Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 555 Qin Yueyang Chapter

Chapter 555 Qin Yueyang Chapter ([-])

The first time Qin Yueyang met her teammates was on Taoshan Mountain in Shandong Province. They went to look for the tomb of the fox fairy. In an excavated ancient tomb, the three people who had rescued Qin Yueyang were unconscious in the pit. Trapped by the illusion, two of them fell into the pit and struggled desperately, while the other stood there straight, with blood all over his head.

For Qin Yueyang, it was also the first time she encountered such an ancient illusion. She smeared the demigod's blood on the yellow paper, silently recited the magic spell to break the illusion, and scattered the yellow paper into the grave. It works.

Those three men soon came to their senses. They rolled all over their bodies and faces, like mud monkeys. They looked funny. Qin Yueyang found out later that the two men struggling in the dirt just now were named Chen Zhi and Fatty. Wei, and the silent person next to him with blood on his head is called Ghost Sword.

And Qin Yueyang's fate has been combined with this team ever since...

In July 201*, Qin Yueyang and her team went to the Royal Private Museum in Bangkok to search for Bai Qian's remains. In this mission, she performed very well. At the critical moment, she blocked the attack of the mermaid with a talisman and successfully assisted the team After completing the task, Bao Ping was very satisfied with her performance.

In the following period of time, the team experienced many things, for the sake of convenience, Qin Yueyang lived with the team all the time.During this period of time, Bao Ping often sent her a lot of precious spell materials, and often sent Man Tian Xing, which made Qin Yueyang feel very warm in his heart, and even tasted a taste of love.

But at that time, Qin Yueyang had already understood Bao Ping's status in society, and she didn't dare to expect that a powerful and high-ranking person would like a little demigod like her who had nothing.And when she dreams back at midnight, she often thinks of those days in the Philippines and the humiliating past, which makes her feel extremely inferior.She was afraid that the people in the team would know about her past. If Bao Ping knew about those unbearable past events, he would never be so gentle to her again, right?

Their later missions became increasingly brutal and dangerous, and their team was ambushed by Anbu in HLJ's Fox Village.At that time, Qin Yueyang truly felt the power of real witchcraft. Compared with the witches in Anbu, his meager ability was as fragile as glass.

But at a critical moment, she bit her tongue, chewed the spell in her mouth, and spat on the pretender Fu Ye Wanda, revealing his identity, and successfully concealed the team's whereabouts, protecting the lives of the team members.

But the casualties in that operation were very heavy, the ghost knife was beaten into a sieve, Bao Ping's left shoulder was completely maimed by his nephew, his muscles and bones were broken, and his heart and blood vessels were injured, which was very dangerous.

Ghost Knife and Bao Ping were sent to the organization for treatment. The leader ordered that Bao Ping's left arm must be preserved. Bao Ping was later transferred to various places for consultation, and the experts were helpless. In the end, the organization's witch doctor used witchcraft Concocted a black witch medicine to rebuild Baoping's left arm.

It was a rather painful treatment process. Bao Ping's left arm was completely scrapped, and it was extremely painful to rebuild the muscles and bones and connect the blood vessels. After rebuilding a left arm, it was necessary to apply fresh witchcraft to the wound every day.

So during this period of time, Qin Yueyang was taken to the hot spring villa, and every day he prepared herbs for Bao Ping and applied witch medicine to maintain the vitality of the reconstructed arm.During that time, Qin Yueyang was with Bao Ping every day, and Qin Yueyang became unable to extricate himself from then on.

"Lord Leopard, are you in pain?",
Qin Yueyang would ask this question every day when he applied those extremely irritating witch medicines on Bao Ping's bloody left arm.

Bao Ping's tone was always very calm, as if he had no feelings at all.But Qin Yueyang could still see his furrowed brows. Qin Yueyang knew at that time that this kind of pain must be very difficult, and Bao Ping must be holding on. If possible, Qin Yueyang really hoped that Bao Ping would never suffer this kind of pain again up.

During these days in the hot spring villa, Qin Yueyang accompanied Bao Ping every day. Bao Ping didn’t seem to have any other hobbies. After applying the medicine, Qin Yueyang would read some news from the newspaper to Bao Ping. Bao Ping always lay on the sofa and locked up. He frowned and didn't speak, and seemed to be listening very seriously.

But one night, Bao Ping's rebuilt arm suddenly broke off. The scene was horrifying. Blood and broken bones splashed all over the ground. Bao Ping passed out on the ground. The wound was opened, and the flesh was re-growth. Bao Ping couldn't bear the pain of detaching bones and tendons. He moaned in pain in the bedroom, while Qin Yueyang was crying like rain outside, covering his ears and refusing to listen.

After tossing around most of the night, Bao Ping was quiet again.

In the middle of the night, the exhausted old somersault asked Qin Yueyang to check on Bao Ping's condition. If he was in too much pain, he could be given a shot of restrictive medicine if necessary.

But Qin Yueyang couldn't find Bao Ping's shadow in the bedroom. She found the edge of the hot spring lake and saw lights in the pavilion in the center of the hot spring lake from a distance. She walked slowly along the path in the hot spring lake to the hot spring. center of the lake.

But when she walked to the pavilion and was about to step in, she heard Bao Ping's hoarse voice from inside.

Qin Yueyang was taken aback, and hastily walked a few steps forward, stepping into the pavilion.At this time, she saw that Bao Ping was lying naked in the hot spring pool, and the pavilion was filled with water vapor. The solid muscles of Bao Ping's upper body were floating in the hot spring water, and his reconstructed left arm was bloody and bloody, and had swollen to more than twice its thickness. It looks scary.

At this time, Bao Ping was pale due to the severe pain, but he remained calm, holding a shock-absorbing pistol in his right hand, aiming at the door.

"Lord Bao, it's me... Uncle Jin asked me to come and see you..." Qin Yueyang said softly,
After seeing Qin Yueyang's face, Bao Ping put down the pistol.

"You go! I'm fine, I'm not allowed to come here again..."
Bao Ping's hoarse voice made people feel dauntingly cold, Qin Yueyang retreated from there at that time, and left the hot spring lake quickly.I don't know why, since then, Bao Ping's bloody arms and pained livid face in the hot spring always appear in front of Qin Yueyang's eyes, and they can't disappear for a long time.

Qin Yueyang knew that he fell in love with this man, and he didn't know when this love had turned into a deep love, which made people unable to extricate themselves.And the center of the hot spring lake seems to be Bao Ping's most private place, and the only woman who can enter it is probably his girlfriend!
(End of this chapter)

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