Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 449 The Tang Family

Chapter 449 The Tang Family
Ning Bin joined the Tang family a few years ago, and is now the head of the Tang family. Although he usually behaves very low-key, the power of the Tang family should not be underestimated. The Tang family's business is spread all over the Northeast, but in Jicheng, it owns the Northeast. The largest farming origin.

The Tang family was originally from Jicheng. The old Tang family operated a lot of mountain products and local products in the Changbai Mountain area. This was not a profitable business at all.

But Ning Bin is a very intelligent person. After he took over the Tang family's business, he showed extraordinary talent in business.

Changbai Mountain in Jicheng has been a place rich in mountain products since ancient times. The local products there, such as ginseng, ganoderma, antler, etc., have always been popular in the country. It's just hard-earned money, hard work all year round, and there is not much oil and water.

But now the world has changed, and people’s market rules have also undergone more and more changes. Ning Bin is no longer just relying on the mountains to eat mountains, but to turn the resources of the mountains into multiple channels. He first monopolized the antlers in the Changbai Mountain area The breeding factory, and then developed a large number of ginseng and ganoderma cultivation bases to standardize the special products of Dashan.

Then make these local specialties into bagged products, and then establish a brand and set up brand franchise stores across the country.

In this way, these traditional mountain products have quickly become a complete industrial chain from breeding to marketing, which has been running rapidly in the national market and even opened up the international market.

The economic benefits brought by this industrial chain are astonishing. The Tang family quickly accumulated a lot of wealth and built a large number of auxiliary product processing factories near Changbai Mountain. Hundreds of thousands of villagers joined the Tang family there. brand, do local specialty breeding, and then sell them through the Tang family, which has formed a large industrial scale.

Now everyone in the Northeast knows that the Changbai Mountain generation in Jicheng is actually the territory of the Tang family, and the Tang family has also become the richest family in the Northeast after the Bao family.

The relationship between the Tang family and the Bao family has always been very friendly. When the Cao family rebellion was cleared, the Tang family supported the Bao family. Afterwards, Lord Bao also shared a lot of benefits with Ning Bin. The Bao family is now hollow in the body, and Lord Bao did not come forward. It is difficult to plan another team. At a time of crisis, it may be the best choice to seek help from the Tang family in Jicheng at this time.

Old Somersault's suggestion was very valuable, and it just solved Chen Zhi's urgent need. Chen Zhi immediately decided to ask Lao Jindou to contact Ning Bin of the Tang family.

Old Somersault has been setting up a household for the Bao family in the Northeast for many years, and he is very prestigious. With his presence, many things will go smoothly.

Old Somersault had called Ning Bin in the dark room at that time. After Ning Bin received the call, his attitude was very polite. After hearing Lao Jindou's request, he immediately agreed.

He invited Chen Zhi and others to go to Jicheng. He was responsible for all car dealerships, travel and daily residence arrangements, and tried his best to use all connections to help Chen Zhi.

But when Old Somersault mentioned the need to borrow an armed force, Ning Bin showed hesitation. Chen Zhi knew that people like Ning Bin would not easily agree to lend an armed force.

This matter is too sensitive and needs to be finalized after they meet.

Under Fat Wei's persuasion, Qin Yueyang finally stopped crying. Qin Yueyang is a relatively tough person by nature, and the current situation is not the worst for her. Find Lord Bao in the mountain village of Jicheng, even if it is a dead body.

After they discussed everything, Chen Zhi called Ji Ying in to introduce everyone, and then asked Qin Yueyang to arrange a room for Ji Ying and find some ordinary clothes for daily wear.Otherwise, a female warrior dressed like Ji Ying would be too easy to catch the eye.

They decided to leave the next morning. Before leaving, Chen Zhi hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to go home to see his father.

This time, Chen Zhi returned home by himself. At this time, it was completely dark, and the whole community was quiet. When Chen Zhi returned to Fate Hall, he saw that the lights on the upper and lower floors had been turned off.

Just as he was about to walk in, he found that his cell phone rang, and the caller was his father.

"Hi, Dad! I'm downstairs, and I'll be right in."

After Chen Zhi answered the phone, he said something and was about to go inside the building.

"Don't come in, I see you",
Chen Zhi's father's voice on the other end of the phone was very hoarse.

Chen Zhi looked up and saw that his father was standing on the balcony on the second floor. His old body was even more rickety, and he seemed to be much older. Chen Zhi's father had a mobile phone by his ear, and was standing on the balcony. Looking at Chen Zhi.

"Where are you going this time? Far away?"

Dad's voice trembled slightly, even with some unconcealable sadness.

"Oh! It's nothing serious, just going to Jicheng for a business trip, it's just a little thing."

"Ah! Well, Jicheng is very close to us, not too far away."
When Chen Zhi's father said this, his voice was a little hoarse. He paused and continued,

"I'm already asleep, you don't have to go in, go get busy! Be careful... and remember to come back early, I'm waiting for you at home."

Chen Zhi's father hung up the phone after he finished speaking, but he did not go back to the bedroom, but still stood on the balcony looking at his son downstairs.

Chen Zhi immediately felt a little sour, just like what his father said, maybe it would be better not to meet each other.

After this period of tossing, Chen Zhi has lost at least 20 catties, and he has just recovered from a serious injury, and his complexion is scorched and yellow. If his father sees his thin face, the old man may not feel very uncomfortable. So at this time, the relationship between father and son should be calm, maybe it is better.

In the end, Chen Zhi left Fate Hall silently. When his car drove out of the community, he knew that his father was still standing on the balcony watching him. Maybe this night, his father had another sleepless night.

After Chen Zhi returned to the villa, everyone went upstairs to sleep, only Pang Wei was waiting for him in the hall.

Fat Wei told Chen Zhi that as a result of their final discussion, Qin Yueyang stayed in Z City to maintain the situation, and Lao Dou Tiao went to Jicheng with them this time. Lao Dou Dou still had many old relationships in Ji City, and he did not give up on the matter of Lord Bao. Hope to find the missing Lord Bao in the deep mountains.

Chen Zhi nodded in agreement, and after chatting with Fat Wei for a while, they split up and went to sleep.

They still don't know how terrifying what awaits them in Jicheng.

 Thanks for the reward: neither
(End of this chapter)

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