Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 272 The Man in the Darkness

Chapter 272 The Man in the Darkness

Chen Zhi was already flustered in his heart at this time. In fact, this emotion has been suppressed since they watched Shi Shi and Siyan die. He knew that everyone was suppressing it, and no one wanted to say it. .

Ever since Qing'e said the phrase "Those who have eaten here will never leave here alive", Chen Zhi had already made mental preparations in his heart, he knew that the stone could no longer live.

However, he never thought that everything would come so quickly and so directly.Siyan died tragically in front of their eyes, without even giving them time to react.

From that moment on, Chen Zhi's heart was filled with an emotion of extreme grief, indignation and guilt.But he didn't want to show it. Now is not the time to be emotional, especially not to show it to the parrot. Since the death of the four eyes, the mental state of the parrot has been very fragile.What Chen Zhi needs to do now is to try his best to bring out all the remaining people alive.

"Did you call me behind my back just now?" Chen Zhi calmly asked the parrot behind him.

The parrot's expression was very bad at this time, he shook his head silently, and said with trembling lips, "I didn't call you, just now I saw Brother Fat Wei and Brother Ghost Sword drawn into it by that big mirror like two shadows I went, but I heard a voice calling you..."

"But that voice...why, why is it so similar to..." When the parrot said this, he unconsciously covered his mouth and said softly, "Why is it so similar to the sound of four eyes?"

After all, the parrot is young, and since the death of the four eyes, he has long since lost his original spirit. Now he is obviously panicked, trembling while holding the gun.

"Did you hear that too?" Chen Zhi's head buzzed. At this moment, he was sure that he had heard correctly just now, and it wasn't an auditory hallucination. The voice calling him was real.

"How could there be the sound of four eyes? Could it be that the four eyes are not dead yet?" Chen Zhi thought in his head, "Impossible, his whole head has been bitten off by Ya Zi, and I buried him with my own hands of."

"Then there is only one possibility. Four eyes are resenting them. They don't want to die here alone, so come to us to be his company? And, the most important thing is where are Ghost Sword and Fatty? Have you entered the mirror? Or been caught by the four eyes..."

Perhaps because of a feeling of guilt, Chen Zhi couldn't help thinking wildly at this moment, and it was rather chaotic. He walked down the huge mirrors one by one, and checked all the mirrors.The scenery in God's Domain still appeared in those mirrors, but the scene of the main tomb with the huge coffin was no longer there.

"What the hell is going on in this room? It seems to be trying to lure the two of them away."

Chen Zhi became a little flustered for a while, but he didn't want the young parrot to see his flustered face, so he forced himself to look at the parrot calmly.

The parrot's emotions were close to collapse at this time, his face was livid, his lips were purple, his eyes looked at Chen Zhi relyingly, and he acted completely according to Chen Zhi's will.

"Brother Xiaozhi, what should we do now?" the parrot asked tremblingly, "Four Eyes? Are you looking for us? He wants to...".

"Don't think about it!" Chen Zhi calmly comforted the parrot and said, "Sometimes, because everyone is thinking about the same thing, or feels guilty towards one person at the same time, they will hear the same voice. In psychology, it is called collective auditory hallucinations.

From the moment you entered here, you all knew in your heart that we could all die here, including Four Eyes; Stone, you and I are all the same, there's nothing fucking to complain about, it's all our own choice.So the four eyes will not generate any resentment, and they will not blame us."

After listening to Chen Zhi's words, the parrot's wet eyes flickered, and it said softly, "Okay."

"Then let's not think about anything now, and quickly find a way out to join Pang Wei and the others, and then we don't care about what's ahead, just get out of here as soon as possible," Chen Zhi said to the parrot.

"Yeah!", the parrot nodded in agreement.

In this way, Chen Zhi and the parrot searched separately in a huge room. They searched every corner of the room and ran all over the place, but they didn't find any trace of the exit.But when they walked to the entrance they came in, they found that at some point, the entrance had quietly turned into a wall and was completely sealed.

"Even the entrance has been sealed, what do you mean? Are you trying to trap us here?" Chen Zhi broke out in a cold sweat at this time. In this cold big room, he suddenly felt the air in the air. The oxygen wasn't as good anymore, and a very strange feeling came up, but he couldn't say what it was.

Chen Zhi told the parrot to stop running around, and he walked slowly like the suspended stone slab, his eyes fell on the palace model.

"This model is really exquisite," Chen Zhi said silently in his heart.

This model shows the entire tomb of Tianhu God, from the ocean inside the gate, the beautiful city where the demigods live, the emerald green mountain peaks, the towering deer platform, and even the deep hole that Qing'e jumped into. , and where they are now is also in the model.

The place where they are now is the last hall after the mountain gate, but there is no door in this model hall, as if everything ends here, it is a completely closed room.But what is very strange is that outside the north wall of this hall is a large empty space, and the place where this space connects to the hall has no door, as if it is isolated.

"There should be a secret door on this wall." Chen Zhi pointed to the north wall and said, "But we don't know where the mechanism is?"

"Brother Xiaozhi, look what's going on here." The parrot also lay down on the stone slab, pointing to the floor of the hall in the model.

Only then did Chen Zhi notice that the blue moon floating above the model was rotating little by little, and the blue light it emitted was shining on the hall on the model at this moment. The floor of the hall began to gradually turn red, as if it was about to burn.

Chen Zhi frowned when he saw this scene. He had a strong intuition that this hot red color definitely did not represent any good things.

When Chen Zhi was concentrating on studying the model in front of him, the parrot gently pushed him with his hand.

"What are you doing?" Chen Zhi looked up at the parrot, but saw that the parrot's face was as white as paper, cold sweat was pouring out from the top of his head, and his blue lips were trembling. with.

"Xiao, brother Xiaozhi, there is someone behind you, it is..., it is four eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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