Your heart is free

Chapter 122 No Favor Debt

Chapter 122 No Favor Debt

Lou Qi flew all the way, and soon left the inner forest, and then arrived at the outer forest. She knew how they distinguished the inner forest from the outer forest. The inner forests were all relatively short and neat trees, while the outer forests were all tall and dense. Trees, blocking out the sun.At night here, the fog in the woods is also much thicker.



Lou Qi skimmed through the woods, and occasionally a few birds were startled, flapping their wings and fleeing.

Knowing that the two behind were still chasing after her, she became even more curious about the iceberg snow lotus.But before she had time to open the box, a big river lay in front of her, blocking her way.

Lou Qi frowned slightly, she didn't choose to run in the direction she came from, why did she go to the riverside?Could it be that this is just an island?An island in the middle of a big river?

She hadn't thought at all that Da Jiang was blocking the way in this direction.There are no boats by the river, how do we leave now?

By the way, she didn't see a boat on the riverside there last time, so don't everyone in Yunfeng Villa need to leave?Or was she so unlucky that she happened to go in two directions without boats?
"There is only one boat in Yunfeng Mountain Villa, which is just under the water of Yunfeng Mountain. It is impossible for people in the mountain villa to find it. This girl, why don't you return the things to me, and I will take you to leave by boat?"

Lou Qi turned around, just in time to see that senior brother knocked out the fourth junior brother who was also chasing him with a punch, then tore off his mask, and pointed to Chengjian to draw an opening on his shoulder, Then he smiled at her.

Just now he was far away and couldn't see clearly, but now that he is close and the moonlight is completely unobstructed, Lou Qi can see his face clearly, but it is as bright as the moon, and he is very handsome.

This world is supposed to have beautiful mountains and rivers, so it can raise so many beautiful men.Although the fourth junior brother only saw his eyebrows, he could still tell that he was a handsome man. Unexpectedly, the demeanor of this senior brother was comparable to those of modern male gods.

Lou Qi smiled sweetly, she never imagined how beautiful her smile was under the bright moonlight.

There was a gleam of light in the big brother's eyes.

"What?" Lou Qi asked, blinking her big eyes.

"Of course the girl snatched it from me."

Lou Qi's expression was very innocent: "I've never snatched anything from you." She raised the box in her hand, "You mean this?"


"But, I picked it up." Lou Qi said, "I was just passing by, and then this box flew out suddenly. If I hadn't flashed so fast, it might have hit me on the head."


After a long while, the senior brother suddenly smiled: "What the girl said is not unreasonable, so, can Yunfeng ask the girl to give me the things you picked up?"

"Then how can it be? It's not good for a man and a woman to give and receive privately."

Yunfeng couldn't help laughing: "Under Yunfeng, dare to ask the girl's name?"

"My father said, you can't tell others your name casually."

Yunfeng: "."

"Is there anything else? If it's okay, I have to go. Someone is chasing me." Lou Qi pointed behind him.

Although they can't see people yet, with their internal strength, they can hear voices.

"Does the girl know where to go?"

"Didn't you say there is a boat under Shui Ya? I'll just look for Shui Ya."

Lou Qi felt that this Yunfeng was very strange, obviously she took the iceberg snow lotus, but he didn't seem to care, nor was he angry, obviously she was an intruder, but he didn't have the slightest hostility towards her.

"If you can trust me, girl, come with me." After Yun Feng finished speaking, he turned around and fled towards the right.Not long after, he just felt someone following up from behind, and he could vaguely smell a special faint floral fragrance wafting from her body.He remembered smelling that kind of floral fragrance a long time ago, it seems to be in Shuiwu Peak, right?
There was a slight movement in his heart.

Lou Qi didn't speak, neither did he, the two figures quietly avoided the people who came out from Yunfeng Villa to hunt them down, and rushed down a mountain.

"Since the village has been sealed off, Shui Ya, which is the only exit, will naturally be heavily guarded." At a distance of about tens of meters from the mountain peak, Yun Feng stopped, squatted down, and turned to move towards Lou Qi wave.

Lou Qi paused, followed him, and squatted down beside him.

Yunfeng had a very clear aura, and when he squatted down the stairs, he felt that he was getting closer, so he moved to the side again, wanting to back away a little.

"do not move."

Yun Feng stretched out his hand to grab her, Lou Qi flipped his wrist to avoid his hand, at the same time, a long needle between his fingers pressed against his wrist: "Don't move."

Yun Feng smiled slightly: "I just want to tell you that this is the territory of the Second Martial Uncle, so there are many insects." His eyes fell on a grass behind her.Lou Qi didn't move his hands, and was about to turn his head to look, but Yun Feng suddenly stretched out his left hand to block her face, and with a tsk sound, a small stream of green mucus sprayed onto the back of his hand.

At the same time, Lou Qi had already slammed over with his palm, sending the grass and the bugs on it flying away.

Looking at the back of Yunfeng's hand again, smoke was coming out, the flesh on it suddenly seemed to be roasted by fire, and the injury was expanding.

