Your heart is free

Chapter 125 The person who wants to kill her

Chapter 125 The person who wants to kill her

"Yours are pretty good too."

"I'm 26 years old. I have been practicing martial arts since I was three years old. It has been [-] years. I have worked harder than the girl for several years."

Lou Qi glanced at him and didn't answer.

Yunfeng retracted his pole and touched the tip of his nose, even trying to figure out her age like this?This is really tight enough to prevent, and it's very slippery.

"Hoo hoo--"

Suddenly there was a whistle-like flute sound in front, like an alarm.Just after the sound sounded, Lou Qi and Yunfeng only felt that the hull of the boat was shaking, as if someone had climbed up.

"Be careful!" Yunfeng yelled, and the boat pole in his hand was drawn towards her, because the inner force was filled with it, and there was a whirring sound when he whipped the air, and Lou Qi immediately went to bed when he yelled. With a flash of his figure, he just passed the position, and when his boat pole was pulled out, it brushed against her side and fell, and the end just happened to hit a person who had just climbed up on the side of the boat behind her, wearing tight black clothes and black pants, and wrapped in a black turban. On the head of the man in black scarf, he was knocked out all of a sudden, fell back into the river, and hit a splash of water with a bang.

"Bow your head!" Lou Qi snorted, just as Yun Feng lowered her head, the boat pole in her hand swung across his head and swept down two consecutively.

She raised her eyebrows at him: "Do you want Bibi?"

"Okay." Yunfeng readily agreed.

She rushed towards him with a single stride, and passed by him, the blowing wind carried her faint fragrance, the corners of Yunfeng's lips pursed, and she rushed towards her in the opposite direction.

From time to time, murlocs in the same attire climbed up along the side of the boat.The most troublesome thing for Lou Qi and Yunfeng is that they need to pay attention to the course of the ship while dealing with these people, so as not to let it go too far.Therefore, the boat poles in their hands cannot be dropped.But the boat pole has a shortcoming. It is too long, so it cannot be used on the boat. It can only be on the deck or jump to the top of the cabin.

"Hey, are you here for him, or for me?" Lou Qi yelled loudly after hitting him.

Yunfeng slapped a murloc flying with his palm, and at the same time dodged to avoid a sneak attack from behind. Hearing this, he couldn't help asking: "What does this have to do with it?"

Lou Qi fell back to the deck from a high place, took the opportunity to push the boat pole into the water, and replied: "Of course it doesn't matter, if it's coming for you, then tell them to ignore me, so I can take the helm!"


Yunfeng suppressed his laughter, and kicked a murloc in the lower abdomen that flew up. For the first time, he found that such a fight was not so difficult.When he turned his head, he happened to see her flying up like a flying crane. She climbed onto the main mast and stood on it, calling to the two black-clothed murlocs below: "Hey, look up, look at me."

Those two people really looked up subconsciously, two silver lights flashed, and the two screamed at the same time, covering their eyes.The woman above snorted: "I told you to look up at me, but you really did look up at me. How could you be so obedient? I'm ashamed to kill you."

The silver poison was stinging, and she has been blind since then. I guess she will not let it go. Now such an expression and tone of not being able to bear to hurt them is really funny.

As expected, Lou Qi didn't let the two of them go, and suddenly fell straight down from above, grabbed one with each hand, and threw it back into the river.Aren't you good at diving? Aren't you good at water? If you are blind, let's go swimming again.

And those murlocs are also strange, all of them can't make a sound, and they make a move as soon as they climb up. Could it be that they are all dumb?
"Hey, it's for you, I didn't offend anyone."

"Really? The little girl is sure she hasn't offended anyone? Like me?"

A voice that was unfamiliar to her but should have been heard in her memory suddenly came from the cabin, and Lou Qi was startled when she recalled it carefully, it turned out to be him, Qingjiang Fish King!He is not dead yet?

Qingjiang Fish King seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and said with a chuckle, "I don't die so easily. On the water, who has the ability to let me die?"

If he is fine, is that group of people dead?

But Lou Qi just followed his words, and punched a murloc on the temple fiercely, his eyes swelled up from the internal force, she lifted her foot and kicked him towards Qingjiang Yu. Wang went, at the same time, she turned her wrist again, and dozens of long needles soaked in poison rushed towards Qingjiang Fish King under the cover of the murloc.

Qingjiang Fish King's face changed slightly, and he became angry, "Vicious!"

Lou Qi just thought it was funny, you are here to kill me, aren't you vicious?

