Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 535 Reminder

Chapter 535 Reminder
These words suddenly reminded Chen Zhi, he thought of Lord Bao who was in a coma, and the intricate things behind Lord Bao, he couldn't help but his heart tightened and his mind was in a mess.

"Where are Lord Bao and the others?" Chen Zhi asked Fat Wei,
"You don't need to worry about Lord Bao's matter," Fat Wei said angrily, still regretting the matter of renewing the Ganoderma lucidum.

"After we came out, the old somersault was in a hurry to send Lord Bao back for rescue. The old golden man saw Bao Ping vomit blood and fell into a coma, crying with snot and tears. Those who didn't know thought Bao Ping was him. What about his own son! No one of us would listen to any advice, and we insisted on going back in a hurry, but finally let some blue-ribbon warriors carry Bao Ping back.

Cut——, actually, if you want me to say, Bao Ping’s disease can also be treated here!At least wait until you wake up, why rush to climb the snowy mountain to get out, it's too exaggerated... "

"Bao Ye's problem is not physical, his condition is more dangerous...",
When Chen Zhi mentioned this matter, he frowned tightly, shook his head, and didn't want to continue talking, turned his head to look at Xuan Lin.

"Take me to see Ji Ying! Is she here now?",
"Here, follow me!" Xuan Lin agreed with a smile, stood up and took Chen Zhi out of the room. After the room was a small hall, they walked down the stairs at the side corner.

The design of Xuanlin's house is unconventional. The handrails on each floor are handmade works of art, beautifully carved and inlaid with gold and treasures. The two of them walked downstairs and entered the yard.

After entering the courtyard, Chen Zhi followed two steps and said to Xuan Lin, "Just now in my sleep, I saw Goddess Fokulun again...".

"I know!" Xuan Lin said calmly.

"My ancestor has already told me, she told me that she will never come back again, and also told me my future fate, from now on, I will not be confused again."

When Xuan Lin said this, he looked back at Chen Zhi,
"My ancestor also told me one thing, let me wait until the right time to tell you, but you don't know when you will come back after you leave this time, I don't want to hide something from you, let me tell you now !”.

"Tell me!", Chen Zhi looked at Xuan Lin, nodded and said.

The two continued to walk forward. The yard of Xuanlin's house was full of vegetation and covered with thick snow. The structure of this house is a bit like a Japanese-style villa, with exquisite style and a little fun, completely integrated into nature middle.

"Do you know that the ancient fierce beast is proud and ruthless?" Xuan Lin asked Chen Zhi as he walked.

"Arrogance? Is it that ferocious beast?" Chen Zhi was a little puzzled.

"Yes", Xuan Lin nodded,

"Ao Ren is a monster with a human head and a beast body in the legend. He has a strong upper body, long hair and long tail, and is covered with human bones. He is extremely vicious. Moreover, it has a stubborn personality and a strong vengeance. It is difficult to domesticate, and the poor Qi is also listed as one of the four evils, and humans use its name to describe stubborn and persistent people.

But in fact, before Aohen became a fierce beast, it was said that he was the son of Zhuanxu, the emperor of the north. Its blood was precious, but because of its violent temper, it was too persistent and difficult to train. The Emperor of Heaven was furious and exiled it to the wilderness. one. "

"I know",
Chen Zhi nodded silently, "These materials are recorded in many places, the question is what does this have to do with me?"

"Of course it matters",
Xuan Lin stopped here, looking at Chen Zhi with sparkling eyes,

"Right now, there is a very dangerous demigod by your side. She is the descendant of the fierce and arrogant god. She may look very weak now, or she may be really innocent. But there is a stubborn and fierce temperament in her blood, This characteristic is her nature and her strength, but this temperament can make people extreme, and they will do whatever they want to get what they want.

Do you know Wu Sangui, a famous general in the late Ming Dynasty?Lamenting that the six armies are all innocent, and being angry at the crown as a beauty, in fact, this is all to beautify him. He is actually a very cruel person. Because of his temporary attachment to his concubine, he feels that he has been betrayed, and he even leads all his concubines. The generals rebelled against the old lord, led the Manchurian army into the customs, and changed the day, causing blood to flow into rivers in the Central Plains.

Let me remind you that since ancient times, all the demigods who are descendants of Ao Hen have been punished, because Ao Hen's bloodline is too cruel and bloody, and he is extremely retaliatory and extremely attached to feelings. Once he is entangled in one thing, he will never forget it. He does not hesitate to pay any price to achieve his goal, and in case of betrayal, he will retaliate with bloody storms.

So I advise you, no matter what kind of friendship this blood descendant has with you, once found, it is best to deal with it as soon as possible.

Chen Zhi has been silently listening to what Xuan Lin said, but he didn't say a word.

They have been walking forward along the path in the yard. This path is full of beautiful Kunlun stone bricks. When people walk on it, the sound of footsteps is tinkling. There are many decorative pools on both sides of the path. There is a thin layer of ice on the pool water, and groups of colorful small fish are swimming underneath, making people feel that everything false in this world is very clear here.

"It would be great if I could stay here forever..."
Chen Zhi sighed and said, then glanced at Xuan Lin's shining eyes, "Don't mention this matter to anyone again."

They walked forward like this, and there was a small building behind Xuanlin's courtyard. Although it was small, its architectural style was very modern. It was obviously a public building.

After they entered the building, Chen Zhi saw a lot of modern medical equipment and instruments here, and the surrounding layout was as clean and tidy as a hospital. After they walked up to the second floor, they walked into a separate room, where Ji Ying He was lying there with bandages all over his body.

Seeing Ji Ying's appearance, Chen Zhi felt a little sore in his heart. The scene of Ji Ying desperately fighting in the tomb passage was still in front of his eyes.

He walked over slowly, wanting to touch Ji Ying's face with his hands, but he found that Ji Ying's face was completely wrapped tightly with bandages, leaving only the nostrils to breathe.

"Miss Ji Ying just took the medicine, who is still in a coma now?"
Xuan Lin said softly,
"It is estimated that this coma will last for a while, after all, her whole body is corroded too badly. But don't worry, her life is not in danger now, her hair has been corroded, but it will grow back soon , everything will be the same as before.”

"it is good!",
Chen Zhi nodded, then half knelt down, stroked Ji Ying's bandaged forehead with his hand, and whispered in her ear.

"Thank you for saving us..., wake up quickly, and I will take you to see the trees and flowers on the back mountain...".

(End of this chapter)

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