Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 445 Under the Throne

Chapter 445 Under the Throne
Chen Zhi followed several red-belt warriors towards the royal court. Along the way, the two male red-belt warriors with different surnames showed great respect to Chen Zhi.

They didn't dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with Chen Zhi, and they followed Chen Zhi all the time, keeping a certain distance. They talked with Chen Zhi, calling them patriarchs. Self-confident and majestic, they are very friendly and even respectful to Chen Zhi, which is completely different from their original attitude.

Chen Zhi knew that this time they went to the Tomb of the Drought God and brought back the ring of the Drought God, which quickly established Chen Zhi's prestige within the organization. Although the barrier was only stable for a short period of time, people's sense of panic has disappeared Yes, everyone now has a belief that their new patriarch will definitely lead them to find the fire spirit stone, and there is no need to worry about the safety of the enchantment in the future.

Along the way, Ji Ying has been following Chen Zhi slightly behind, very close to Chen Zhi, her soft hair is still blowing on Chen Zhi's arm, like newly spun silk.

Ji Ying told Chen Zhi that Ghost Knife's current situation is not optimistic. His internal injuries are too serious. Ghost Knife is famous for its speed among all red-belt warriors, but the speed that surpasses the gods cannot be suppressed for a long time. use.In the black desert, Ghost Saber ran for two hours to save Chen Zhi, which actually made his tendons useless.Moreover, his left arm was burned extremely severely, and most of the fat tissue had basically been damaged.

After Ghost Knife was pulled back to the organization, the witches and medical staff had tried their best to deal with Ghost Knife. So far, the dangerous period has just passed, and this life has been saved, but Ghost Knife still hasn't woken up.

In the following time, the organization will assign a new great warrior to Chen Zhi, because there are some troublesome things outside, Lord Bao is dealing with it urgently, and Chen Zhi is needed to support him.

Listening to Ji Ying's words, Chen Zhi walked forward steadily. For some reason, he felt that the roads in Xiqi King City were no longer as narrow and dark as before, and the roads became much easier. Everything around him looked like that Familiar, and even a sense of security.

They quickly entered the royal hall. When Chen Zhi walked in front of the smoky throne, the old chief had already sat on the throne. He was still leaning on the throne with one leg crossed. Looking up at Chen Zhi in the dark, Ji Yang stood under the leader's throne, wearing armor and holding a black long knife.

Ji Yang's aura was still as proud as before. His eyes flickered slightly when he saw Chen Zhi, and then he knelt down on one knee and saluted Chen Zhi solemnly.

The three red-belt warriors behind them all walked to the two sides of the throne. The leader on the throne did not speak for a long time, and no one made a sound in the royal court for a long time.

"You saved us!"

This is the first sentence that the old leader said in the dark. After the leader said this sentence, he was silent for a long time, and then continued,

"You are indeed a descendant of the Jiang family, you did not disappoint me, we thought that this time human life has come to an end.

maybe!That might be a good thing for me, I'm so tired!Well... your cousin went first, he was always luckier than me, death is a relief for those of us. "

The leader's voice was very loud, he paused after saying these words, and then continued,
"You saved our enchantment and bought us important time. You saved many people. But human beings don't know what you have done. They are still living in stupidity and greed, like those who don't know how to fall into the urn. Like fish, human life is very short, but human beings commit all kinds of crimes every day, they will not be grateful to you, and they don’t even know you exist, do you..., do you care?"

The old man on the throne said these words slowly, and the question he blurted out made Chen Zhi speechless.

"I know the meaning of the enchantment. I will maintain the enchantment at all costs. That's enough. As you said, human life is too short, and there are some things that don't need to be known, and knowing it is meaningless.

As for the crimes committed by human beings..., every human being is different, human beings are not gods, there will definitely be some human beings who will commit crimes, but this doesn't have much to do with it..."

The old man on the throne corrected with a hoarse voice,
"What is evil? Both humans and gods can sin. God has never said that he is innocent. It's just that humans have overly beautified gods.

Sometimes, don't be too ruthless, you are also human blood, you have to learn to forgive the crimes committed by others, because others are actually ourselves.

If one person is guilty, all beings are guilty; if one person is merciless, all beings are merciless.

You have to remember this sentence. "


Chen Zhi felt a little confused at this moment. He was a little puzzled by what the leader said. He didn't know what kind of medicine was in the old man's stomach. At this moment, he heard the old man on the throne continue to say.

"Jiang Qing, have you ever thought that thousands of years ago, when the Zhou Dynasty was only a territory, your ancestor Jiang Ziya was the son of God, and his status was much higher than that of the Zhou family. What about the Zhou family?
Chen Zhi was stunned by this embarrassing topic, he didn't know what happened to the old leader today, and he said so many strange things.

Chen Zhi is not very interested in politics, but he still understands the relationship between the king and the hero. No matter how high the status of the minister is, he still cannot surpass the monarch.Even the patriarch of the Jiang family is the same, fundamentally speaking, he still has to obey the orders of the old leader of the Ji family, and this matter should be thorough and sensitive.

"Maybe it's because the King Wen Jichang at that time was a wise king worthy of assistance! Legend has it that King Wen Jichang..."
Chen Zhi politely talked about the legend about the Zhou royal family, and looked at the old man on the throne. He suddenly felt that this old man could always accurately hide himself in the darkness. His position was a little too dark, as if he could not see the sun. Same.

"Hahaha~~~~~~~~~~, a Mingjun..."

The leader suddenly laughed loudly, his laughter was very resounding, echoed in the royal court for a long time, and then continued,

"Stop listening to nonsense myths, you've been blinded by human lies for too long.

As far as I know, Wen Wang Jichang at that time was just a martial artist, and Wu Wang Jifa was just a child with a yellow mouth.Jiang Ziya has never surrendered to anyone. What he surrendered to was his own belief. "

When the old man on the throne said this, he leaned forward slightly, and Chen Zhi suddenly saw the old man's eyes flashing in the darkness. It was a very sharp dark brown color, which made people tremble all over.

"Chen Zhi, you have to remember that you are a descendant of the Jiang family, and this will never change. Your ancestor Jiang Shang chose to serve the Ji family since thousands of years ago. Since then, he has given up The pride of the Son of God has become the subject of mankind.

So no matter what the situation is, Jiang's bloodline must obey the orders of the Ji's royal family, and never disobey me, otherwise your bloodline will come to an end. I hope you will always keep this in mind.

 I fulfilled my promise and did not stop updating. All college students know that teachers have been adding national higher education statistics these days, and they are tired and crazy, and they are sleeping.One update today, normal tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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