Lou Qi frowned, took his hand rudely, touched his waist with the other hand, and took out a small bottle.At this time, Yunfeng stopped her. He shook his head towards her and said softly: "Firewing insects, their mucus is like flames, and can burn the flesh. If you don't gouge out the flesh and remove the skin in time, the injury will continue to expand, and even the bones will burn." Corroded, if you have a dagger, please borrow it."

"Borrow a dagger? Cut out the flesh and skin?" Lou Qi raised his eyebrows, slapped his right hand away to stop him, opened the lid, and poured the black-gray powder inside on his wound.

Yunfeng's indifferent look was finally broken, because the bone-piercing pain on the back of his hand suddenly disappeared, and he could see that the expanding injury stopped instantly, like a miracle.

Lou Qi glanced at him, reached out and grabbed the hem of his robe, tore off a piece of cloth, and continued to wrap it around him roughly.

Yunfeng: ".Actually, there is a veil underneath."

There is no need to tear his clothes
But as soon as he finished speaking, Lou Qi said contemptuously: "Mother is dead if a man wears a handkerchief!"

Mother is dead?
What's the meaning?Yunfeng thought hard for a long time because of this sentence, of course, Lou Qi didn't know it.

Yun Feng looked at his hands that were completely free of pain, and looked at Lou Qi with deep meaning, "Could it be that the girl is from Southern Xinjiang?"

Lou Qi knew that if she showed these abilities, people might misunderstand her, so she frowned: "Who is from Southern Xinjiang? Neither is it from Southern Xinjiang or Western Xinjiang!"

Yunfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and laughed: "Fortunately."

Fortunately what?Lou Qi didn't bother to ask, even though he used his hands to help her block the attack of the fire wing insect just now, she shouldn't be caught in the attack, since she still has the good thing for repelling all kinds of insects on her body.But at any rate, they did help her to block, so she used some ashes of ghost grass from the shade to heal his wounds, but she just didn't want to owe him favors.

It is precisely because of the strong effect of the ghost grass on these strange things that she has to endure her dislike of such things and still carry them with her.

Part of the effect of this ghost grass was taught to her by the old Taoist, but a large part was developed by her own research.The small bottle just now, she added other things, can heal such weird wounds, it is actually considered precious, even if you have money, you can’t buy it, and now it is used on Yunfeng, it can be regarded as he picked it up Cheap.

"What kind of bugs are there?"

"The most common one is the firewing insect, because this kind of insect is extremely lethal, and because its body color is similar to that of grass, and it is not afraid of water, it is most suitable to guard the key point of the water end. In addition, there is another chemical insect at the entrance. Boneworm."

"Bone worm?" Lou Qi had never heard of this kind of bug, but from the name, he could tell that it must be a very vicious bug.

"This kind of bug is very difficult to grow, and it needs to feed on living human blood." Yun Feng stopped here, looked at her and said, "Second Master Uncle is actually from Southern Xinjiang."

People from southern Xinjiang, no wonder!
That's why she hates people from southern Xinjiang and western Xinjiang the most. If she stays with this kind of monster all day long, her heart must be perverted.

"Is there any way to get there?"

"In the past, it was not difficult. I could kill all these bugs, but the movement would be too loud, and the guards would come out, and they would activate the killing array. No one has been able to crack that array yet."

"How about passing without any movement? It's not difficult." Lou Qi raised his eyebrows, "You lead the way, I'll follow."

"Huh?" Yunfeng was puzzled, didn't it mean that there would be a lot of bugs in the big area ahead?Just like this?

Lou Qi nodded: "That's it, let's go." If she didn't leave, she might not be able to leave later, and she still wanted to go out to find Shen Sha to kill her.After finishing speaking, she immediately got up and ran down the mountain like a ghost. Before Yunfeng made a decision in his mind, his body had already made a decision for him and followed her.

Next, something that surprised him happened, no, it should be said that nothing happened, the two of them walked all the way, there was no movement at all!Nothing at all!What kind of fire wing worm, what kind of bone silkworm, all disappeared!
How is this possible?Could it be that the second uncle recalled all those bugs?But this is impossible. The exit of Shuiya has always been the top priority of Yunfeng Mountain Villa. The defense ability of these insects is stronger than that of humans. How can we remove them?
Then he found a bottle that Lou Qi was holding at some point in her hand. She was shaking the bottle as she walked forward, and she could faintly smell a very special smell emanating from it.Yun Feng's lips moved, and he wanted to ask a few times, but seeing Lou Qi's serious face, he didn't want to say anything more, so he swallowed the question back.

The distance of tens of meters passed in the blink of an eye for them.

When he dodged into the secret passage under the mountain peak that was still dripping with water, the secret whistle outside was still chatting enthusiastically, and the content of the chat was the little Cai, the daughter of the owner of the Yunfeng Villa and everyone's junior sister.

Lou Qi thought very unkindly, Xiao Cai must have already digested it completely, completely surpassing its original mission in this world, that is to fill her stomach, the merit is immeasurable, the merit is immeasurable.

"Be careful." Yunfeng's voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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