Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 593 Trial

Chapter 593 Trial ([-])

Chen Zhi didn't turn his head, the voice was too familiar to him, he knew who was speaking in the dark behind him, and he knew without turning his head that it was himself.

Another Chen Zhi came out from the darkness, he walked up to Chen Zhi's side, looked sideways at Chen Zhi's indifferent face, and smiled happily.

"Do you know? In fact, since that day, you have died here. Everything you experienced later is a story you made up for yourself. You are the invincible protagonist in this story. How about it? Very enjoyable, right?"

"I'm not invincible, I lost many times..." Chen Zhi replied calmly.

But the other Chen Zhi put his face in front of Chen Zhi, and looked at him with a mocking expression, full of contempt.

"Don't pretend to be in front of us, I know who you are, you are not afraid of death, what you are afraid of is being unknown and being looked down upon.

The descendants of Jiang Ziya, how beautiful they are!In this dream weaved by myself, it feels very powerful, right?Do you feel like you are different?You enjoy it all, you enjoy being important, you enjoy being on top, being admired..., right? "

"Do you think it's useful to say this?" Chen Zhi suddenly sneered, looked up at the face that was exactly like his own, and said calmly with his eyes still,

"I'm not as fragile as you think, I know what's real and what's not, I'm not dead, I'm alive! I'm very real, you're fake. You're nothing more than a fear in my head, now I am no longer cowardly, I can face all the fears in this world, and I can also face the fears in my own heart..."

"Sure enough! You can distinguish between reality and illusion, and know that I come from your own fear, hahaha..." Another Chen Zhi raised his eyebrows and smiled exaggeratedly.

"But..., Chen Zhi, have you ever thought about it, why do you have fear? And..., why did you come here? Is it to maintain the barrier? Is it for human beings? Is it true..., Isn't that too noble?"

"I don't know what you mean!" Chen Zhi lowered his eyes and stopped looking at the face that was exactly like his own, with a very indifferent voice.

"You really don't know who the ghost is?" Another Chen Zhi tilted his neck to look into Chen Zhi's eyes.

"I don't know!" Chen Zhi replied affirmatively.

"Hahaha~~~~~, liar!" The other Chen Zhi suddenly laughed, "Actually, you know everything, you are a cowardly person, you want to lie to yourself, you don't want to face reality..., Hahaha~~~, you coward~~".

When that Chen Zhi said this, he suddenly held Chen Zhi's face with both hands, and stared at Chen Zhi's eyes with ferocious eyes. There seemed to be countless lights and shadows in his eyes, as if he could see through Chen Zhi. The corners of his mouth grinned exaggeratedly, almost like a ghost.

"Chen Zhi, I'm going to tell you now, why do you insist on coming here! Why do you risk your life for the spirit stone! You are not for the enchantment, nor for human beings and the so-called justice, you are for atonement, To atone for your heinous sin..."

It seemed that after Chen Zhi finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared, and only Chen Zhi was left in the entire dark space.

Chen Zhi stood there without moving, his eyes quickly searched the space, looking at everything in the cellar, everything here was so real, his uncle's body was right in front of his eyes, and It has a tactile feel.

But beside his uncle's withered arm, there was a row of extremely inconspicuous marks, which looked like scratches on the ground. Those marks were the details that Chen Zhi had always forgotten.

At that time, when Chen Zhi took off his uncle's watch, he saw this detail and thought it was a series of meaningless scratches.Later, the youth forge was burnt down, his uncle's body disappeared, and all the clues in the cellar were burned up. Chen Zhi was the only one who saw this string of traces.

At that time, Chen Zhi didn't know the divine script, and he never kept this string of traces in his memory, but now Chen Zhi knows that it was a string of inverted characters carved on the ground with a powerful curse , These codes use the structure of the Morse code. After reassembling, it is a sentence of divine script, which only the members of the Jiang family can understand...

But before Chen Zhi could identify those divine characters, his brain suddenly ached. The pain was so piercing that he couldn't bear it anymore. He closed his eyes, but when he opened them, he was still in this dark space.His uncle's body was gone, and the whole cellar was what it looked like after the fire.

Chen Zhi stood here for a long time like this, he didn't worry about time, because he found that the clock on his overalls had stopped, and the minute and second hands were motionless, that is to say, in this space, time does not exist of.

Although there is no time in this space, Chen Zhi can really feel the pain all over his body. He stood there for too long, and the heart-pounding headache just now broke his spirits. He took a few steps forward and found a Corner sat down.

Everything here is too dark, the damp musty smell on the ground and the burnt smell of the fire hit his nose, he looked up, the entrance to the cellar was still open, but Chen Zhi didn't try to climb Escape through that entrance.Because he knows that everything here is a phantom, and it is the most persistent thing in his mind.

Chen Zhi thought to himself, maybe the legend about the Nie Jingtai in the First Yama Hall is true.Perhaps King Qin Guang is just a legendary image, but in the Palace of the King of Hades in the first hall, there is really something like the evil mirror, which can reflect a person's sins and merits.Perhaps in the eyes of this evil mirror, Chen Zhi is really a heinous person.Or maybe, the ultimate judges of people are themselves.

Chen Zhi sat in that corner for a long time, thinking of various ways to escape from here in his mind, he even tried to recite many spells, trying to activate the strong spell and the wind and thunder spell to break through this space, but he immediately discovered that, Any spells are meaningless in this space.This whole space belongs to another place, and he is here now, just a bystander.


Chen Zhi suddenly heard a small voice, and listened carefully, it seemed to be the cry of a person.

Although Chen Zhi is no longer afraid of ghosts and darkness at all, but for some reason, after hearing this voice, Chen Zhi's heart couldn't help but tense. He followed the voice and looked forward, only to see the dark In the corner, layers of cold fog rose, and there seemed to be a person crying.

 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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