Chapter 102
But she got it!As long as he eats the ice gecko, he will be one step closer to detoxification!
Shen Sha raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He really thought that she didn't get the ice gecko, and even if she didn't get it, it's a normal thing. The genius doctor said that the ice gecko is also a treasure that can't be found, it's not so easy to get, it doesn't have much to do with ability , has more to do with luck.

They just found one ice cave. If there were really eighteen ice caves in the ice field, there would be seventeen more. He was already mentally prepared to spend half a year here.

But now she told him that she got the ice gecko!
"In that ice cave from before?" he asked.

Lou Qi nodded: "Yes, that's right there. Am I lucky?" She asked him proudly.

Shen Sha's eyes were deep, looking at her smiling face under the moonlight, he said after a while, "It's my luck."

Having her is his greatest luck.

Lou Qi didn't pay attention to the real meaning of his words, "Yes, it can also be said that you are lucky, and you got another medicine." She took out the small bottle and handed it to him: "Here."

Shen Sha took the bottle and took a closer look. The little ice gecko buried in the ice and snow had a faint silver-blue color all over its body.Indeed, only the ice field can have such a thing.

"One more credit."

He reached out and pulled her into his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her lips fiercely.

This is his way of expressing his joy.

Huanxi, because she is there, Huanxi, because she is so capable, Huanxi, because she is so dedicated to finding medicine for him, which shows that she also cares about him, and this is what makes him most happy.

Lou Qi was out of breath, and his whole body was a little weak.His kisses are as domineering, intense, and self-indulgent as his person.However, she found that she also fell in love with it.She used to think that if she wanted to fall in love, she should find a gentleman. When he kissed her, he was gentle, with a kind of poetic, even sad tenderness.She felt that she was too tough, and she needed such a man to tolerate her and soften her.

But now she feels, what are you thinking about so much?Just like Shen Sha, if you want to kiss, you can kiss her hard, until she is about to suffocate, it's also very good!

Only then did she realize that he was carrying a bundle, which should be her clothes.

"Give it to me, I'm going to take a shower!"

Shen Sha tore off the bundle and handed it to her, then jumped up and sat down on a rock closest to the glacier.

Lou Qi suddenly became black.

Uncle, you are sitting so high and facing the direction of the glacier, so you will see me when I take off my clothes?
"Turn around."

"That's it," he said.

Lou Qi gritted her teeth, "Turn around!"

"That's it, hurry up." He was unmoved.

Sure enough, what I liked just now was an illusion!Lou Qi gritted his teeth angrily, and kicked a pile of ice chips towards him.Under the moonlight, a little red thing in the ice flakes flashed in her sight.

Lou Qi shouted immediately: "Get out of the way!"

She was just playing around, and it is a harmless thing like ice chips, he probably won't get out of the way, let her sprinkle him all over, but the thing she saw just now, that thing, that thing is obviously alive !
Lou Qi's expression changed, but luckily Shen Sha's reaction and skill were extremely fast, as soon as she made a sound, he had already sprinted away in place, avoiding the piece of icy heart.

At the same time, Lou Qi had already rushed over, he grabbed her arm, put his arms around her waist, and fell aside.

"What's the matter?" Shen Sha didn't see that thing just now, but seeing her so nervous, his face was slightly grave.

"There is something." Lou Qi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the place where the ice chips fell. There was not so much ice and snow on the rock. It was conspicuous, so she didn't notice anything when she looked at it.But she instinctively tensed up, and instinctively sensed the danger!

This almost magical instinct of hers has saved her life many times in modern times.

Shen Sha knew that she was much better than himself in some respects, he believed in her, hugged her waist tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Let's leave." She must be very tired now, she hasn't felt any pain in three days. After a good rest, he originally wanted her to take a bath and then take her back. He would guard her tonight and let her have a good sleep. He didn't want her to do anything now.

"No." Lou Qi felt that the hairs all over her body stood on end, her face froze, and she said mechanically, "I can't go."

Can't go, can't go.That thing, that thing is not only one, but there are countless, there are countless, densely packed, now they are gathering towards them, in all directions, in the thick ice and snow, all are hidden, all are those things .

This feeling of being fully targeted made her shudder.

At this moment, Shen Sha suddenly condensed all over, hugged her and flew straight up into the air. His incomparably powerful lightness kung fu played its greatest role at this time.In mid-air, they looked down, and both gasped at the same time.

