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Chapter 114 Qingjiang Fish King

Chapter 114 Qingjiang Fish King
He looked at them and said: "You believe in the emperor, and the emperor believes in Louqi."

So, what else is there to say?

Dijun Xinlou Qi, that's enough.

In fact, it's not just Dijun Xinlouqi, almost everyone here belongs to Xinlouqi, even the guard just now had doubts on the spur of the moment, if you ask him whether he believes in Louqi, he may not believe it.

Yue arranged the team, and now the remaining 11 people are uninjured, four people were assigned to stay and take care of the wounded, three people went to search for medicine, and the remaining four people went to find Lou Qi.

Yue himself is in the team looking for Lou Qi here, and there are Lou Xin and Chen Shi, they all want to follow to find Lou Qi, because they are really worried.

Let’s not mention the three-way departure here.

But Lou Qi, who many people are looking for, is faintly waking up right now.Almost as soon as she woke up, she smelled a strong scent of powder, and felt the soft and thick bedding under her body.

She opened her eyes very slowly, only to find that she was in a sealed space, and she was moving, although the speed was not that fast.And this space is very narrow, much smaller than ordinary carriages. When she sits up, she is only a fist away from hitting the top of her head, and the left and right are only half an arm's worth.

For the first time, Lou Qi almost thought that he was put into a coffin.It was a bad feeling, and although she wasn't claustrophobic, no one would be comfortable being locked in such a small space.

She didn't use her internal strength, first tentatively raised her hand and pushed the top of her head, but it didn't move at all.I continued to look around, but found that I really seemed to be sealed in a long box. It felt like iron, very thick and hard, and it should not be ordinary iron.The seams on all four sides are so tight that not a ray of light can get in.

Lou Qi has been able to secure her position as the queen of the gray zone for so many years in modern times, one of which is her strong will and spiritual power.The more dangerous and unknown the situation, the calmer she is and the clearer her mind is.

Although this feeling is very bad, it will not affect her judgment.

Outside, there were the panting and running sounds of wolves, perhaps, the wolves were pulling her to run.But she didn't hear anyone's voice.

When she fused the thousand-year-old stone marrow before, she entered a very wonderful state. It seemed that the slightest wind in the ice cave could feel its flow, but immediately after that, it was as if all five senses were cut off. everything.At this time, if someone wants to kill her, or if there is a murderous intent, she will definitely wake up. If that is the case, it is easy to get mad, and it is easy to die from the backlash of her skills.And now she is safe and sound and sealed in this iron box. The other party didn't want her life, and didn't even want her to have an accident. into this box.

So she is at least temporarily out of danger.

After the analysis confirmed this point, she felt a little relieved.

Just as she was considering whether to try to blast the box with internal force, the box stopped suddenly, and she heard the sound of someone flying over with fluttering clothes, two subtle breathing sounds and seven or eight other sounds. A more pronounced breathing sound.

Lou Qi was surprised first, when did her hearing become so strong?
Could it be that the effect of the thousand-year stone marrow is so obvious?Lou Qi was shocked all of a sudden, and even more excited in her heart, it seemed that she had successfully merged!She really wants to try it right away, how strong is her skill now!

At this moment, the people outside spoke, Lou Qi decided to listen to what they had to say first.

"Master Hua, I have already brought you here, and my subordinates are lucky to not disgrace."

"Well, your method of taming wolves is pretty good, what about those people?"

"After putting the goods in the box, they dispersed and left. If someone was there, I'm afraid Shen Sha would notice it. The snow wolf's concealment ability is good."

"Very good. They never imagined that after that ice cave, someone dug an underground tunnel, which is just convenient for us to sneak through Chen Cang. Did Shen Sha really not find it?"

"It should not have been found."

"Okay, this time you have made a great contribution, the sect master should have a big prize! Your hall master is still with Princess Furong?"

"Yes, our hall master followed the order of the sect master to follow Princess Furong, and this time it was Princess Furong who helped us, so we knew that this woman is so suitable for our sect master."

"So, Princess Furong is indeed sincerely cooperating with us?"

"Our hall master thinks it should be like this."

"Well, that's your task. I'll take him away first. You should go back to your hall master."

"Yes, Master Hua. By the way, we originally wanted to catch this woman with medicine, but when we found her, we found that she was practicing. Because the master said not to hurt her, we filled her with dreams." Sansheng."

"Meng Sansheng? Doesn't it take three days for her to wake up?"

