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Chapter 120 Inner Thief

Chapter 120 Inner Thief
Lou Qi approached a little more, pressed one hand on the stone wall, and slowly poured out [-]% of his power, but there was only a tiny palm print under his palm.She increased the power to ten successes, the palm print only became a little darker, but it didn't even appear a crack, it just turned a little dusty.

Kong Xiu was very surprised: "I didn't expect you to have such profound inner strength at such a young age! The apprentices taught by that guy Xuanyuan are different!"

Lou Qi also did not explain the reason why he took the thousand-year stone marrow.

But now it seemed that it was impossible to rely on her strength to rescue Kong Xiu, which made her a little frustrated.Kong Xiu, on the other hand, comforted her, "Anyway, I've been imprisoned here for 13 years, so there's no rush, no rush."

"Uncle, what about magic weapons?" Lou Qi asked in a deep voice.

"What magic weapon?" Kong Xiu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "In this world, only the Posha dagger can undo the sky stone, but the magic weapon like Posha has long been lost, isn't it? So easy to find."

uh, kill
Lou Qi was speechless for a moment, and didn't know whether to say it was too coincidental or too coincidental!Po Sha, she might not be able to find other magical weapons, but Po Sha often uses them to kill fish and chop vegetables.
But at this moment, she could suddenly understand the constipated expression on Eagle's face when he watched her use Shasha like that.It turns out that Po Sha is such a majestic dagger!And she always used it to chop vegetables and kill fish!
Shen Sha didn't even stop her!
It seems that it is impossible for her not to go back to look for Shen Sha now, and she must borrow from him to kill him again.

"Uncle, don't worry, I know where Posha is."

Kong Xiu blurted out: "You know?" This was really a big surprise for him!In the past, Po Sha was nowhere to be found, and he had been locked up here for many years, but he still couldn't think of any clues about Po Sha, and he didn't expect that Lou Qi actually said that he knew where Po Sha was!
"Well, I know, but I have to find the owner of the broken killing and borrow it from him."

"The heavens have finally paid me off!" Kong Xiu murmured.

"By the way, uncle, who locked you here?" Lou Qi asked.

Unexpectedly, such a question made Kong Xiu's face change, "You'd better not ask this, and don't care about it, and you must not reveal the matter of your coming to Shuiwu Peak. , The people over there are not something you can handle."

People over there?

But no matter how Lou Qi asked again, Kong Xiu resolutely kept silent about which side was referring to and who the people over there were referring to.

Lou Qi had no choice.

"You didn't answer me just now, why aren't you afraid of the poison of longevity?" Kong Xiu asked.

"Old Daoist made me take a medicinal bath since I was a child, so I'm not afraid of poison." Lou Qi said very calmly, but Kong Xiu's face was slightly pale.

"Could it be the method of refining the body with a hundred poisons?" He looked at Lou Qi in surprise and admiration, and sighed: "The method of refining the body with a hundred poisons is extremely painful, not something ordinary people can bear, even adult men with strong martial arts can suffer from pain." Can't stand it, how old are you, that you can bear it?"

Lou Qi just smiled.

However, she still felt chills from the bottom of her heart when she mentioned the method of refining the body with one hundred poisons again.Because the pain really cannot be described in words!It can be said that it was life and death, life and death, several times she almost couldn't help but wanted to bite her tongue and kill herself. When she was young, she once hated the old man because of it, thinking that he wanted her life at all!
But at that time, the old man just looked at her with compassion, helplessness and guilt, and kept saying sorry to her.Later, she went to the rainforest to carry out a mission. No matter how many poisonous insects, snakes and ants she encountered, she was fearless. Some colleagues said that she was the king of poisons, and other poisons were afraid of her. Some people even joked that they would drag her to be dissected Research to see if her body is different from ordinary people.

They envied and hated her, but they never thought about how much she had suffered.So Lou Qi understood one thing from those experiences, what kind of ability you have, what kind of effort you have to put in, her tenacity of character is also cultivated through endless suffering since she was a child.

No one can succeed without hard work, Lou Qi firmly believes in this.

But Kong Xiu really admired her, and even looked at her with gentler eyes now, not only because of her relationship with the old man, but also because of herself.

"Since Changsheng is here, uncle should be fine for the time being, and no one knows about my coming up. I will go down the mountain to find a boat and come back after I get the broken kill."

"Okay." Kong Xiu's face now had a gleam of light, it was because he knew the hope of finally getting out!
"Uncle, aren't you afraid that I'm just talking nonsense?" Lou Qi couldn't help asking.

"I can trust the child raised by that person Xuanyuan." Kong Xiu laughed, thought for a while and said, "Since you are here, you are not in a hurry to leave. Why don't you chat with me here? It's been 13 years. People have spoken to me."

