Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 292 The End of the Gods

Chapter 292 The End of the Gods

Chen Zhi looked at Bai Qian with a numb expression, he didn't show any fear, nor did he respond in any way.At this point, there was no point in being afraid, in fact, he felt like nothing he'd done before had made sense.Is the rise and fall of mankind related to him?These great missions are far away from him.If he could choose again, he would definitely not participate in these dangerous things. He would rather be an ordinary person and live an ordinary and quiet life with his father.

Bai Qian stared at those green fox eyes, looked at Chen Zhi with an expressionless face, grinned at the corner of her mouth to reveal a mouth full of fangs, and slowly approached Chen Zhi's face.

"Are you going to eat me? Is everything over like this? Is everything over like this?...", Chen Zhi didn't expect that a feeling of unwillingness suddenly rose in his heart.

"Are you expecting someone to rescue you?" Bai Qian looked at Chen Zhi's face with a melodious voice.

"No!" Chen Zhi retorted vigorously, but the voice he spit out was light and light. He hadn't had any water or rice for several days, and he had lost his last strength.

"Lie, you human beings always like to lie, to lie to others, and to lie to yourself."

After Bai Qian finished speaking, she gently drew a circle in the air, and some images gradually appeared in that circle. Chen Zhi saw that in the images were Lao Somersault, Qin Yueyang and the others, as well as Fatty who was carrying a ghost knife. Wei Gang crawled out of the well, everyone's faces were heavy, Fat Wei's eyes and nose were all red and swollen from crying.Several gunmen were using seat belts, pulling them up.

"You have hope in your heart." Bai Qian pointed to Chen Zhi's chest, "You are lying to yourself, you are very scared now, you thought they would come back to save you, but they didn't."After Bai Qian said this, she stretched her finger in front of Chen Zhi's heart, and slowly inserted it in.
The pain ravaged Chen Zhi's whole body, Chen Zhi was about to pass out, the nail of that finger was clinging to his heart, and it was broken with one blow.

"Should I kill you?" Bai Qian looked at Chen Zhi with a little interest, "Maybe it will be more interesting when you know all the truth?"

Chen Zhi didn't listen to Bai Qian's words seriously, but the pain made him feel sober in his mind at this time, and the true desire of human nature emerged, "Bai Qian is right, how he hopes that Fat Wei will not leave and can come back Save him, don't leave him alone in this darkness."

"Do you know what fate is?" asked Chen Zhi with big white eyes, which were filled with pity, and continued.

"Fate is an inherent thing between heaven and earth, it should not be changed, just like gods rule humans and humans eat animals, this is all fate.

Jiang Ziya changed his fate against the sky and changed the fate of mankind, but has fate changed?Are you kind to animals?How foolish! "

Bai Qian's fingers were still inserted into Chen Zhi's chest, and an inch forward would have killed Chen Zhi. Chen Zhi looked at Bai Qian helplessly, like a deer that was being urged to death by the mouth of a wild animal, silently waiting for him fate.

"Do you want to live?" Bai Qian asked Chen Zhi jokingly, that face with fox eyes was very weird in the dark, but it looked sacred and inviolable. "Give me a reason, and I will let you go. This is God's promise."

"Hmm!" Chen Zhi said with the last of his strength, his chapped lips trembling. "When we first met, I helped you. I untied your obsession and let you get out of that villa. You owe me a favor, and now I need you to repay it. Let me go."

But Bai Qian didn't seem to be moved, she still looked at Chen Zhi with a smile, "That's not a reason!".

Chen Zhi was silent, he turned his face away and stopped talking, he didn't want to be teased by Bai Qian again, if he wanted to die, he would rather die with dignity.

Bai Qian still looked at Chen Zhi with a smile, her fingernails advanced a little, and after touching Chen Zhi's heart, she trembled and retracted again.

"I've lived too long, I'm tired, I have to go back", Bai Qian stood up, walked back slowly, and stopped looking at Chen Zhi. "Although you survived, you are not necessarily luckier than me. The debt owed by the Jiang family should be repaid by you! This is your destiny."

After Bai Qian finished speaking, she stretched out her right hand and waved in the air, and all the pink fluff in the sky flew up, sparkling, and the cave in the darkness was shining like a fairyland, slowly appearing in the light cluster A golden wheat field is getting bigger and bigger. A huge fox is lying in the middle of the wheat field and sleeping, like a mountain, with a very peaceful expression.And in front of the giant fox, there is a beautiful and exquisite Japanese-style courtyard. Rows of magnolia trees are planted in the courtyard, and the white flowers are flying with the wind, flying all over the sky.

"Is it beautiful here?" Bai Qian's body was surrounded by the light of fur. At some point, she put on that beautiful and delicate white kimono with big tails again, with a pair of huge pearl earrings rippling around her ears. , the beautiful face was unusually calm, looking forward to the image in anticipation.

At this time, Chen Zhicai discovered that the scene was very real, and the scope was getting bigger and bigger. At this time, he was already in this golden wheat field, and he could even see the ears of wheat in front of him, full of grains. Golden in color.

"Illusion", Chen Zhi looked at everything in front of him in astonishment and said.

Only then did Bai Qian turn her head and smiled at Chen Zhi, "You humans always think that you can distinguish illusions from reality, but tens of thousands of years ago, my mother, the God Fox, was able to create infinite illusions, Including the sky and the earth, moving mountains and expanding the sea, causing all beings in the world to fall into an illusion until they die without knowing it, are you really sure that the world you see is all real?"

When Bai Qian said this, there was a babbling child's voice, a three or four-year-old boy ran out of the Japanese garden, wearing Japanese kimono clogs, with two little hands open, babbling He threw himself into Bai Qian's arms.

Bai Qian gently hugged him, and without looking at Chen Zhi again, she flicked her sleeves lightly and said to Chen Zhi, "You go! A long time ago, I did owe a favor to someone, but that wasn't you".

When Bai Qian's sleeve fell down, in an instant, the sky was dark and the space suddenly rotated. Chen Zhi was blown by a strong wind and flew into the air, getting higher and higher.Chen Zhi saw that Bai Qian below carried the child across the golden wheat field and into the courtyard.

And that piece of golden wheat field became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a small yellow dot, disappearing into the darkness.

[It's not over, the big reveal will start later, and there are still many wonderful stories.There is also Babao Liuliding, which is an applied term in tomb robbery. Many people have used it for a long time. You can read books and play with me without thinking too much.I love you all】

(End of this chapter)

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