Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
"Hurry up like a law! Gan Luo Da Na Dong Gang Tai Xuan cuts demons, binds evils, saves thousands of people, and spreads beans into soldiers~~".

After the ninth uncle of the Zheng family yelled, he put his hands into his waist pockets, took out two handfuls of golden beans, and sprinkled them into the sky with a sound.

Sprinkling beans into soldiers is a kind of mysterious art in Chinese legend. It is said that as long as you scatter soybeans, you can immediately become an army.The principle comes from using grains as the carrier, using each grain of soybeans to receive a breath of spiritual energy from the caster, and using special spells to greet the ancient warriors who can fight well, and attach to these soybeans.After the Yin soldiers appeared, they would immediately grab the soybeans. When they swallowed the soybeans, they also swallowed the spiritual energy carried on the soybeans, and thus were controlled by the caster's thoughts.

The founder of Casting Beans into Soldiers is actually Jiang Ziya. In myths and legends, Wen Zhong and Jiang Ziya fought on Qishan Mountain. Because the Shang Dynasty army was assisted by Shen Gongbao and a group of Taoist friends, the Western Zhou Dynasty army was gradually exhausted.At the critical moment, Jiang Ziya got the help of the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, cast beans into an army, summoned thousands of ancient generals who were good at fighting, defeated the merchant army, and turned defeat into victory.

But now, the technique of turning beans into a soldier created by Chen Zhi's ancestors has now appeared on the old man of the Zheng family.When Uncle Jiu sowed these beans in front of the goblin army, the goblins had already rushed in front of his eyes.I saw that these golden soybeans would disappear when they touched the soil, and they all got into the ground.In an instant, the whole earth vibrated, and tall clay figurines emerged from the muddy ground, holding all kinds of knives, guns and weapons, standing stiffly in front of them, blocking the way of the goblins.

At this moment, Uncle Jiu's thin body suddenly jumped up into the air, his hands seemed to be holding a long knife in the air, he slashed across the air, and shouted loudly.

"The majestic martial god descends, and the demons immediately slash~~~, kill~~~~~~~~"

Uncle Nine soared into the sky with a majestic appearance, like a heavenly soldier descending into the world, shaking the sky and the earth.

"哗啦啦啦啦~~~~~", there was a sound of heaven and earth cracking, and all the clay figurines jumped out of the soil, brandishing swords, guns and blades one by one, rushing towards the goblins roaring, instantly and the rushing The goblin army collided together.

These terracotta warriors made of soybeans have blue eyes shining. Although they are all clay bodies, they are all brave and good at fighting, and their martial arts are superb.

Over there, the clay figurines and goblins were fighting together, but here, Fat Wei was excited enough.

"Damn it! I've opened my eyes today, it's really a soldier! Have you seen the orange? Look~~Look~~", Fat Wei was as excited as a cuckoo, crawling on Zheng Da's shoulder On the table, twisting his head back and forth, he kept asking, "I have admired the heroes in martial arts novels since I was a child. I never thought I would see a real person today. What kind of expert is your Uncle Jiu? Do you have any martial arts? By the way, Do you know the Nine Suns Divine Art? Do you know Xiaolongnv?"

"Don't move around", Zheng Zheng slapped Fat Wei's thigh fiercely, "If you move around again, I will throw it down for you!".

This slap silenced Fat Wei, shut up and never spoke again.

Zheng Da ran forward quickly, and said to Shi Dandan beside him, "Shi Dan, go and impress your Ninth Grandfather!"

"Know it!"

Shidandan replied crisply, turned over and jumped down from the tree, grabbed a colorless and odorless powder from his body, rolled and jumped on the ground and beside the tree, leaving marks.

Because Uncle Jiu resisted the goblin's pursuit from behind, the goblin did not catch up immediately, and everyone escaped to the cave and hid in the underground waterfall.After a while, Uncle Nine followed the signs. His left arm was dripping with blood, his face was full of exhaustion, and he immediately gestured for everyone to silence after he ran into the cave.

In this way, a group of people hid in the cave and did not dare to make a sound, listening to the churning and shaking of the ground above for a long time, and then gradually there was no sound.

Everyone still didn't speak, just continued to wait quietly below. During this period, because Fat Wei and Chen Zhi were seriously injured and bleeding profusely, someone began to help them treat the wounds. The people from the town were well prepared before they came. Bring a lot of first aid medical medicine.

Everyone waited in silence for a long time, until the sound of the wind blowing the ground could be clearly heard from above, and then everyone began to talk.

"Uncle Jiu, thank you for saving our lives." Chen Zhi covered the freshly bandaged wound and got up to salute Uncle Jiu, but Uncle Jiu stopped him.

"This is the result of our 108 clans' joint discussion, and it is not my idea alone." Uncle Jiu said calmly, with a kind smile on his face, "We martial arts practitioners put righteousness first, meet by chance, draw swords to help each other, see You are on the verge of danger, how can we stand by and watch? This is what it should be, and it is nothing."

Fat Wei next to him finally couldn't take it anymore, "Old man, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. What you said just now scared me. Judging by the way you speak, you must be an expert. Otherwise, why don't you accept apprentices?" No? I will stay here to worship you as my teacher from now on,..."

Uncle Jiu looked at Fat Wei, twitched his snow-white beard and laughed, "Hehe! I'm old! There's nothing I can do, just know how to be a three-legged cat. I'm laughing at you. But you two are really too reckless. The one just now Under the circumstances, if we hadn’t traveled all the way to rescue you, you three adults and these children would have died unexpectedly.”

"Uncle Nine, I won't go around the corner anymore when I've said this." Chen Zhi asked directly, covering his wound, "During the late Song and early Yuan Dynasties, Monk Dan Chi escaped from the underworld and brought out the treasures of the underworld. Got it. If I'm not mistaken, these brothers in the town should be descendants of the treasure hunters at that time. With your skills, you should have discovered that there is gold hidden in this mountain, but why haven't you entered it for hundreds of years? Come to the mountains to get treasures, but stay in this remote town and settle down?"

"Hahaha! My eyesight is good, little brother, you are a discerning person!" Uncle Ninth exclaimed, brushing his white beard, "We people from the rivers and lakes have gathered in this remote town for generations. Treasures, the second is to fulfill the last wish left by our ancestors. Hundreds of years ago, ten imperial decrees were successively issued to the ancient town of Chongshan, and our ancestors were all ordered by the emperor."

When Uncle Jiu said this, his eyes were a little moist. He cleared his throat, and told Chen Zhi and Fat Wei the story of Chongshan Town hundreds of years ago, and the story of the man who crawled out of hell in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty. The truth about the indifferent monk.

(End of this chapter)

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