Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 440 Drought God Coffin

Chapter 440 Drought God's Coffin ([-])
The sound from the other side of the ice wall continued, and the red flames shot into the sky. The ice wall was hit by the god of drought to create cracks, but it was still as solid as gold, and the ground kept shaking, making people feel frightened as if they were in a dangerous city.

The girls in the hall who were sealed by Chen Zhi's barrier were still trapped in the middle of the ground, but they didn't cry or run during the shock. They seemed to realize that Mrs. Zheng hadn't come back, and their eyes were all fixed. He stared at Chen Zhi lying on the ground, motionless, as if he was thinking about something.

Chen Zhi didn't break their seal. Now Chen Zhi was exhausted and could no longer cast out the strong spell. After a few hours, the seal that besieged the girl would be automatically broken.

The roar of the dry god behind the ice wall, the deafening sound made people nervous, Fat Wei was very busy during this time, he ran up and down the stairwell of the castle three times, he first put The ghost knife carried it to the fountain hall upstairs, then came down and carried Chen Zhi up, and finally came back and took the ghost tree away.

When Chen Zhi was lying on the ground of the fountain hall, the roar of the god of drought downstairs was still very clear on the brick wall separated by more than a dozen floors. The entire Castle Black was vibrating from the roar of the god of drought, and it might collapse at any time.

After Chen Zhi and Ghost Knife calmed down on the ground for a while, Ghost Knife still didn't wake up.

Fat Wei was seriously injured before, during the waiting time just now, he stopped the bleeding by himself with medicine, and now he can walk around normally.

Fat Wei stuffed the quick-acting pill into Ghost Dao's mouth, and fed some water to Ghost Dao. Chen Zhi also took the quick-acting pill, but this time, the organized medicine didn't exert its miraculous effect. Chen Zhi's whole body Still burning pain.

Chen Zhi was injured too badly this time. His skin had been burned to more than 70% of his body, and his overalls were basically damaged, so he could no longer use them.

The great pain caused Chen Zhi's brain nerves to become dull, and he even had auditory hallucinations, his ears were filled with the cries of women, his muscles were relaxed and he had no strength at all, and his breathing became very uneven. The heart can stop beating at any time.

The situation of Ghost Knife is even worse. Running extremely fast in the dead zone for a long time is actually a life-threatening behavior, which caused all the muscles in his body to be damaged. His current body is very weak and completely unconscious. Fortunately, his overalls didn't fall off badly, which protected most of his skin, but the flesh on his left arm was basically burned off, and the white bones exposed looked very scary.

The situation in front of him is very difficult. Both Ghost Knife and Chen Zhi, who were seriously injured, can no longer walk by themselves, but Fat Wei himself was also injured. With his physical fitness, he can carry at most one person and go out, but he has to carry them. It's too much work for two people.

Chen Zhi lay peacefully on the ground, looking at the black slate above his head, enduring the pain in his body.

"Cheng Zi, what do you think we should do now?"

Fat Wei sat beside Chen Zhi pitifully and discussed,

"Even if I try my best, I can only carry one person on my back. Both of you can't move now, and with a broken wooden stick, we can't get through that black desert at all...".

Fat Wei's words made Chen Zhi sober, Chen Zhi used his will to restrain the pain desperately, and tried his best to think in his mind.

He knows that after leaving this black castle, there will be a hot black sand hell outside, and that road is not so easy to get out of, but he can't even move it now, and the situation with the knife can't wait any longer .

The severe burning pain made Chen Zhi forget the fear of death. He lay on the ground, slowly closed his eyes, and said softly,
"Put the knife on your back first! Give the God of Dryness ring in his arms to Lord Bao, and then bring someone back to pick me up."

"That won't do!"

Fat Wei immediately objected,

"I'm worried about leaving you here alone. Who knows how many witches there are in this ghost place? What if they crawl out and eat you after I leave? But..."

Fat Wei paused when he said this, and then fell into silence with a look of helplessness on his face.

Chen Zhi knew in his heart that the girls rescued by Mrs. Zheng were all hidden among the bricks and stones in this castle. They all knew that their mother was dead. Maybe they were eavesdropping on them under the stone bricks under Chen Zhi. The reason why they dare not come out is because they are jealous of Chen Zhi's spells.

But they will soon find out that Chen Zhi is seriously injured now, and Ghost Saber has no ability to resist, leaving Fat Wei alone completely unable to deal with them.When they find that the enemy in front of them is vulnerable, these crazy women will immediately drill out of the rock and tear them to pieces.

Therefore, it is the wisest choice to come here as soon as possible while these women don't understand the situation, otherwise they will die in the place closest to the end point.

Just when Chen Zhi and Pang Wei were frowning, they suddenly heard, and heard it again under the bricks and stones below them, that familiar rustling sound.

"This is not a place to stay, we must leave immediately."

Chen Zhi didn't dare to speak out, so he lay on the ground and said to Fat Wei with his lips,

Fat Wei is a clever person. He immediately understood the current situation after seeing Chen Zhi's lips. After he gritted his teeth, he made a very extreme move.

Fat Wei went to the fountain first, and moved out the corpses of the Anbu warriors, then he took off all the work clothes from the corpses, and put them on Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao.The overalls don't wear too much, and the oxygen mask works well, the only downside is the lack of wireless calls.

Afterwards, Fat Wei tied the ghost knife and Chen Zhi together to the ghost tree with a rope, and dragged it outside like a dead dog, and carried it step by step when encountering steps.

Chen Zhi originally thought that this method was really stupid, but Fat Wei actually used this stupid method, and dragged them up the stairs unbelievably. Behind them, Chen Zhi kept blowing out the meager airflow from his body to hit the wall, scaring the girls. Those girls still remembered the experience of being trapped by the barrier before, so they didn't dare to attack them easily.

Fat Wei carried them to the gate of the castle little by little like ants moving house. At this time, Fat Wei was already sweating profusely and his face was as ugly as dead ashes. He took a few mouthfuls of cold water and put on an oxygen mask , Pushing open the gate of the castle, the familiar black desert once again appeared in front of them.

"Let's go!"

Fat Wei showed a seriousness that had never been seen on his face, and continued,

"Let me tell you Chengzi in advance, I will probably fall down halfway, but as long as I have a breath, I will not leave you two. If I really can't stand it anymore, the three of us will die in the sand , I will see Lord Yan later, don’t blame me for your mother’s sake, anyway, my mother’s father has tried his best.”

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he took a deep breath, rubbed his hands together, began to pull the rope vigorously, and walked towards the desert with all his strength.
"and many more",
Chen Zhi suddenly said in a weak voice,
"Pang Wei, try shouting on the wireless, and ask someone to come to the desert to pick us up. The person who secretly followed us in may hear our wireless."


  I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep, one watch today, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I will watch early tomorrow, hate me!scold me!Curse me!I still love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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