Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 480 To Dream

Chapter 480 To Dream
After hearing what the old village head said, Chen Zhi and Pang Wei were stunned for a moment, and then Pang Wei burst out laughing, almost spraying the old village head in the face.

"I said old man, I really can't see that you have a sense of humor! Can you stop teasing me? What kind of fairy dream are you doing at such an old age? What kind of fairy dream is entrusted to you by the fairy in the mountain? Is it the seven fairies descending to earth? Huh? Come to spend the second spring with your old man?"

"Don't, don't talk nonsense..."

Unexpectedly, after Fat Wei finished speaking, the old village head was extremely frightened, and waved his hands desperately and said,
"Don't talk nonsense! That's the ten thousand-year-old god in the mountain, very honorable, don't talk nonsense and blaspheme the gods, this is not a place to talk, let's talk at my house!"

After the old village chief finished speaking, he led the way for them and urged them to follow along. Chen Zhi and the others had no choice but to follow the village chief to his house.

Before leaving, Da Guo was very worried about those guys. He picked a few capable and safe ones to manage the team on his behalf temporarily, and told these guys not to make trouble at night. Sound, go to bed early.If the weather conditions are good the next day, it is very likely that we will set off to the deep mountains.

After ordering everything, the three of them followed the old village head all the way back home.

The village chief's wife has been waiting for the village chief to come back at the intersection. It can be seen from the old lady's face that she has also been frightened. After all, Fat Wei and the others broke into her house just now like robbers. She bound her old man face to face, and dug up so many corpses under the kang, most people can't bear such a big excitement.

The pile of corpses was still hidden in the kang, and everyone helped to carry all the corpses into the haystack in the backyard, and wait until tomorrow when there are too many people to deal with them. A man carried the bodies in the dark.

This courtyard cannot be lived in for the time being, but there are several newly built tile-roofed houses and a large courtyard behind the village head’s house. The house is very new and was used by the village head for his son’s wedding a few years ago, but his son went to After working in the city, I never came back, so I was free.The entire yard is well-equipped, and it is very comfortable, just right for them to live temporarily.

After the village chief placed Chen Zhi and the others in the new house, he let Chen Zhi take a bath first. Chen Zhi was splattered with blood by his second sister-in-law just now, and his whole body was soaked in blood.

The bathing conditions in the mountains are very poor. The villagers are used to bathing in wooden barrels. The village chief’s son has a new wooden bath barrel at home. The village chief asked his wife to boil boiling water for Chen Zhi to take a good bath. take a bath.

After taking a bath, the village chief asked his wife to go to the stove to prepare some dishes for wine, and he set up a small kang table on the heated kang, and brought a jar of old shochu, and asked Chen Zhi and the three of them to sit together on the stove. On the hot kang, have a good chat.

The wife of the village head still remembers the incident when Pang Wei and the others broke in just now, and now she is very unhappy cooking for them, but the village is full of men, so she dare not say anything, so when she was cooking appetizers in the kitchen, Swearing and swearing to them.

Everyone was scolded by the old lady with fever on their faces, and they didn't reply, so they had to pretend that they didn't hear.

After a while, the village chief brought up some small dishes to go with the wine, including half a big stewed goose, some small stir-fried vegetables and a plate of fried peanuts.The village chief was very happy at this time, and the smile on his black face was not so fierce. He took out a set of small wine utensils that he treasured, a small white porcelain wine pot and four exquisite small wine cups, and served Chen Chen one by one. Zhi and the others poured wine and said politely,
"There is nothing good in the village, which makes you people in the city laugh, but although this place is not as good as the meat and vegetable dishes in your city, it has the taste of our mountains~~~~~~, everyone, drink more~~~ ~~",
After the old village chief finished speaking, he was not polite. He drank a toast first, and then poured the wine.

Fat Wei also drank a cup, then said with a smile,

"I said, old man, I'm a bit confused after drinking your wine. What's the important thing you want to tell us? It's so mysterious. Could it be that you still said that the daughter of the Seven Fairies gave you a dream? Are you so It's too old to..."

"it is true……",
The old village chief said with a serious face, then made a booing gesture to Fat Wei, looked out the window, lowered his voice and said to Chen Zhi and the others,
"My old man really didn't lie, in fact, the day before Lu Daneng died, I had a dream, a bright fairy lady came to look for me in the dream.

It was a fairy goddess exuding light all over her body. She wore gold hairpins and jade bracelets on her head, and she was full of jewels, especially a big red pearl on her forehead, which was as big as a bird's egg. The fairy maiden in the painting is the same, but she is so beautiful.

She told me that he is a fairy who lives in our mountain, and their family has lived here since Changbai Mountain existed. Died 500 years ago.

She told me that our Bingliugou was about to suffer a catastrophe, and Lu Daneng in the village was about to die!Said that I must take in Lu Daneng's two children, and lock them in the yard so that they cannot go out, and then she will cast some kind of charm in my house, so that the demons will not dare to come in, so that they can be kept safe. The peace of the villagers.He also said that from now on, at least one of us, the old couple, should stay at home to guard the two children, otherwise the talisman will not work, and the whole village will die!

At that time, I asked her in my dream, saying that since you are a god, why don't you come out and catch demons for us?
But the fairy just smiled and didn't answer, and told me to remember her instructions, let me stay here and wait for you foreigners to come, and the villagers will be saved... ".

Fat Wei had been holding peanuts in his mouth just now, but after hearing what the old village chief said, he couldn't hold back anymore. All the peanuts got stuck in his nose and he kept coughing.

"Ahem~~~~, oh my god~~~~~~~, I said, old man, you really don't need to write a draft for making up stories. Why didn't those who talk about storytelling invite you? The fairy dream? When the fairy came to you, did she still hold a photo of us? Tell you what we look like, otherwise how would you know it was us when you first met?".

"There are no photos...",
Unexpectedly, when the old village head heard what Fat Wei said, he replied very seriously,
"I also asked what you looked like at the time? The goddess pointed in the air and created a silhouette, and that silhouette is this little brother."

After the old village chief finished speaking, he pointed to Chen Zhi who was sitting next to him.

 Thank you for the reward: Doomed to be lonely for a lifetime


(End of this chapter)

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