Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 582 Evil Dog Ridge

Chapter 582 Evil Dog Ridge

There are many folk legends about the description of Vigou Ridge, the contents of which vary widely, but the main thing is that there are vicious hell dogs here, which will attack the dead souls of the past.

According to the legend, after getting off the Wangxiang Terrace, you will go all the way to Egou Ridge. After entering here, you will suddenly hear bursts of dog barking. A group of vicious dogs with fierce eyes, mouth full of steel teeth, and fur as hard as steel wire.

If the Revenant had been a good man, the dogs would claim past favors from him, and let the Revenant go on its way without harming him.But if the dead soul did evil in his lifetime, these vicious dogs would bite at the dead soul like crazy, and they would not let go until they tore the dead soul into pieces.

According to legend, people who belong to the dog zodiac can be pardoned here, walking on the dog ridge as if walking on the ground, but the butchers who have been butchers in their lifetime will be attacked most fiercely when they arrive here. .

After they entered the fabled dog ridge, they didn't hear a dog barking. On the contrary, it was very quiet here.

After the impermanent ghost quickly walked into the woods, he turned left and right and entered a black cave. Chen Zhi and others hurriedly followed him into the cave. After some experience, the roads in this underworld are very complicated, and many places are hidden in the dark passages. At this time, they are probably going to go through the cave.

The impermanent ghost's speed was too fast, Chen Zhi was basically running with Qin Yueyang on his back, and everyone speeded up, getting ready to walk through this dark cave.

But what I didn't expect was that the impermanent ghost stopped after entering the cave. It seemed to be a little jealous of the things in the cave. It shook the lantern in the darkness ahead and slowly searched inside. At this time, A face gradually appeared in the blue light, and Chen Zhi finally saw with his own eyes what the legendary Hellhound looked like.

Although the entrance of this cave is small, the space in the cave is extremely vast. You can't see the edge at all, only a gloomy darkness. Under the blue lantern, Chen Zhi saw two lanterns shining with cold light. huge teeth, appearing on top of their heads.

Everyone looked up along the firelight, only the face in the darkness was extremely fierce.

It was a long and narrow dog face, but in terms of volume, it could no longer be called a dog, but a huge beast. The face of this giant dog was very ferocious, and the teeth were like those of the megalodons of the Ice Age. Features, protruding mandibles, a pair of barbed fangs raised high, like a pair of cold sharp knives, the eyes of the giant dog are bright yellow, and the eyes are shaped like olives, staring at them angrily, it looks amazing The human scalp is numb.

Everyone took a step back vigilantly. Just as they reached out to touch their weapons, they saw the impermanent ghost swinging the lantern and shining it on the body of the giant dog.

Only then did Chen Zhi see that the body of this giant dog was completely dry, there was basically no flesh on its body, and the ribs on the abdomen were exposed, only the huge dog head was still there, staring at its eyes and showing off its power, it was a dead corpse dog.

They bypassed the huge mummy dog ​​and followed the impermanent ghost to the depths of the cave. On the way, they saw more than 30 such huge mummy dogs in total. The faces of these giant dogs They are basically lifelike, with fangs and extremely ferocious appearance, and under their feet are patches of white bones.

At this time, Chen Zhi finally understood what the humans were transported here for. It was actually very simple. Humans were a kind of fodder in the underworld. The purpose of them being transported to Egouling was to feed them. These vicious dogs!

On the ground ahead, there are layers upon layers of human bones, the number of which is unimaginable. When everyone first stepped on it, it was very uncomfortable. The corpses under their feet creaked, as if they were crying for them. The tragic fate, but in the end, everyone has gotten used to it. The bones underneath are layer by layer. I don’t know how many years have accumulated, like a deep sea of ​​corpses that has no end.

It is hard to imagine how many innocent human beings were captured into this underworld during those dark and long years, and died as undead in the mouths of these terrifying giant dogs.

Everyone stepped on these layers of bones and walked all the way forward. Everyone's face became extremely ugly, especially those blue-belt warriors who are strong human beings. They have a primitive feeling for everything here. Feeling so angry, I can't wait to kill these vicious dogs into thousands, so that they can taste the power of human beings.

After the impermanent ghost in front walked to the depths of the cave, he led them into a dark passage in the cave. There was a secret door here, and behind the secret door was a small stone room.

Here, Chen Zhi and the others really saw a miraculous device. This small stone room, which looks very delicate on the outside, is actually a movable space.

After everyone walked into the room, the impermanent ghost went to the wall and wiped it with his hands, only to see that the wall was cracked and a six-diamond mechanism appeared. The impermanent ghost grabbed the mechanism and twisted it. The stone chamber slowly rotated, then slowly rose, and then stopped every ten meters or so, and moved up one section after another, just like an elevator in modern society.

Their speed is not fast, they are rising steadily.

Chen Zhi knew where they were going, and every location on that Huangquan map was familiar in Chen Zhi's mind.The Wuchang Ghost is going to take them to the top of this mountain. From the map, there is a large open space above the Egou Ridge, and there is another checkpoint there, which is the third stop of Yingdu Ghost Town, Jinji Mountain .

In human legends, Jinji Mountain and Egouling are often linked together, because Egouling is on the mountainside of Jinji Mountain, and Jinji Mountain is the only way to the ghost town of Yingdu.

After crossing this mountain, you can reach the inner city of Fengdu Ghost City, which is the capital of Hades.

According to legend, this Jinji Mountain is like the Evil Dog Ridge, which is a checkpoint for punishing evil and promoting good. After a person dies, once the undead of the bad guys enter Jinji Mountain, groups of big roosters will rush towards them. This kind of golden rooster is very ferocious. Sharper than an eagle, the sharp claws are more like a soul-grabbing hook. A single claw can tear your skin apart, penetrate deep into your internal organs, and grab your heart and liver.

After seeing the giant hell dog in Vigou Ridge just now, Chen Zhi also thought about the scene in Jinji Mountain. Is it possible that the mountain is full of giant mummified roosters? This scene is really unimaginable. Not only is it not scary, it even makes people feel Kind of funny.

After they reached the top of the mountain, they found that the top of the stone chamber opened directly to the exit. They climbed out from the exit and saw a faint light on the top of the mountain, but the light was very blurry, and there was nothing around except the bare ground.

But at this time, the impermanent ghost who had been leading the way for them suddenly stopped...

 Today is Valentine's Day, also called Dog Abuse Day. On this day of universal celebration, what are you doing now?Do you want to have dinner and watch a movie with your sister?Or..., if you see this update now, it proves that you are like a peacock, who is forced to eat instant noodles at home alone, dig haha! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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