Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 499 Fallen Warrior

Chapter 499 Fallen Warrior ([-])

"Murdering the patriarch, the crime of treason, killing without pardon—"
Ji Ying's voice came from the forest. She walked forward slowly, and there was a piercing chill wherever she went. The blue-silver long knife in her hand cut out a knife on the ground. With a buzzing sound, she slowly walked through Chen Zhi's barrier and walked towards Fu Yelie.

"Fu Yelie, as you said just now, our samurai surnamed Ji won the red belt honor with disdainful means, do you think the organization is unfair to you?",
Ji Ying continued to walk forward while talking, her steps were steady, her voice was like ice water in the cold winter, smooth and cold, it sounded a little frightening, even Fu Yelie on the opposite side was a little shaken, Ji Ying's voice was still sounded,

"Fu Yelie, you talk too much, we warriors, we only use force to prove everything!",
Ji Ying walked past the wounded ghost knife. The blue-belt warriors who held down the ghost knife just now saw Ji Ying approaching, and jumped back like an arrow.

Ji Ying stopped when she was less than 20 meters away from Fu Yelie. She reached out and threw the cotton coat she was wearing on the ground, revealing a half-worn military vest. Her white skin did not tremble in the cold wind. There was no wave on Ji Ying's face, but she could feel the blood in her body spurting out, and a ferocious green dragon emerged from her left chest.

At this time, Ji Ying covered Qinglong on her chest with her right hand and said,

"I, Ji Ying, swear by the blood alliance of the Ji clan's royal family. If you, Fu Yelie, defeat me today, I will cut off this arm and give you my red belt. From then on, you will be a great warrior with a red belt. But if you If you are defeated by me, don't hold any resentment anymore and be willing to die.

bring it on!I'll let you. "

After Ji Ying finished speaking, she swung the long knife in her hand, and the long knife made a beautiful turn in the air, and inserted it into the snow like lightning.

In the howling cold wind, Ji Ying walked towards Fu Yelie with bare hands.

Fu Yelie's bleeding wrist trembled angrily in the strong wind. He seemed to feel a huge humiliation, and quickly took two steps back. Facing Ji Ying who was getting closer, he suddenly put the golden long knife horizontally on the ground. In front of both eyes, he pulled it out abruptly, and the blade of the blade suddenly burst into golden light, turning the surrounding snow yellow.

Fu Yelie's long knife was parallel to the sky and the earth, shooting out murderous aura, and the hostility almost ignited everything around him. He carefully observed Ji Ying who was getting closer and closer in front of him. His figure was extremely stable, motionless, just like Ji Ying Ying was about to walk up to him.

Fu Yelie suddenly jumped into the air with a violent cry, raised his long knife with both hands, and slashed at Ji Ying's head from top to bottom like a thunderbolt. The force was extremely powerful, even though he was far away, Chen Zhi could still see The snow under Ji Ying's feet parted in an instant, and a wind streak appeared on the ground.

But Ji Ying's body flashed like a shadow, and jumped to the side. Fu Yelie's knife missed, but it was just a false move. Fu Yelie turned back and swiped the long knife in his hand, just in time to sweep across Ji Ying's body.

With that distance and speed, Ji Ying couldn't dodge.

The golden knife stopped in the air, and thousands of evil spirits were blocked in the air.

I saw Ji Ying grasping the long knife with a hand with a wrist guard. Her arm was covered with layers of Qi training, which is the unique air flow of a person with deep physical skills, but the blood still flowed from Ji Ying. Ying's wrist stayed.

And in such a short pause, the outcome has been decided!

In less than a hundredth of a second, Ji Ying suddenly leaped into the air, flipped into the air, raised her right arm and clenched it into a fist, and that right fist suddenly ignited a golden fire stream, enveloping thousands of Qi training, that This powerful feeling is like the scorching sun falling, like a volcanic eruption, and the extremely fast punch is hitting Fu Yelie on the head.

