Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 410 The Mysterious Funeral

Chapter 410 The Mysterious Funeral

"No! Orange!",
Fat Wei was panting heavily at this time, shaking the compass on his arm in the oxygen mask and said,
"How do I feel, this compass doesn't work at all in this desert, the red needle is dangling, pointing to south, we seem to be really lost."

Chen Zhi didn't answer Fat Wei's question. In fact, he had already discovered that, let alone the compass, the wireless earphones on their bodies and the timepieces on their arms gradually became unclear in this desert. The work clothes are getting more and more swollen, and the thermometer shows that the outside temperature has reached a high temperature of nearly 100 degrees Celsius, which is about to reach the limit that this set of work clothes can bear. If this trend continues, if the outside temperature exceeds 120 degrees Celsius, then The metal fibers of this overalls will burst due to expansion, and at that time, the three of them will be roasted to death in an instant as if they were thrown into a microwave oven.

"We now have to find a remnant of a building in the desert",
Chen Zhi tried his best to restrain the dizziness in the high temperature, and said on the wireless,

"In this black desert, it is impossible for the roots of the hibiscus tree to remain. A raging fire once ignited here and burned everything that can be seen on the surface. Only in the buildings can there be residual ghost trees (trees) root), if this is really the place where the god of drought is buried, then we must find the tomb now and go there to try our luck."

When Chen Zhigang said this, his feet suddenly became empty, and the sand below instantly collapsed. Chen Zhi stepped in, and half of his body was sunk in the sand.He kept struggling, sinking deeper and deeper, Pang Wei and Ghost Dao immediately rushed over, grabbed his arm, and dragged it out desperately.

"Damn it, with such great power, is there quicksand in this damn place?"

Fat Wei yelled through the wireless, pulling Chen Zhi up desperately, and the ghost knife quickly untied the rope and put it on Chen Zhi's arm, but at this time the surrounding black sand poured down together, and the three of them Sliding down together along the sand, wrapped in black sand.

A piece of hot black sand caused layers of heat waves to cover their bodies. The black sand was scalding hot, and the temperature could reach 150 degrees Celsius. Chen Zhi immediately heard the sound of dry cracking from the mechanism of the work clothes, indicating that the temperature had reached At the limit, a burst of heat from the outside rushed into Chen Zhi's body immediately.

"Oops, the work clothes can't bear it anymore",
Chen Zhi was thinking in his mind, but his body fell rapidly into the sand. After falling for a while, he actually fell into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The temperature around him dropped rapidly. When Chen Zhi opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in a stone room.

This is a stone house with a very simple shape, surrounded by huge and thick stones to form an arch. The gaps between the stones are glued with resin, and the workmanship is rough. Such stone houses are very common in human remains in ancient times.The space in the stone room is not large, but the temperature has dropped significantly, and the airflow in the surrounding air has also returned to normal. The ground is full of black sand, and a big hole is broken above the top of the stone, and the black sand is slowly flowing down from there. .

Chen Zhi rolled over and saw that Fat Wei and Ghost Dao beside him had also stood up. Everyone patted the black sand on their bodies, wiped off the glass on the oxygen mask, and looked around.

I saw that the surroundings of the stone house were dark, and there was a stone passage in front. Chen Zhi and others looked inside with searchlights and walked slowly. They saw that the size of this stone room was equivalent to a 100-square-meter building. The room and the building workmanship everywhere are very rough, the ground is empty, and there is nothing on the wall except for large stone bricks.

"Oh~~~~~, we are very lucky! This is obviously an ancient tomb!", Fat Wei said, and took the lead to walk forward.

They walked into the stone passage in front, and saw some mummified corpses that had been burned to black charcoal in a mess on the ground. The corpses were so carbonized that they turned into fly ash when they touched them.

When I walked forward, I found some female mummies on the ground. These mummies had not been burned. Their hair was unusually long, with strange buns and many braids.Only the head is relatively well preserved, and the body is basically broken, as if cut off by a sharp knife at the waist.

"Is this the cemetery of the god of drought?

Fat Wei looked at these corpses and said softly through the wireless,
"You can see that these people are burned like charcoal fire sticks. They must have been burned to ashes by the Goddess of Drought. Those female corpses that have not been burned are probably slaves buried with the God of Drought. ?”

"It's not like that!"

Chen Zhi shook his head in wireless,
"The specification of this tomb is too low, and the surrounding facilities are too simple, without any decorations, and most importantly, the area here is not large enough.

As depicted in that mural, the Drought God was the hero of the battle that year. The Emperor Xuanyuan wanted to build this place to sing praises to the Drought God. Even if the Drought God was later beheaded, it was impossible to build a standard Such a small god tomb, the structure here is simple, the stone wall is empty and there is no carving at all, it does not match the gorgeous murals at all, here, it is more like a burial tomb. "

"Funeral mausoleum?",
Fat Wei immediately answered on the wireless,
"I have come across a burial mausoleum, which was the mausoleum of ministers buried with an emperor, but that mausoleum was built at that time to confuse tomb robbers and prevent the tomb of the emperor Lao Tzu from being stolen. The mausoleum of gods will also Is there a burial mausoleum? Will the slaves buried with the gods be treated so high?"

"Probably not a god slave",
Chen Zhi continued on the wireless,

"It is impossible for God Slave to build such a large mausoleum alone for burial. The status of the burial person should not be low, or even high. These people on the ground are probably buried for this burial person.

It is absurd to bury the burial with the burial, but it also proves that the identity of the burial is very special. The people on the ground who were burned to black charcoal must have been burned to death in that battle, and those combed The woman with the strange hair bun should be the concubine of the funeral. "

"Damn! This is too strange. Since you have such a high status, how can you get mixed up as a burial person? Who is this master who is buried with the God of Drought?"

When Chen Zhi heard Fat Wei's question, he was looking at some strange patterns on the wall beside him. Those patterns were very vague and familiar. When Chen Zhi recognized the meaning of these patterns, he suddenly coughed twice in the wireless , and then said.

"It is estimated that the person buried with him is probably not a human being, but a lowly god."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he stroked the pattern on the wall, which was a row of vague spells.

"I have seen this kind of incantation in the secret archives of Zangshu Pavilion. It is an ancient requiem curse, which was used by Jiang Ziya to save the soul after beheading the gods. When this happened Usually, the deity died very wronged and tragically, and it is necessary to engrave this curse near its corpse to appease its spirit and prevent it from turning into a demon after death and come back for revenge."

 Thank you for the reward: milk smell 500
(End of this chapter)

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