Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 447 Savage Humans

Chapter 447 Savage Humans
Holding the jar of green ointment, Ji Ying walked up to Chen Zhi, took off the bandages on Chen Zhi's body layer by layer, and then applied the ointment on Chen Zhichiluo's upper body with her own hands.

Chen Zhi was at a loss for Ji Ying's sudden behavior. Ji Ying's hands were very light and steady, and she applied the ointment evenly. Her hair, which was as soft as silk, hung down on Chen Zhi's upper body, touching Chen Zhi's body. Zhi Zhi's skin, that feeling made Chen Zhi's heart beat faster, and there was an indescribable beauty.

"Patriarch..., I want to tell you something..."

Ji Ying's tone was still concise and sharp, but her voice was much softer.

"The ghost wood you brought back has been sent for processing. That piece of wood is very hard, and it is difficult to polish it. However, since the design drawings are in our hands, and the description is very clear, the processing process is very smooth. It is estimated that you will soon The Nether Boat that you want will be driven out."

"Oh well",
Chen Zhiwei closed his eyes, felt Ji Ying's hair on his shoulders, and agreed softly, listening to Ji Ying continue,

"But during this period of time, some things happened in Jilin. Mr. Bao had already dealt with them last month, and we have to rush there soon."

"what's going on?"

Chen Zhi looked up at Ji Ying's beautiful face and asked,
"It was the alienation situation caused by the instability of the barrier",
Ji Ying looked at Chen Zhi, lowered her eyes slightly, and continued,
"In fact, since last month, we have discovered that in some remote mountain villages in Jilin Province, some humans have mutated. They have become bloodthirsty like beasts, killing and biting many people around them, just like humans It's the same as the zombies in the mouth."

"Is it like the kind of zombies that are often shown on Western TV? After they bite humans, they will turn others into zombies too?"

Chen Zhi frowned and asked, he didn't expect the so-called mutation to be like this. He used to watch zombie movies like Resident Evil, and thought the plots in it were very exciting and horrifying, but some of them were also funny. , he never thought that one day such zombies would appear in the real world.

"Not all the same",
After Ji Ying applied Chen Zhi's ointment, she wrapped the bandages around Chen Zhi's body one by one, and said softly,

"Some human beings have become animalized. They have a hunger for human internal organs. At first, they just started to become ignorant of the people around them, but in the later stage they became very bloodthirsty and hunted and killed the people around them. , Even his biological parents and children would not let go, they crazily devoured human internal organs, most of them have lost their minds, but there is still a small part of their minds left.

This kind of situation mainly occurs in the remote mountain villages around Jilin. It may be related to the geographical environment. These animalized humans behaved very ferociously after mutation. When we found them, there were already dead bodies all over the field.

Mr. Bao rushed to deal with it for a long time, and the mutation situation in many mountain villages has been controlled, but now in the mountain villages around Changbai Mountain, the mutation situation is very serious, and many local villagers have already disappeared. A large number of manpower was sent to blockade the surrounding area, but half a month ago... Mr. Bao also lost contact. "

"Lord Leopard lost contact? Why didn't you tell me earlier?",
Chen Zhi immediately asked loudly, and it was as he had expected. During this period of seemingly peaceful days, the outside world was turbulent. There were some changes in the city of Xiqi King, which were just hidden from him. Unexpectedly, now even Master Bao is also dead. Master Bao is a wise and powerful person. It is hard to imagine what kind of situation would make him disappear suddenly.

"We have also been looking for him. The leader is afraid that it will affect your healing, so it is strictly forbidden to tell you this news. Frankly speaking, Mr. Bao has our locating spell on him. Unless he is dead, he will not disappear under the locating spell. And he has disappeared for half a month now, that is the proof...

I hope you, Patriarch, can be mentally prepared, Mr. Bao, he may not be alive anymore. "

After Chen Zhi heard this sentence, he stood up all of a sudden, moved his eyes towards Ji Ying, and asked excitedly,

"Are you sure?"

Ji Ying looked at Chen Zhi without evasion, nodded slightly,

"I hope you can face this matter rationally and not affect your emotions. You still have too many important things to do. After all, weakness does not belong to us."

Chen Zhi sat on the bed all of a sudden, his head buzzing~~~, but he immediately tried his best to control his emotions, and then he heard Ji Ying continue.

"The current situation of the organization is very unstable, and every day is very dangerous. The overall strength of the organization is composed of warriors from the Ji family and witches from the Jiang family. These two forces make up the current organization.

However, the abilities of Jiang's magical witches are all concentrated in witchcraft, and in terms of force, they are all concentrated in the warriors of Ji's royal family.

The armed forces of the Ji family are composed of red belt warriors and a large number of blue belt warriors and white belt warriors under their banners. The discipline within the organization is strict, and the punishment system is very strong. No warrior will leave the organization without an order.

But just a few days ago, most of our blue-belt warriors and white-belt warriors suddenly disappeared. The reason for the disappearance is unclear, there is no trace at all, and there is no way to find them now. This has never happened in the history of the organization.

How serious the situation will be, I don't know now, but the current situation of the leader is very dangerous, and this period is the period when the barrier is about to collapse, so all his hopes now are on you, I hope you can Turn the tide at this time!Find the fire stone quickly and don't let the organization collapse.

If the organization really collapses, this world, as well as you and me, will all be sent to hell, and all human beings may mutate into that... ",
After Ji Ying finished speaking, she sat down, her head slightly tilted on Chen Zhi's shoulder, seeking support like an ordinary woman, her hands held Chen Zhi's arm, trembling slightly, Chen Zhi knew that Ji Ying was actually Very frightened, except that she doesn't understand what the emotion is and doesn't cry.

"Did those warriors have any signs before they disappeared? Did they disappear inside the Xiqi King City? Did you find the corpse?",
Chen Zhi continued to ask Ji Ying beside him,

"have no idea!",
Ji Ying leaned on Chen Zhi's shoulder and replied with empty eyes,

"These warriors all disappeared suddenly in the royal city, and it was a collective. I don't know the specific situation. There are some things that we can't ask too much about our identities. Our job is to obey orders, obey the leader and your orders. Order.

But now Ji Ling's situation is very bad. It may take a long time for him to recover. Now there are only four red-belt warriors and a small number of low-level warriors left in the royal city. In fact, it is empty. If I leave again, At this time, someone attacked, my father, he..., might die. "


(End of this chapter)

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