Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 576

Chapter 576
Every footprint on the bridge is interspersed with bloodstains left by people who fell to the ground. It is conceivable that this person was exhausted when walking on this Naihe bridge. He got up for the first time, but he still continued to walk forward, even though the skin and flesh on the soles of his feet were dripping with blood from the cold stone, he still supported and walked across the Naihe Bridge.

And the road in front of the Naihe Bridge is boundless darkness. In folklore, there is a saying that the road to Huangquan is difficult to walk, which means that you can’t see the sun, moon, stars, land and dust all the way on this Huangquan road. Bumpy, lonely souls and wild ghosts howling and crying for their lives, and the dead souls will never turn back when they get on this road to the underworld.

Chen Zhizhi heard the sound of the strong wind sweeping the ground, and the creaking sound of the hurricane blowing on the frozen ground. Chen Zhi couldn't imagine what kind of perseverance this person who was walking on the road to Huangquan got here. I don't know how long he can last, but judging from the traces left behind, this person is already scarred, and the possibility of surviving is already very small.

Chen Zhi glanced back at Fat Wei, and found that he had been standing on the bow of the boat, concentrating on the waterway in front of him. He didn't see the bloody footprints on the stone bridge, and he didn't pay attention to the changes on Chen Zhi's face.

Chen Zhi hesitated for a moment, but he didn't ask Fat Wei to come over to see these bloody footprints. Chen Zhi knew what his purpose of coming here was, and he also knew what motivated Fat Wei to stand here. He didn't want Fat Wei to see this scene , which would break his spirit and wipe out his motivation.

After crossing the Naihe Bridge, the water area in front gradually opened up, and everyone could no longer see the shore. There was only a large expanse of white Wangchuan River in the front, back, left, and right. There was still mist rising from the water surface, and it was very quiet. Chen Zhi When looking down from the side of the boat, I always vaguely see many shadows floating in the river water. Those shadows are huge, like giant dragons cruising, looming under the water.

What happened just now has completely scared Hao Ning's courage, his face was ashen, and he didn't even have the courage to scream.Fat Wei usually looks rough, but he cares extremely about his cousin. He kept comforting Hao Ning, and said a lot of words of comfort and encouragement, but it was useless. Hao Ning was still scared Shaking constantly.Later, in a fit of anger, Pang Wei simply pushed him behind the stern and asked him to hide among the blue-belt warriors, cover his eyes and ears, and neither look nor listen.

Qin Yueyang stayed alone in the cabin just now, since she saw the image of the Zhou Dynasty and Princess Qin 5000 years ago at the underground temple at the entrance, she has not said a word.

After Ming Zhou passed the Naihe Bridge and officially entered the waterway, Qin Yueyang called Chen Zhi from the cabin, "Chen Zhi, come in, I have something to say to you!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Zhi turned around and asked, but Qin Yueyang didn't reply.

"Go in! Listen to what she said, it's not easy for her..." Fat Wei said to Chen Zhi in a low voice, and then took the marriage guard of honor from Chen Zhi's hand and stood on the bow.

Chen Zhi lowered his head and got into the cabin, only to see that the space in this cabin is very large, and the layout looks like a god. The middle seat is very wide, but there is only one, which is obviously reserved for Princess Heqin alone.Qin Yueyang was sitting in the dark wearing a bright red wedding dress, looking a little indescribably weird.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Chen Zhi found a place to sit down, his attitude was very flat, neither enthusiasm nor other emotions could be seen.

At this time, Qin Yueyang took off her red head cover, revealing her face, her hair was covered with sweat, her eyes were still reddish, it could be seen that she had cried secretly just now.

Qin Yueyang's voice was a little hoarse at this time, and he said softly: "Before I come down, I want to tell Lord Bao one thing, but he doesn't want to hear it, so I'll tell you!

Qin Yueyang's voice was very low, except for Chen Zhi in the cabin, no one outside could hear him.

"Actually, I am a very timid person, and I have been like this since I was a child. You may think that the character of timidity is too incompatible for a demigod, but this is the reality. I am indeed a very weak person. I have been a coward since I was a child. I am afraid of the dark, afraid of every inch of darkness around me, afraid of being thrown down alone.

But my fate never allows me to be weak, and never shows mercy to me, so I always pretend.When we were doing tasks in Japan, I was actually very scared in my heart. I was afraid of the powerful onmyoji there, and I was afraid that you would throw me in a dark cemetery, but what I was even more afraid of was that you thought I was incompetent.

Even just now, when I saw those dark and terrifying things, I still felt very scared. This is my nature, and no matter how hard I try, I can't change it.

Chen Zhi, if I have lied to you about anything, it is that I once pretended to be strong in front of you. "

"Okay, stop talking, I don't want to hear it!", Chen Zhi suddenly felt uncomfortable, Qin Yueyang's words were like soft nails stuck in his heart, he didn't want to listen anymore, stood up, turned around and was about to leave .

But Qin Yueyang still continued talking,

"I know what you are looking for and what you see me as. But I know myself very well. Although I am weak, I have a heart. I have worked hard for the team when I was with you. , I have never been ashamed of you.

The reason why I concealed my bloodline origin was because there were some things I could not choose. I did do a lot of wrong things because of my desires, and I also betrayed your trust, but I am not the ghost you are looking for... ".

"Enough!", Chen Zhi sternly stopped Qin Yueyang, turned around and was about to leave the cabin, but he didn't go out in the end, sat back again, lowered his head in silence for a long time, looked up at Qin Yueyang and said in a low voice:

"You don't have to say anything now, anything you say now is meaningless to me, who are you, reality will naturally prove it.

If you are really innocent.Then I can tell you now that things are not as bad as you imagined, maybe your future is even better than you imagined, and I guess..."

After Chen Zhi said this, he hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Qin Yueyang sincerely, "I guess Lord Bao thinks the same way...".

As soon as Lord Bao was mentioned, Qin Yueyang's body trembled involuntarily. Her red, swollen and dull eyes looked at Chen Zhi, and her eyes were no longer so dazed, and then a string of tears fell down.

"You stay in the cabin! Remember what I said, don't think about it..." After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he stood up and left the cabin. He returned to the bow and saw Fat Wei waving to him non-stop. Ghost Saber and Blue Ribbon Warriors were looking ahead with their searchlights on.

Chen Zhi walked over, and he saw that the water area in front of him was already very vast, and the dark boat shuttled through the water at an extremely fast speed. Between the rising water mist in front of him, he could vaguely see a magnificent city appearing far away.

 Thanks for the reward: intere

(End of this chapter)

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