Lou Qi raised his eyebrows when he heard this, Meng Sansheng, is it the name of a drug?After taking it, you will faint for three days?How insecure did they feel after giving her such an overbearing drug and packing her in such a strong box, or did they think that her kung fu was so strong that they dare not take it lightly?
It's a pity that what they don't know is that the drugs and poisons have no effect on her.

Thinking of this, Lou Qi couldn't help but think of Shen Sha who is also not afraid of any drugs or poisons. This is also a kind of fate for them, right?Now I don't know how Shen Sha will react when he finds out that she is missing.But isn't he by her side?Why was she arrested by these people?Did something happen to him or did he walk away?
She didn't have an answer to this question now, so she had to put it aside.

Lou Qi did not ignore all their names, as well as Bei Furong.It was Bei Furong who cooperated with these people, so why did the sect master arrest her?And ordered not to hurt her?She is quite curious about the identity of the sect master now, and what is the purpose of arresting her?After the two talked a few words, they separated, Lou Qi felt that he had been changed, and now the one who took over was the so-called Flower Hall Master.

There are sect masters and hall masters. She has been in contact with and offended recently. If there is any sect master, it should be Bixian sect.But if it's Bixianmen, it shouldn't be so fast. After only two or three days, has Jing Yao gone back to finish the matter and arrange people to come over?
Lou Qi ruled out Bixianmen.

But besides the Bixian Gate, she really didn't think of anyone else she could offend, or where she could arouse people's interest.Could it be because he tamed the Snow Mountain White Eagle King?
After deliberation and deliberation to no avail, Lou Qi simply forgot about it.

What she was thinking now was to try to see if she could escape, or to follow them back and see who was going to catch her.

A thought even flashed in her mind, what if she took this opportunity to leave?Will Shen Sha not be able to find her?Or let him mistakenly think that someone has caught him, and then she has actually flown freely to the ends of the earth.

But the thought was fleeting.

If Shen Sha would really go out of her way to find her, she couldn't choose this way of leaving, it would be too unkind.It's just that she may have left the range of the snow mountain now, and she probably won't be able to find Shen Sha and the others when she goes out now, so she might as well follow these people back and see what's going on.There is also Bei Cang Bei Furong, who dares to plot against her, this beam is settled, it is settled!

Anyway, she won’t go out for the time being, she doesn’t understand this world, there’s no need to memorize the route, and she doesn’t even know it. There is no problem with breathing in this box, and the floor is very soft. After seeing so many snow wolves, I haven't had much rest yet, so I'll take this opportunity to sleep.

Under such circumstances, Lou Qi is probably the only one who can sleep peacefully.

Moreover, someone was pulling it forward, and the swaying along the way was not violent, and she slept quite comfortably.

It's just that she didn't know that when she went to sleep this time, she slept for a full day and night!When she woke up, she realized that she was actually floating on the waterway.

She judged it by hearing the sound of water flowing and paddling, and she was sent directly to the boat.At this time, the other party had no intention of opening the box to get her out.

Qingli felt that it was not an option for her to sleep in the box all the time, besides, she was on the boat now, if the box fell into the water, it would not be so easy for her to get out again.

It's a pity that her luck was really bad this time, just as she was about to break out of the box, the bow of the boat suddenly tilted, as if someone had landed on the bow, and the weight of the boat sank.

"Hehehe, where do you want to go, Your Excellency?" A voice with a somewhat strange tone sounded, and Qingli heard the hall master's voice ordering to be on guard in a low voice.

"Qingjiang Fish King?"

The person who came seemed to be startled for a moment, and then laughed again: "Oh, you still know the king of fish, so you must know that it is impossible to pass by the king of fish without leaving something behind, right? "

Standing next to the box, someone shouted: "Why is this place in front of your door? Aren't you guarding Qingjiang? This is not Qingjiang!"

"Hey, since I'm called the fish king, naturally there are me wherever there are many fish, and there must be Qingjiang and Hongjiang!" The man laughed again, and then paused, Qingli could even feel the tension Dao's eyes seemed to cast here, and the man asked: "This big box is not bad, it's strong, what's in it, do you mind showing me the fish king?"

"I mind, I mind very much." The sect master sneered and said, "Qingjiang Fish King, don't be so arrogant, thinking that you are the overlord on the water?"

"Hey, then tell me, on the water, who else can beat this fish king? Why don't you call it out and compete."

The Qingjiang Fish King still had that low-key tone, as if he was really arrogant. Judging from his voice, he should be a young man.Qing Li felt a little regretful at the moment, because she had already returned it to Shen Sha before the broken kill, if she took it with her now, she would be able to slit the lid of the box apart, making it easier to get out.

(End of this chapter)

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