Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 478 Closing

Chapter 478 Closing
The terrifying mutants who were scattered all over the village just now turned into red blood foam flying in the wind. It felt like the world was cleaned up in an instant, and everything was suddenly clean.

The huge barrier air current is still circulating in the air, tens of thousands of currents, like swimming dragons, shuttle between the barriers, the wind is surging, and the scene is very magnificent.

The fellows of the Tang family were all frightened. The fellow who had been leaning on Da Guo was so surprised that his eyeballs would pop out when he saw this majestic scene. He asked Da Guo tremblingly. road,

"Da Guo... Brother Da Guo, what did I see? Is this Lushan Shenglongba?",
Da Guo also had a big mouth at this time, looking in surprise at a scene he had never thought of.

Amidst everyone's sighs, the blood foam floating outside slowly fell to the ground, and the ground was suddenly bright red. Chen Zhi used the airflow to retract the barrier, and the village returned to its original appearance.

Faced with this sudden victory, Fat Wei seemed very proud, and deliberately showed the strength of their team in front of the Tang family, and asked Chen Zhidao loudly,

"I said Cheng Zi, so you already kept your hand, you fucking said it earlier! Look, you scared these brothers and almost peed in your pants. How can you explain to Brother Ning Bin when you go back?
In fact, depending on your ability, it is a matter of minutes to clean up a few mutant humans, so why do you have to ask Ji Ying to stop the two children who delivered the letter?Tired her enough, let these mutant grandchildren go down the mountain, and then clean up everything! "

"Mutated human beings are very smart, we cannot make them suspicious.",
Chen Zhi shook his head slightly,
"The reason they have been lurking in this village for so long is to prey on the whole village. If those two children go to deliver the letter, the mutant humans in the mountain will be jealous, and they will not go down the mountain to prey on such a large scale."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he withdrew all the airflow, and concentrated all his strength back into his body.

In fact, since Chen Zhigang stepped into this courtyard, he has already started to make this double-layer enchantment, but the finale of the outer layer is very majestic, and it will take a while to complete.

After Chen Zhi spent this period of time pondering over the strong curse, he gradually discovered the properties of the strong curse.Fierce Curse is actually a very meticulous incantation, one mantra is connected with another mantra, and one big mantra contains several small mantras, just like complicated mathematical formulas, but this is what Chen Zhi is best at. of.

Chen Zhi has now been able to transport out a huge enchantment covering a village, and at the same time he can also make several tiny enchantments like ants. After understanding the properties of the fierce curse, Chen Zhi will use the superior spell Wind and Thunder Curse, Stitched into Blazing Curse, making Blazing Curse more aggressive.So those mutated humans just now exploded and died as if they were electrocuted when they touched the barrier.

It was not so much the mutant humans who attacked just now, but Chen Zhi was here waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap.

The bitter mountain wind is still blowing, and the only one left here is the lonely second sister-in-law on the roof.

After seeing what happened just now, the second sister-in-law didn't react at all. She looked out of the barrier with disheveled hair, watching her own kind vanish into thin air. Her face was still stiff and indifferent, like a stone, but her body It began to tremble involuntarily, which is the natural reaction of animals when they are afraid.

"Speak! Tell me all the information about mutant humans, and I can spare your life~~~~~~",
Chen Zhi took a few steps forward, looked at the second sister-in-law on the roof, his voice was as cold as a knife, and then he raised his hand, several small airflows shot out from his sleeve, flew to the roof and squeezed the second sister-in-law tightly. Tightly tied up, transported to Chen Zhi from the air.

The second sister-in-law was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, hanging in the air, powerless to resist, at this moment Chen Zhi said,
"I have just seen that the mutant humans who came down the mountain just now have incomplete limbs and savage thinking. They are all low-level mutants, but you are different. You have the same appearance as humans, with a smart mind and many abilities. You are here The mutated humans are obviously higher, how many higher mutated humans like you are there on the mountain?"

The second sister-in-law acted as if she hadn't heard Chen Zhi's question, drooping her bloody chin, and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

"Say~~~~~, otherwise, I will send you to hell~~~~~"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, his eyebrows stood upright, and he moved those tiny air currents, which instantly pinched the second sister-in-law's hands and feet together, making a sound of crunching~~cracking~~~bones breaking.

Facing Chen Zhi at this moment, the folks of the Tang family didn't dare to say any more. They all took a few steps back, looked at Chen Zhi who suddenly became cruel, and tortured the mutant woman.

The second sister-in-law's face was very stiff behind her long hair, she looked straight at Chen Zhi, her face was expressionless, and she didn't mean to spit at all.

From the moment when he shot the second sister-in-law in the eye just now, Chen Zhi discovered that this mutated woman has a sense of pain, but her pain tolerance is very strong, that is to say, ordinary injuries cannot touch her, so he wanted to force her to confess and tortured her It's already hard.

Chen Zhi made a spherical enchantment around the second sister-in-law, and transported the Wind and Thunder Curse into it. The violent wind and thunder curse shuttled through the barrier, and spit out letters around the second sister-in-law like an electric snake "嗞嗞~~", fiercely The electric current touched the second sister-in-law's body, and her skin was scorched piece by piece, giving off a burnt smell.

"Do you want to be turned into flesh? If you don't want to, tell me, are there any mutants like you on the mountain~~~~~~~, what's the situation up there now?",
Flowing electric snakes surrounded the second sister-in-law. Her body was completely shattered at this time, but the mutated woman's face was still stiff and silent, like a stone sculpture. Just when the electric snake was about to swallow her, she froze. His face suddenly turned ferocious, and he uttered a few words at Chen Zhi.

"You will not escape the punishment of fate in the end~~~"

After the second sister-in-law finished speaking, she screamed loudly, opened her bloody mouth, showing her fangs, and rushed towards Chen Zhi like a ghost.Facing the sudden attack, Chen Zhi immediately tightened his airflow, and in an instant, the second sister-in-law's body was shattered by the wind and thunder curse, turning into light red blood foam all over the sky, which sprinkled on Chen Zhi's body like a rain of blood .

Chen Zhi was dyed bright red by the sudden rain of blood. The blood flowed on his cheeks and into his neck, scalding hot.In the blood rain, Chen Zhi suddenly felt dizzy. For the first time, he had a strange feeling. When did he become so cruel...

 I'm done, I don't dare to be brave enough to invigilate the exam today, now I hope that tomorrow will be better, and I will be recommended tomorrow, and I must double update.


(End of this chapter)

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