Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 290

Chapter 290
Bai Qian's appearance at this time is even more terrifying. It seems that after the skinning and bone removal just now, the bones and flesh of her body have been reassembled. In fact, she can barely be regarded as a human figure now, her head has been bent to the shoulders position, the back is arched high, like a hunchbacked monster.

Her beautiful eyes were squeezed into reality by the shattered eye sockets, the corners of her mouth were greatly cracked, and the sharp teeth in her mouth were still very sharp, like a row of knife points, shining with a sharp cold light.

The moment Chen Zhi saw Bai Qian, Bai Qian's figure flashed, and at an inconceivable speed, he arrived in front of Chen Zhi's eyes in an instant, and at the same time, Chen Zhi's incantation of conferring the gods also sounded in the cave.

Chen Zhi was less than one meter away from Bai Qian, chanting mantras, his voices rising and falling, and at the same time, bursts of golden light radiated from his body and went straight to Bai Qian, turning Bai Qian's The body penetrated and turned into a ball of fire that burned on Bai Qian's body.

There was a burning sound immediately on the pale skin, white smoke rose all over her body, and there was a smell of burnt flesh, and the bones on her body began to shatter, joint by joint. Yes, the body slowly collapsed, leaving only a disheveled head hanging on the limp body, staring at Chen Zhi resentfully.

Bai Qian's body was trembling unceasingly, enduring great pain, but this time she didn't scream out, but endured silently with her eyes wide open, blood flowed out from the corners of her mouth and eyes, Waiting for the spell to end in silence.

This feeling added to the sense of fear, making it hard to imagine how crazy Bai Qian would be after the mantra chanting was over.

Chen Zhi glanced ahead from the corner of his eye, and saw that Pang Wei had already run out through the gap in the golden gate with the Ghost Saber on his back. After they ran tens of meters, Pang Wei looked back at the person inside the door. Chen Zhi's eyes were full of tears, and he seemed a little unbearable, but he turned his head and continued running, disappearing into the darkness ahead.

The power of the Conferred God spell continued to burn Bai Qian's body, and Bai Qian was like a puddle of hot mud in front of Chen Zhi, slowly evaporating in the raging fire.

Chen Zhi couldn't leave, he knew that as long as he escaped from this position, the Conferred God Curse would lose its power, and Bai Qian would recover immediately, jump up and bite his throat, and then catch up with Fat Wei and Ghost Saber in front of him. That's when everything doesn't make sense.If it is said that someone must die, it is better to let him die alone than three people die at the same time!
Chen Zhi continued to chant the second verse of the Conferred God Mantra. He clearly felt that Bai Qian had gradually adapted to this mantra. The flames on her body were no longer so fierce. She struggled and seemed to be able to rush out Like this fire.Chen Zhi knew that Bai Qian's recovery time this time must be much faster than the last time, and he had to buy some more time for Fat Wei and Ghost Sword who ran out.

That kind of powerful power boiled in Chen Zhi's blood, as if telling Chen Zhi that the power contained in Jiang's blood was very powerful.

Chen Zhi continued to chant the incantation, and drew out the Tushen (Stone-Controlling Long Knife) with his right hand, drawing a bloodstain on the palm of his hand, so that his blood soaked the entire Tushen blade.

Bai Qian seemed to know what he wanted to do, her face was full of rage, her eyes were fixed on Chen Zhi fiercely like two knives, waiting for what was about to happen.

By this time, the mantra had reached the last sentence.Chen Zhi suddenly saw a smile on Bai Qian's distorted and deformed face, that smile was extremely permeating, and he felt that the whole world went dark in an instant, and everything was in Bai Qian's hands.

The Conferred God spell was finally over, and before the steam on Bai Qian's body dissipated, Chen Zhi raised his bloody long knife at Bai Qian's head at the last moment, and chopped it with all his strength.

Clang~~, a crisp sound.

The long knife stuck on Bai Qian's head as if it had touched hard metal.