Lou Qi looked at the small light hole, it was already bright now, and now it might be easy to be found when going down the mountain, so after thinking about it, he agreed.It's better to stay here for another day and wait until it gets dark before going down.Kong Xiu kept silent about the person who locked him here, and he was quite taboo. He hoped that the traces of her coming here would be kept secret, and he also hoped that she would wait until it was dark before leaving.

At that moment, Lou Qi simply sat down cross-legged and chatted with Kong Xiu.

What Kong Xiu knew about the outside world was more than ten years ago, many of them were different from what Lou Qi heard in Poyu, and he had naturally never heard of Shen Sha, but he had heard a little about Poyu.

While chatting, he simply pointed out her martial arts, as if passing the sound into secrets. He was very proud of this, "Back then Xuanyuan Kong had a whole body of internal strength, but he couldn't learn it anyway. It's really ridiculous."

Lou Qi was in awe, it turned out that the old man couldn't learn to transmit sound into secrets by himself, no wonder he didn't teach her.

But her learning ability has always been impressive, and she learned it from Kong Xiu in half a day, and he also gave her a lot of advice on lightness kung fu.Later, seeing that Lou Qi really went to pick a lot of longevity fruits to eat when he was hungry, Kong Xiu shook his head and laughed.

I don't know if it is its honor that the longevity fruit, which was so popular in the world, will one day be wrapped in the belly of a human being.The water mist peak was really quiet, and there was no other sound throughout the day.

When another night fell, Lou Qi performed lightness kung fu that had improved again, like a light shadow grazing straight down from the peak, he reached halfway up the mountain in a short while.

At first, I wanted to rest my feet and continue walking, but I saw a torch moving towards this point below.

At the same time, she heard the voices of two people talking.

Lou Qi's heart moved slightly, his body lifted up lightly, and landed silently behind a tree.

The trees on this mountain are not tall, and it is dark to hide the figure.

"Sixth senior brother, you came here once during the day, and now you are here again, are you really not afraid that the younger senior sister and the second senior sister will never end with you if they find out?"

This is the voice of the little junior from last night.Lou Qi frowned slightly, what are you looking for?Could it be that he came to find her?If this is the case, does the sixth senior brother think that she has not fallen and died?
"How would they know if you didn't tell me?"

"However, we all watched her being photographed down the mountain by the second senior sister. Sixth senior brother, why did you know her and maybe she didn't die?"

Sure enough, he really came to find her!Lou Qi also wanted to know this point, she shouldn't have shown any flaws at that time, why does this Sixth Senior Brother think she is not dead?Also, what are you going to do secretly looking for her?
"I don't know either. I just think that woman doesn't seem to be someone who is easy to seek death. Besides, it's strange that she came to our villa. It's really uneasy not to look for me."

"Tsk, sixth senior brother, why didn't you say that you fell in love with her beauty?" The little junior brother giggled.

Sixth senior brother became a little annoyed: "If you continue to behave like this, I won't help you make leaf flutes to please my junior sister!"

"Hey, hey, don't, it's okay if I'm wrong, Brother Six, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

"Stop being so talkative, hurry up and look for it, I'm worried that that woman came after the iceberg snow lotus that our master just got, so be careful."

"Senior Brother Six is ​​right."

Iceberg snow lotus?

Lou Qi's heart skipped a beat.This iceberg snow lotus is a good thing, even a three-year-old child knows it!And because there are no such things in modern times, when she heard the old man mentioning these good things, she had an idea, that is, to collect them all!

Now that you're here, why don't you just return empty-handed?

Anyway, Kong Xiu can't be saved now, so it's not bad to take an iceberg snow lotus back to repair Shen Sha's body first!
Thinking of this, Lou Qi wanted to quietly get up and go down the mountain, but as soon as she stood up, she asked the sixth senior brother to drink: "Who?"

Lou Qi didn't expect him to be so vigilant, and was about to knock the two of them unconscious by breaking branches, when he saw a figure flying up from the bushes on the other side, and flew towards the other side.


Senior Brother Six yelled, and the two immediately chased after the man.

Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, but felt that it was easier, because someone helped her to lure him away, so she would not be exposed.Continuing to swipe down the mountain, you can see that there are many courtyards, one after another, scattered into a scene, and most of them have lights.

Unexpectedly, there are quite a lot of people in Yunfeng Villa!

But which room did their master live in?Could their masters be the current owner of Yunfeng Villa?Lou Qi plundered all the way towards the courtyard with the highest position. The one with the highest position should also live in the highest place, right?

A figure passed not far ahead.Lou Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at that figure, it was obviously the one who led Sixth Senior Brother and the others away on the half-mountain peak just now!Why did it appear here again?It seems that this person is no stranger to Yunfeng Villa!What is the purpose of his coming?After thinking about it, Lou Qi decided to follow him, maybe she will have unexpected gains.

That person's lightness kung fu should be said to be quite good, but after Lou Qi got Kong Xiu's guidance, it was even better, so she followed behind that person, but that person didn't notice it at all.And the direction he was heading in was exactly the direction Lou Qi had thought about before.

(End of this chapter)

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