Fu Yelie's head burst on the spot, and Fu Yelie's body immediately lost its support. He swayed and fell in front of Ji Ying. The brains and blood splashed out made the surrounding white snow red, and the world became quiet in an instant.

This tragic scene happened so quickly that people couldn't react. Fu Yelie, who was still alive just now, fell on the snow, his head turned into blood foam.

Ji Ying's face was splattered with blood and brains. She stood there looking at the corpse for a while, then walked towards the group of rebel warriors, and all the blue-belt warriors took a step back in unison, as if they were all killed by the female Hades. Shocked.

"Ji Ying, don't do this~~~~",
Ghost Knife suddenly got up from behind, and shouted loudly to Ji Ying,
"Give them another chance, bring them back to the organization, and hand them over to the leader~~~"

Ji Ying stopped when she heard Ghost Knife's voice, she turned her head to look at Ghost Knife, her face was a little stiff, an expression she had never seen before.

"Leader, there has been a decree that all traitors will be executed on the spot—"
Chen Zhi, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, withdrew the barrier at this time, took a few steps forward and looked at the murderous snow field. He wanted to say something for Ghost Saber, but he didn't say anything in the end.He knew that this was the internal affairs of the Ji family's royal family. He was too unfamiliar with the rules of the warrior world, and it might be counterproductive. At this time, it was better for him to keep silent.

At this time, I saw Ji Ying walking towards those rebel warriors, and said loudly in the wind,

"My father told me a word when I was young-we were born as warriors, not afraid of life and death, drinking wind and snow, shrouded in horse leather, all of you are descendants of Chinese generals, we are not afraid of death, nor begging for life.

Temporary trips, the leader strictly ordered, if the rebels voluntarily lead to death, they will still return to their hometown with honor and belong to the ranks of warriors.

Fu Yelie is dead, you have no regrets, just kill yourself!I will bring back your bones, you are true warriors, die with glory! "

After Ji Ying finished speaking, she waved her arm, and her long knife flew over out of thin air. Ji Ying pulled out the long knife, revealing the cold and cold blade of the blue-silver long knife. She stood holding the knife in the cold wind. Like a beheaded general, he waited for the answers from the warriors.

They were deadlocked like this for a few minutes, but it seemed like ten years.

Suddenly, some blue-belt warriors took off the long knives in their hands and threw them into the snow. Then they rolled up the cuffs on their arms to reveal the dark blue wristbands. They knelt down and drew out the daggers, pointing them at themselves. The Heart Dragon on the chest.

"Ji Ying~~~",
Ghost Saber jumped over and wanted to go forward, but Ji Ying sternly stopped her
"The leader is strict, Ji Ling, do you want to disobey?"

Ji Ying's face suddenly became extremely cold-blooded and ruthless. She waved her long knife and shouted,
The scene after that was bloody and cruel,

In less than two seconds, dozens of blue-belt warriors all committed suicide.

The bright red blood was sprayed on the pure snow surface, and the blood stained the ground, which was horrible. After those warriors cut themselves off, their corpses still stood on their knees on the snow ground without falling down.

At the same time, the rest of the blue-belt warriors, who were unwilling to accept suicide, flew into the air like the wind, and took advantage of the strong wind to flee to the distance, but before they escaped from the circle, Ji Ying arrived with a knife like lightning. Her sword light was extremely cold, without any hesitation, and within a few seconds, the heads of all the fleeing blue-belt warriors were beheaded. Those rebel warriors fell from the sky, and their bodies fell into the snow.

All the people who witnessed all this, including Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, and the fellows of the Tang family, were all shocked by this scene and could not utter a word. Chen Zhi stood there motionless looking at the blood flowing everywhere, And Ji Ying who was standing in a pool of blood.

For a moment, the beautiful and gentle woman in Chen Zhi's eyes made him feel a chill in his bones, making people shudder.

 Thanks for the reward: Wisdom Insect; xxandww500; Wei Tuo;

(End of this chapter)

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