Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 383 Strange Underground

Chapter 383 Strange Underground
Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, and Ghost Dao, after receiving the call from Master Bao, they rushed to the Shelter Pavilion that night. Seconds are counted, the pressure that the organization put on him during this period has already exhausted him mentally and physically.

When they saw Lord Bao in the dark room, they saw an old lady in her 60s in the room. This old lady was very energetic, with short neck-length hair and nearsightedness. The mirror, like a toad, pouted its neck upwards, and swept Chen Zhi and the others contemptuously from behind the glasses.

"Mr. Bao, are you talking about them? I think they are too young to do this job at all!"

"Hehe! Don't look at their young age, they are very capable." Lord Bao smiled lightly at the old lady wearing glasses, and introduced to Chen Zhi.

"Let me introduce, this is Professor Liao, a famous geological expert in our country. He is here to help us."

After Master Bao finished speaking, he motioned for everyone to sit down, then politely asked everyone to drink tea, and then continued.

"Professor Liao is very proficient in geological survey technology and is a leader in the professional field of geology. He has done many large-scale projects and is very prestigious in our country. This time we need her help for our SD mission. Some time ago, we In the coastal area of ​​SD Rizhao, we did a blanket search. Sure enough, as we expected, we found something very interesting underground in the seaside garden residential area along the coast of SD Rizhao."

"Yes, we found a very abnormal geological formation there," the old lady Liao who was wearing glasses seemed to be very impatient, and said in a hurry,
"In our country, SD Rizhao has been a very light and beautiful place since ancient times. It is often advertised on TV that SD Rizhao is the most suitable place for human beings to live. The wind and sun are warm in the coastal areas, which has long been recognized. Developed as a beach house.

That piece of seaside villa area, where every inch of land is expensive, is populated by rich people from all over the country. They enjoy the sunshine, the coast, and high-end life there. It is a well-known wealthy area in China.

The fishermen who used to live there had already sold their houses and the relocated land for a large sum of money. "

When Mrs. Liao said this, she pushed up her glasses and continued.

"During this period of time, entrusted by Mr. Bao, we went to the coastal area to do geological surveys. After our staff worked day and night, we finally detected the underground conditions there. We found that under the coastal area, not only the temperature is extremely It is cold, and it also contains a large amount of carbon material elements, and the purity is very high, that is to say..., the underground area there is likely to contain a large number of diamonds."

"What? A lot of diamonds? You mean there are diamond mines down there?"

Fat Wei immediately jumped up from his chair, and asked Mrs. Liao with glowing eyes.

"Yes, diamond mines, and the scale is extremely large, and the number is amazing."

The old lady Liao pushed up her glasses again, cast a proud look at Fat Wei in front of her and said.

"From our geological point of view, the geology of coastal areas is basically relatively simple, because the soil near the coast must contain a lot of salt, and because the water is cold, the geology is wet, and the salt condenses, it is unlikely that there will be mineral deposits. production of matter.

But the situation underground there is really special. The soil there is soft and easy to break through, but the composition of the underground is very complicated. From the table of elements, it not only contains a large amount of high-carbon material elements, but also in the entire coastal area. Below, there is a large part of the hollowed-out area. We have done a rough survey with a perspective instrument, and the entire area there is too far away to see clearly, but from the structure, it looks like a huge tree vein. It grows upside down on the ground.

The length of the downward extension of that area is very deep, so deep that it is impossible to go down from the surface, and because the inside is full of high-carbon diamond layers, the soil partition is very hard and it is impossible to open it, so I want to blast the surface and enter. It is impossible to find out below.

"Then do you mean we can't go down?" Chen Zhi had been listening to Mrs. Liao's words, and only asked when she heard her say this.

"Even if the formation is thicker, geologically speaking, there should be a relatively weak point that can be broken?"

"You are right!" Mrs. Liao nodded approvingly,

"On this large area of ​​blank land, there is indeed a very weak soil layer. It is in a position in the center of the coast, where the distance from the surface of the land is very close, and the layer is relatively thin, with low carbon content. The earth drilling machine should easily open a hole, which can be used as an entrance, allowing us to go underground."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Fat Wei couldn't stand it when he heard this,

"Let's quickly find a night when the night is quiet, the moon is dark and the wind is high, open that entrance and go straight in!"

When Fat Wei said this, he gave Da Bao Ye a wink.

Fat Wei's meaning is very clear, he is asking how much this old lady Liao knows, is she one of her own?Can you tell her some confidential words?

Master Bao understood and said with a smile.

"Professor Liao has been friends with our Bao family for several generations, and he is also related to my mother. All the scientific and technological research we did before, including the skeleton of the ancient fox-shaped creature, was done by them. The office is responsible for completing it, and I can trust Aunt Liao."

After Master Bao said these words, he smiled and nodded to everyone, meaning to tell everyone that they can rest assured that Mrs. Liao is one of them, but don't say too much. She doesn't know much about Bai Qian and other gods. .

"Ah! Aunt Liao, hello",
Fat Wei immediately said with a playful smile,
"Then let's go to SD overnight to the location you mentioned, open a hole in the soil, and then go down to conduct scientific research, do you think it's okay?"

"Scientific research? Just you?" The old lady looked at Fat Wei disdainfully, and snorted coldly, scratching her neck.
"I guess you went underground to do archaeological research?"

"This old lady, her eyes are really poisonous," Chen Zhi thought with a smile in his heart.

At this time, Master Bao answered Fat Wei's question,

"It is impossible for us to enter from that place. The reason is very simple. That place is private property, and the family living there is very strange. No matter how we communicate with them or how much money we promise them, the family People just won’t let us in.”

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