Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 443

Chapter 443 Return
After a few people hoarse and exhausted for a long time in this hot black desert, the water was quickly consumed, and the mood of the old somersault calmed down a lot. Perhaps, from the moment he saw Chen Zhi, he had already understood that what he saw before Seeing that everything is not the truth.

But he didn't express to restore his trust in Chen Zhi, and he didn't try to attack Chen Zhi again, but lay on the sand, listening to Fat Wei's constant persuasion.

Chen Zhi didn't know what happened after that. His burn area was too large. After the excitement just now, he completely lost consciousness and couldn't hold on anymore.

Ghost Knife's state is even more pessimistic. His appearance is very close to death. He only has a pulse in his wrist, and his breath is so weak that he can't feel it. He can't feed him in a coma. It is difficult to guarantee that Ghost Saber will be able to recover this life.

After Pangwei drank the compound substance water of Old Somersault, he added some nutrition. He and Old Somersault chatted a lot in the desert, and Old Somersault agreed to help Pangwei rescue Chen Zhi and Ghost Sword together.

So after Fat Wei regained some of his physical strength, he and Lao Somersault came up with a solution.

Dragging Ghost Knife and Chen Zhi in the black sand like just now, the damage to them is too great. The ghost wood is a cylinder, rolling back and forth, with great friction. If it is not for the protection of work clothes, Chen Zhi and Ghost The skin on both the knife and the knife will be worn off.

After some research, Old Somersault and Fat Wei split the rope into two strands this time, concentrating their strength on one point of the ghost wood. They each carried a rope on their backs and pulled the ghost wood like a sled.

Then they reprocessed the ghost wood, first put weapons and equipment on it, then tied the ghost knife and Chen Zhi horizontally to the ghost wood, increased the gravity on it, and finally put Chen Zhi's tattered Work clothes, flattened and tied under the ghost tree.

Those overalls are made of metal fibers, and the surface is very smooth, which can greatly reduce the friction of the sand. The ghost wood immediately slid on the sand at a very fast speed, which feels like riding a sled.

Afterwards, the journey became much easier. In this black desert, Ghost Dao and Chen Zhi seemed to be sitting on a sand boat, being dragged and slid forward by Fat Wei and Lao Somersault together.

With the strength of the old somersault, Pang Wei no longer had such a hard time this time. The most important thing is that the ghost wood slides very quickly on the sand, which makes their subsequent journey much easier.

They walked forward in this way, and after walking for a long time, they finally returned to the edge of the black desert.

At the entrance of the sloping corridor, the guns that Chen Zhi and the others threw here before were still piled there, and the old Somersault had covered them with a layer of fine sand.

Fat Wei tied up the gun and put it on the ghost wood. Afterwards, there was no sand on the ground, and it was all brick and stone. Fat Wei and Lao Somersault dragged Ghost Dao and Chen Zhi with great difficulty, and climbed up the inclined corridor.

After returning to the stone room above, the wireless communication resumed normally, and they had already connected with the gourd above.

When Hulu heard that they came back alive, he almost cried. A group of people shouted and cheered on the wireless, urging them to come up quickly.

Hearing the sound on the ground, Fat Wei and the others were even more excited. With all their strength, Fat Wei and Old Somersault pulled the unconscious Ghost Dao and Chen Zhi through the maze of tree roots, and finally returned to the cellar In the stone path below.

Hulu and a few buddies were already at the entrance of the cellar, and pulled Pang Wei and the others up one by one with a rope.

When they came up, everyone cheered for a while, like heroes welcoming a triumphant return, especially those technicians of Professor Liao, who were afraid that Chen Zhi would die inside, and they would never be able to get out of this barrier. Now seeing Chen Zhi Appearing at the entrance of the cellar, everyone cheered as if they had saved their lives.

Professor Liao's niece, Liao Tingting, has been crying for the past few days. When she saw Pang Wei and the others dragging Chen Zhi up, she hugged Pang Wei excitedly, and cried loudly, which made Pang Wei feel dizzy and happy for nine days. up.

Chen Zhi was in a coma all the time, Fat Wei and the others tried their best to wake Chen Zhi up, apply cold water to his forehead, let Chen Zhi recover a little bit of consciousness and release the seal around him, otherwise no one will be able to get out.

Chen Zhi, who was in a coma, woke up several times in a row, but passed out again. For the last time, he tried his best to recite the mantra to break the seal of the strong mantra. Suddenly, the outside sun shone in. The enchantment was opened.

Hulu’s father was waiting at the door with a group of people, and he was very excited when he saw his son walking out. Later, according to Hulu’s father’s description, although he remembered that this was Zheng Lvzi’s home, he continued to stay here After wandering around for several days, I just couldn't find a place. The feeling was indescribable, the blocking ability of the fierce spell was too strong.

Afterwards, the ambulance arrived here immediately, and sent the unconscious Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao to the local hospital for emergency treatment.

In fact, after these few days of tossing, Fat Wei has already been exhausted, and the wound on his body is actually very serious, but he has not relaxed all the time, but secretly took out the Drought Ring from Ghost Knife's arms He held it tightly in his hand, and when he was waiting to meet Lord Bao, he handed it to Lord Bao himself.

What happened later was simple. Hulu and his father were in charge of finishing work in Shandong together. What happened in Zheng Lvzi’s yard did not attract the attention of others because of the blockade of the fierce curse, but Zheng Lvzi and his wife And his daughter-in-law, the three big living people disappeared for no reason, after all, it was not normal, and the illusion must be dealt with.

Later, I heard that Hulu and his father had researched a method together. They found a cement processing factory and customized a super-thick cement board poured with steel bars and concrete. The thickness and strength of this cement board are very large. , the inside is reinforced with thick steel bars, even dinosaurs are difficult to rush up from below, they use this cement slab to seal the entrance of the cellar.

Afterwards, according to Lord Leopard's instructions, the organization sent someone to send a large piece of animal skin covered with dense spells. This was written with blood by the great witches in the organization and you witches, and it can restrain the humanoid females underground.

They inlaid this densely packed mantra animal skin in the cement board and covered the entrance of the cellar, so that it would be difficult for the witches below to come out again.

A few days after Chen Zhi and Ghost Knife were admitted to the hospital, they were rescued in the ICU of the local hospital. The rescue effect was not satisfactory, and Ghost Knife was always in danger. Later, the organization secretly sent people to take them back to the organization for internal treatment.

After returning to the organization, with the cooperation of the top medical personnel and witchcraft inside the organization, Chen Zhi quickly escaped from the dangerous period.

When he was in a coma, Chen Zhi could often see the faces of the witches and Ji Ying who came to visit him, but he never saw Lord Bao.

During this period of time, Ji Ying often stayed by his side. When Chen Zhi was half asleep and half awake, Ji Ying told him some things intermittently, some of which were unclear, but there were some important words that Chen Zhi But I heard it.

 Thanks for the reward: Wei Tuo; Daixiu 2500;


(End of this chapter)

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