Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 452 Trip to Jicheng

Chapter 452 Journey to Jicheng ([-])

In the evening, Ning Bin's house really prepared a grand banquet. The table was covered with delicacies from mountains and seas, delicacies, wines and delicacies. Neon lights were drawn on the trees in the yard. There was a large grill in the middle, on which a whole deer was roasted, and roasted Wild game such as rabbits and pangolins are full of aroma.

Ning Bin called some old folks from the Tang family, and some friends who were eloquent and good at walking and drinking, and then put a local band in the courtyard to play and sing in the courtyard. There are people coming and going, and the sound of singing and dancing is everywhere, which is very lively.

When Chen Zhi and the others entered the table, the table was already full of people. Ning Bin began to toast everyone one by one, and then asked people to serve the steaming barbecue, showing great enthusiasm.

The original puree wine produced in Tangjia Winery really lives up to its reputation. This wine tastes very sweet and clear, which is a little different from ordinary wine.

During the meeting, Ning Bin chatted freely with everyone. He is a person who attaches great importance to the Tang family. He is very proud of the achievements he has made in the years since he came to the Tang family.At the banquet, they were full of the scenery of the Tang family, and how their Tang family's business has developed.

From the conversation, it can be clearly seen that Ning Bin is definitely a character, and the gap in his heart is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.This man is very intelligent, he speaks eloquently, is brilliant, is a typical wit, but not rotten.He has his own ideas and viewpoints on politics and economy, and the shrewdness of a businessman reveals a righteous character, and he is very courageous, a rare talent.

Because of Lord Bao's matter, Old Somersault was always gloomy during the dinner, and he didn't like to talk much. Because of Chen Zhi's entrustment, he didn't mention the mobilization of the army with Ning Bin at the dinner table.But Fat Wei has always been a lively person, the banquet aroused his interest, he was very active at the wine table, he competed with Ning Bin's guys for drinks, and then made fun of Ning Bin again.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone was a little bit drunk, at this moment, they heard Fat Wei cover his face with wine, and began to say to Ning Bin with a smile.

"I said Boss Ning, if I'm older than you, I'll call you Brother Ning! I'm so high.

I said, can you stop talking about the Tang's parents, the Tang family, your surname is Ning, why do we gentlemen always mention our daughter-in-law's family name?I think your business talent is one in a million, and it's not far behind Mouyun!From now on, the Tang family should follow your surname Ning and change its name to the Northeast Ning family. "

Unexpectedly, Ning Bin was frightened half to death by Pang Wei's two casual jokes. He immediately shook his hands and said to Pang Wei,

"Don't dare to talk nonsense! Brother, don't dare to talk nonsense. It's fine if you say this in front of me! Don't mention it in front of my daughter-in-law, or I won't be able to save you if she gets angry Ah! And it will bring me bad luck at night."

"Damn! Look at your cowardly look",
Fat Wei looked down on Ning Bin's cowardice, and immediately became dissatisfied.

"Your daughter-in-law is a patrolling Yaksha? How did you scare you like this? Besides, you are an open and bright old man, how can you be controlled by a woman like this bear? You are so talented, you are the best everywhere Longfeng, what are you afraid of, an old lady? Where is your wife? Your fat father will tell her a few words for you~~".


Ning Bin stood up helplessly and poured Pang Wei a drink.

"I'm not afraid that you will laugh at me, brother. You don't know if you haven't seen my wife. My wife is not ordinary. She is very kind, but she has a very big temper. I won't hide it from you. When I saw her When her legs started to tremble, if she wanted to yell at me, I would be scared away."

As soon as Ning Bin said these words, everyone on the table burst into laughter, and even the old somersault shook his head with a faint smile.

Ning Bin's words hit Fat Wei's masculine self-esteem, and he immediately pulled his neck and shouted.

"Where is my brother Ning's wife? Where is she? I said we came all the way, why doesn't she come out to meet? If she doesn't show up tonight, after dinner, we brothers will go to bed Go to the bathing center outside and find a few young and beautiful girls to calm brother Ning and help him regain his glory. Damn it, I don't believe it anymore, a big man is scared by women..."

"Oh my god~~~~~~~~",
Ning Bin was really frightened by Fat Wei's shout, his pale face was about to cry, and he immediately covered Fat Wei's mouth with both hands,

"Brother, please keep your voice down. Don't kill me. If my wife hears me, I will be finished. I have a feeling that my wife is coming back..."

Ning Bin's expression was very exaggerated, as if he was afraid of being eaten by a ghost, which made everyone on the table burst into laughter, and some of them burst into tears.

And at this moment, I heard the footsteps of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, and the yard of Ning Bin's house was trampled loudly~~ People began to move away quickly, as if there was something huge coming in front of them Same.

Chen Zhi was startled, and he immediately thought of the tight fence at the foot of the mountain.

"Could it be that those mutated things attacked? So fast?"

Chen Zhi was thinking about it, but he saw Tang guy on the table, as if he knew what was going to happen, he quickly put down his wine glass and stood up to hide behind.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and finally saw the source of the sound.

I saw an extremely obese and tall woman walking out of the place where the crowd parted. The smell of perfume can be smelled tens of miles away, and she is covered with dense gold, silver, diamond jewelry belts, and she is wearing a tight pink miniskirt, that feeling is not too vulgar. It can be described as terrifying.

I saw the woman standing in the crowd, cursing loudly with her big mouth full of lipstick,

"Ning Bin, you bastard, you don't want to live, do you? Don't let me know when the distinguished guests of the Bao family come. Is this the etiquette that our Tang family should have? Who said just now? What? You still have to go to the bathing center to find girls at night, you're tired of your fucking job, aren't you?",
After the woman yelled this sentence, she walked in front of Ning Bin with big strides, and the ground was shaken by her. Compared with Ning Bin's thin body, her huge body was like Vigoro against a little monkey. , the size difference is very large.

"No no no~~~~~~, daughter-in-law~~daughter-in-law~~~~, the head of the family~~",
Ning Bin's soul was almost gone from fright, his whole body trembled like a leaf, he danced and explained,

"Daughter-in-law, I really called you, and your phone has been turned off! Otherwise, how dare I make my own decisions. How dare I go to find some girl! Don't you know me? Don't talk about girls, I'm a bitch I don’t dare to take another look, for me, you are the most beautiful in this world, with you around, even if I have ten guts, I wouldn’t dare!”,
Ning Bin's prestige just now was gone, and he stumbled incoherently.

The woman didn't listen to the explanation, she lifted Ning Bin's ear and yelled at him.

"Trash! I can't get through the phone, do you know how to send someone to find me? The Bao family is an old buddy of our Tang family. You dare to open the banquet before I come. You are too courageous. Let's see how I deal with you tonight. Go away~~~~~".

After the woman finished speaking, she pushed Ning Bin away and sat down firmly in the center.

Ning Bin stood next to this woman like an angry little daughter-in-law, not even daring to say a word. Fat Wei, who had just said to help Ning Bin regain his masculinity, shrank his neck and rushed to the back up.

Chen Zhi and the others on the table were stunned,
At this time, I saw Ning Bin's wife nodded to everyone and said,

"Brothers are sorry, I am the eldest daughter of the Tang family, Tang Meili."

(End of this chapter)

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