Bai Qian's head was cut into a depth of more than three inches, and white smoke rose from the bloody blade of the God of Slaughter. At the same time, Bai Qian's eyes were already blood red, the corners of her eyes were cracked, her face was twisted ferociously, and the huge Fury filled her whole body.

Like a wounded beast, she shook her head vigorously and broke away from Chen Zhi's knife, her body quickly returned to an upright position, and she stood up with a "chuckle".

Chen Zhi was so frightened that he instinctively took two steps back, and immediately felt that his whole body was overwhelmed by a powerful aura. This aura was so powerful that it was boundless and indescribable, coming from behind the furious Bai Qian.

Chen Zhi panicked all of a sudden, he never thought that he could kill Bai Qian with a single knife, but he also didn't expect that she would recover so quickly.

Bai Qian didn't rush forward to bite Chen Zhi immediately, but walked over slowly, her distorted face pressed tightly in front of Chen Zhi's eyes, her body leaned slightly forward, looking down at Chen Zhi like a demonstration.That kind of strong air pressure produced an indescribably strong pressure, and the disparity in strength would crush Chen Zhi to death.

"What is she going to do with me now? Skin me alive, swallow me alive?" Chen Zhi thought in horror.

And Bai Qian looked at Chen Zhi like this for about 2 minutes, then slowly turned her eyes forward, bypassing Chen Zhi, and continued to walk forward.

Chen Zhi was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned around to look over, only to see Bai Qian slowly walking to the side of the huge fox corpse, with outstretched arms, embracing the huge fox head, her whole body buried in the silver fur. middle.

And the pink fluff fluttering in the sky seemed to have found its owner, and they all gathered on Bai Qian's body, slowly covering her, looking like a piece of pink cotton from a distance.

"She is so far away from me now, run away?" A signal for survival flashed in Chen Zhi's mind, Bai Qian was now engrossed in the hair of the nine-tailed sky fox, and seemed to have forgotten the existence of Chen Zhi.And the golden gate is close at hand, if she runs out now, Bai Qian may not find out, this is an excellent opportunity.

When Chen Zhi thought of this, the cat raised his waist and threw his legs forward, and ran towards the gate with a whoosh, and was about to run out through the gap in the golden gate.

And in less than 1/10 of a second, with a bang, the golden door suddenly closed in front of his eyes.

Chen Zhi's heart was beating violently, and he hurriedly looked back, and was startled.

At some point, Bai Qian was already standing behind him, her eyes were furious and her fangs were showing, as if she was going to eat him alive. .

what! ~~~
At this moment, Chen Zhi didn't care anymore. In this empty god's tomb, facing this ghost-like ancient god, he didn't have to hide his fear anymore, and lost his body and shouted.He couldn't help imagining in his mind how Bai Qian and the others would torture him, maybe it wasn't enough to tear him apart and drink his blood.Rather than dying in such pain, it is better to end it now.

After Chen Zhi thought of this, he reached out his hand to draw the dagger in his trouser leg, but at this moment, a force of gravity knocked his hand away, and his jaw immediately went numb.

Bai Qian stretched out her withered arm, grabbed Chen Zhi's neck, and lifted him up high.Her strength was astonishing, her long nails penetrated into Chen Zhi's neck, and blood flowed out.

Bai Qian pinched Chen Zhi's neck, lifted it up easily, and handed it to her face, looked into Chen Zhi's eyes, and spit out a few words in a sharp and weird tone.

"Mortal people are like ants, and if you twist your fingers, you will die. Why should you save them?".

After Bai Qian finished speaking, she shook Chen Zhi angrily, and threw Chen Zhi far away from the sky, and fell heavily on the giant fox in the distance. The pain from the broken bones hit her body, and Chen Zhi felt a burst of pain in his chest. Burning, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

[Let’s make an update today, I’m sorry, I haven’t slept for 48 hours, and my thinking is confused. This part is too important to write indiscriminately, and it will be ruined if I write wrong. 】

(End of this chapter)

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