Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 270

Chapter 270
Within the reach of the searchlights, they saw some extremely huge wooden chairs with backrests. They were extremely large, and the workmanship style was simple and simple, with simple curves, which formed a sharp contrast with other cumbersome and luxurious decorations in the city.But the wood of all wooden chairs is made of golden nanmu.

The chairs were neatly arranged in a row against the wall without any gaps in between. Judging from the structure of the furniture, this place should be a corner of a public single room, and it looks like a ancestral hall.

They continued to walk along the direction of this row of chairs. In this extremely large room, there were many items specially used for sacrifices. The style was simple and simple, even a little weird. There are huge white candles and long incense sticks, the candles are as tall as a person, placed there like a tree.There is still a slight white smoke on it, as if it has just been blown out,
They continued to walk forward and found that every chair, every vase, and even every oil lamp on the wall here were all in a huge, rough and primitive style, permeated with an unspeakable sense of mystery, but They couldn't tell what it was that made them feel like they had entered the world of giants nearly ten thousand years ago.

After walking forward for a long time in this darkness, we finally saw the end of the room in front of us. This is the last area of ​​the ancestral hall, and what seemed to be a very tall altar leaned against the wall.Although it was said to be an altar, it was as high as a building in front of them.The things enshrined on it could not be seen clearly at all, it was pitch black.

In front of the altar is a wooden pier for kneeling, which can hold a hundred people. On the wooden pier is a red mat embroidered with brocade. The stitches of the embroidery are so large that Chen Zhi can even see the deposits in the gaps between the stitches. of powder.

"This is probably the house where the nine-tailed celestial fox really lived thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago," Chen Zhi said.

"But this is only the front hall. Although the furniture is very large, the structure of the room is very simple. It is the traditional architectural style of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. The ancients in the Yin and Shang Dynasties believed that eternal life begins after death. So the altar It is often placed in the room where the living once lived, and behind the altar is the main tomb that leads to the body of the deceased. This is called the same room of life and death. So behind here, it should be the main tomb of the nine-tailed sky fox. Everyone look for it, there must be a secret door somewhere here."

"Hey! Isn't it obvious where this secret door is? You don't need to look for it," Fat Wei said next to him.

"How do you know?" Chen Zhi asked in surprise.

Fat Wei shook his head and smiled wryly, "I don't know how to know, you will gain experience after fighting a few times, dead people, just like others to miss him infinitely, and burn incense and kowtow to him.".

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he put the long knife on his waist, quickly climbed onto the top of the wooden pier, found a place on the huge embroidered cushion like stepping on cotton, knelt down with a plop, thump~thump~thump ~, kowtow three times in a row.

"Does this work?" Chen Zhi wondered in his mind.

However, as soon as Fat Wei knocked his head, he heard a sound of "Boom! Crash!" The stone wall rose up under the altar in front of him, and a stone door opened.

The stone gate is about three meters high and nearly two meters wide. Although it is very wide, it is much more normal compared to the entire huge ancestral hall and altar.

A stone corridor was exposed inside the stone gate, winding straight into the darkness inside.

"That's the passage, let's go in!", Fat Wei said to everyone, "I will lead the way, everyone follow me, no matter what you encounter after entering, don't panic."

In this way, they jumped onto the wooden pier one by one, walked over like stepping on cotton, and walked into the door ahead.

Although there are no reliefs and inlays here, the workmanship on the wall of the stone gate is meticulous, and some characters are densely engraved on the edge of the door, which is very similar to the divine characters that Chen Zhi has seen before, but at this moment he can't understand a single word.

It seemed very far to them to walk here from the mountain gate, but in terms of the structure of the house, it was just a common structure leading to the inner room behind a hall.The road surface in the passage and the distance between the left and right walls are no longer as scary as the ancestral hall just now. It seems that the people or gods walking in this passage are no longer so tall.

This passage is entirely made of bluestone slabs, enough for two or three people to walk at the same time. Chen Zhi walked in the front with a flashlight, and saw that there was no decoration in the passage, only the surrounding walls were densely carved with gods. Wen, and the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the exhale can freeze into ice. Everyone is used to the extreme cold here. The jumpsuits they wear can guarantee the basic temperature in their bodies, but their fingers are a little frozen The parrot held the sniper rifle and kept blowing to keep his hands warm.

After the tragic battle just now and seeing the death of their teammates with their own eyes, everyone is now in an extremely low mood and doesn't like to talk. They just walked forward quietly like this, still vigilant but without fear. After walking for a long time, the front The exit appeared in front of everyone.

What Chen Zhi didn't expect was that the exit ahead did not lead into the darkness. On the contrary, the outside of the exit was filled with light, which was dazzling, and there were actually blossoming white clouds floating over from the exit.

"What's going on? Is the outdoors ahead? Did we walk out of the mountains so quickly?" Fat Wei asked strangely from behind

"No." Chen Zhi shook his head and said, "The indoors here are still sealed. If the front is outdoors, there won't be such a strong smell of bone fragrance, and it will become stronger and stronger. I guess, the dazzling light in front, It should be man-made."

This time, they didn't hesitate at all, and walked straight forward through the exit.

The moment they went out from the Shimen, they realized that it was no wonder that this place was so famous. It turned out that everything here was an unimaginable illusion.

What appeared in front of them was a huge square room. The room was definitely not simply big, but a kind of extreme domineering. The atmosphere of the whole building can only be described in four words, majestic. It simply gives people an urge to kneel down.

The height of the room couldn't be seen clearly at all, and there were clusters of white clouds floating there at the zenith, but it was definitely not the sky, because the top of the white clouds was still dark, and the inside could not be seen clearly.In the four directions around the big room, there are rows of huge mirrors, and white clouds float out of these mirrors.

(End of this chapter)

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