked Qing'e.What he cares most at this time is to quickly find a safe place to settle down and let everyone rest and heal.

"It's safe for the time being, come with me!" Qing'e said lightly, then turned and walked towards Lutai Middle.

Chen Zhi immediately directed everyone loudly to follow Qing'e, and all of them entered the Lutai to heal their injuries.

Everyone is now in an extremely fragile state, and they no longer have any doubts about Qing'e, and through what happened just now, everyone has already seen clearly that if Qing'e really wants to kill them, she basically doesn't need to lift a finger. It's just a matter of minutes.

Because the wounds on their bodies were bleeding too much, it was very difficult for everyone to walk. Some had to use guns as crutches, and some supported each other, and followed Qing'e all the way into the gate of Lutai.

Qing'e lightly pushed open the ten-meter-high gate with her light-white hands. After the gate burst open, there was a large painted stone screen in front of it, which depicted fox fairies with fox heads and the murals of the underground passage. Basically similar.

Behind the stone screen is a very large hall with many long curtains hung on it. The ground behind the curtains is covered with mattresses made of silk brocade. Pillows, draped with crystal and agate tassels, look like places where women rest.

Chen Zhi asked everyone to settle on those floor mats, and then quickly opened the first aid kit in the treasure bag, each of them took care of and bandaged their own wounds to prevent excessive blood loss from endangering their lives.

Everyone's blood loss was really serious. The arteries in Shishi's legs had been opened, and the blood flowed non-stop in his thighs. Fat Wei's entire face had turned into a gourd of blood, and Chen Zhi's entire right half of his body was also swollen. soaked in blood.

There is a special first aid powder in the first aid kit of Baibao Nang. This medicine is very powerful. It is a radical medicine powder mixed with hemostatic medicine, anti-inflammatory medicine, and cell agent that promotes wound healing. It contains many secret medicines. The effect is very remarkable.

After everyone applied the powder on the wound, the effect of the medicine evaporated immediately. Seeing that the bleeding was stopped, the wound slowly solidified together in the blood and the powder, and finally scabs formed. Then everyone wrapped the wound with a bandage superior.Soon, everyone in the team was able to move except for the stone that hurt the artery and could not move their legs.

Chen Zhi asked everyone to rest in place for a while, drink some water to replenish water, let the effect of the medicine take effect slowly, and give the body a process of self-recovery.

Qing'e has been sitting next to Chen Zhi. At this time, the hostility in her body has dissipated, as if she is an ordinary girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, sitting next to Chen Zhi, with a faint smile on her eyes Watching Chen Zhi bandage the wound.

"You seem to know everything, so do you know who I am?" Chen Zhi asked Qing'e beside him while bandaging the wound.

"I know", Qing'e's eyes are full of smiles,
"But Jiang Shang's ability has not been passed into your blood. There should be an elder alive in the Jiang family. After his death, you will be the heir."

After Qing'e finished speaking, she looked at Chen Zhi's face with interest.

"Over the past 3000 years, Jiang Shang's voice and appearance are still there, but if you compare the magic skills of Jiang Shang, the witch of the past, even your descendants and successors of several generations of Jiang's family can't hold a candle to him."

[Jiang Ziya is a witch?Demi god? ]" Chen Zhi said silently in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"My surname is not Jiang, but my surname is Chen." Chen Zhi smiled lightly and looked up at Qing'e.After hesitating for a moment, he asked.

"Can you tell me who you really are?"

(End of this chapter)

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