In the ice and snow under the rock below, in a large expanse of white snow, red worms like earthworms were squirming quickly towards the rock they were standing on just now.Their heads were buried in the ice and snow, and they twisted and twisted as they squirmed. The red luster on their bodies was reflected against the white ice and snow, which was clearly very clear. Why couldn't they see it just now?

No matter how good Shen Sha's lightness skills are, it is impossible to stay in midair without falling, so their figures fell again.

I haven't seen that kind of thing on the rock yet, but what makes Lou Qi worry is that the one she kicked up just now is on the rock, hiding in the dark!
The old man has never mentioned this kind of red earthworm.Now Lou Qi thinks that she really hates the ice field, because she doesn't know everything on the ice field!If you don't know, there is no way to think of a way to deal with it in the fastest time!

"There's a strip on the rock"

It just happened that there was only this one rock by the glacier, and the other rocks were still far away from them.

Before Lou Qi finished speaking, Shen Sha slapped down on the rock with a palm.With a bang, the stone was not broken, but all the ice, snow and dust on it were blown away, exposing the clean rock surface.


Sure enough, sometimes she just thinks too much, wouldn't it be better to just be rude like this?The red earthworm should also have been photographed flying out.

The two fell back onto the rock again.This time, if I looked carefully again, I could indeed see a large area of ​​red earthworms. My God, there were at least tens of thousands of them.

With such a number, even if they wanted to kill them, they would have to kill them softly!

"This emperor will take you out." Shen Sha said.

"So you can still take me out?" Lou Qi looked at him in surprise, isn't this too powerful?
Shen Sha only said to her: "Hold tight."

She immediately hugged him tightly, and Shen Sha raised his figure again, and flew towards another rock on the way. On the way, he slapped down on the ground again, and with the palm wind from the counterattack, he raised his body again Swept forward.

Lou Qi opened his eyes wide.She really has all the internal energy in her body, but she doesn't know how to use it!It turns out that it can still do this!Shen Sha led her to land on another rock, and Lou Qi also heaved a sigh of relief.

But when Shen Sha flew up again, those red earthworms suddenly got into the ground and disappeared without a trace.He was about to land on the third rock, when the rock suddenly moved, and then it became smaller little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then got smaller again, and soon half of it was removed!
"Damn, what the hell is this!" Lou Qi couldn't help but swear, what the hell is this?
Shen Sha's feet still landed on the rock, and the two of them looked down at the same time, only to find that there were all those red envelope earthworms under the rock, and a hole had been loosened by them on the ground, and the rock sank directly!Those things were still loosening the snow and ice down there, sinking the rock a little, and sinking a little more.

"Look, the rocks ahead!"

Lou Qi suddenly found that the rocks in front had sunk in the blink of an eye, parallel to the ground!It seems that the kind of red earthworms can't climb high, so they used this method!
Has she met a monster with an IQ again?

Oh my goodness.

Now they have no place to stay!I don't know how many of these things there are!Only the one under their feet is almost sunk parallel to the ground, and some red earthworms are already crawling up the rock.

When Lou Qi got so close, she found that there were two rows of thin burrs under the thing, which were a bit similar to centipedes, but thinner and denser than centipedes. It was only when she found that this thing crawled over the rock surface, the rock surface When a long trace was left behind, his expression changed!It seems to be a trace of corrosion, the thickness is the same as its body, but it is a deep scar like thing!If it is climbed up by these things, can there be any good on it?

"I hate the ice field!" Lou Qi couldn't help but yelled angrily.

Shen Sha didn't speak, just hugged her and threw her on his back, letting her lie on his back.In this way, those things are going to climb up, at least there is him, and he is holding it.

Lou Qi was taken aback.

His actions just now were completely without hesitation, so natural, as if he had done this kind of thing countless times.

Leaning on his broad back, Lou Qi suddenly felt that the ice field was not so annoying because of him.

Shen Sha had already made a move, and he was slapping those things quickly with both palms.Now it's not for borrowing strength, he no longer thinks about borrowing strength, but used ten percent of his power to blast these things to death directly.

With one palm down, he would create a big hole in the ice. Those things twisted, many of them were smashed into several pieces by him, and some were directly shot into the ice.

In the white ice field, there is a strip of red corpses. The scene is really disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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