But she was too lazy to talk nonsense with Wang Xin, the Qingjiang fish. After shooting dozens of poisonous needles, she didn't stop moving, and immediately grabbed a lot of poisonous powder and sprinkled them again.

Her methods are endless, and she just started to fight when she saw him without saying a word, which made Qingjiang Yuwang unable to react for a while, but was tired of coping, and she didn't even have time to take out the life-killing grass.And Lou Qi had already reached his back, and slapped him softly on the back.

"Bitch, you dare to sneak attack!" Qingjiang Fish King immediately turned around, but Lou Qi made a wrong step, and he had already turned around quickly, and during this turn, she had already got what she wanted.

As soon as Lou Qi succeeded in the blow, he felt slightly relieved, his figure floated away a few feet away, and then he opened his mouth with a sneer.

"Bitch, you should have laughed when you saved your life last time, but you dared to come here this time, do you think you are stupid!"

"This fish king will take your life this time."

Qingjiang Yuwang said, and touched his waist with his hand, but his expression changed drastically.

Lou Qi raised the tube wrapped in black cloth in her hand, raised her eyebrows and said, "You want to kill me with this?" When she saw Qingjiang Fish King, the first thing she thought of was He has already stolen the life-killing grass, so there is no chance to give him another chance to use the life-killing grass.

For Qingjiang Fish King, this life-sustaining grass is definitely close to his lifeline. It is what he got after a narrow escape, and it is the capital for his rampage in Qingjiang. If he loses it, can he still roam Qingjiang?I'm afraid that once he goes back, the enemies will come to his door.

What made Qingjiang Yuwang slightly settled was that the life-killing grass could not be used by the second person after it sucked the blood of the first person, so at least he didn't have to worry about Lou Qi turning against him with the life-killing grass.

Lou Qi also knew this, so she never planned to use life-killing grass.

"Do you want this thing back?" She continued to raise the thing in her hand: "If you want to, tell your subordinates to stop."


Qingjiang Yuwang immediately shouted.

Although the people he brought were not the opponents of Lou Qi and Yun Feng in terms of martial arts, but there were a lot of them, if the fight continued like this, I'm afraid they would no longer have the heart to take the helm, Lou Qi was absolutely unwilling to make any mistakes.

As soon as those people stopped, Yunfeng flew towards Lou Qi, "Young lady is still empty-handed."

He caught sight of her movements just now, but before he could see clearly, the thing was already in her hands.

"Take the helm." Lou Qi just threw two words at him.

"rest assured."

"What do you want?" Qingjiang Fish King asked with a pale face.

"Tell me, who sent you to kill me, or who hired you." Lou Qi was sure that he hadn't forged a life-and-death enmity in this world. If you want to kill her on the ice field, you can kill her. Firstly, it is unnecessary to hire someone, and secondly, the time is not right.

So she must figure this out.

In the end, she didn't expect her to ask this question, but Qingjiang Fish King was taken aback, and looked at her unexpectedly: "You don't know?"

Nonsense, if she knew, would she still need to ask him?

"Don't you know that you have been spotted by the Duanchen Sect's Shangzong?"

Lou Qi was even more confused, Dust Sect, what the hell?However, when Qingjiang Yuwang talked about this, he still had an expression of envy and hatred on his face, which made her even more depressed.Could it be that it is an honorable thing to be seen by that dust-breaking sect?If it was a good thing, would someone come to kill her?
Yunfeng's expression changed slightly when he heard Duanchenzong, "Shangzong?"

"That's right, the last one fell in love with her, and I was hired by the next one. It seems that there is another understanding here. You are a confused woman, and you don't know what the last one likes about you. What a blessing!"

"Thank you!"

Although Lou Qi didn't know what was the upper clan and the lower clan, but this was obviously a disagreement between the same clan, and the one who was favored by one of the clans was used as cannon fodder between the two sides.

It's just that this Xia Zong is too vicious and reckless. It makes no sense. When she is a cat or a dog, she can be killed if she wants to.But does she know that being able to hire someone like Qingjiang Yuwang to kill her is already treating her differently.

"I've already told you, can you return the thing to me?"

"What's the rush, I haven't finished asking yet." Lou Qi jumped up and sat down on the side of the boat like that, swinging her feet, she couldn't be too relaxed like that, she wasn't at all let down by the Duanchen Sect. She was ecstatic to see her, and she didn't feel that doing such a thing in front of a group of men was frivolous and indulgent.Yun Feng's gaze fell on her, and he couldn't help but smile slightly.

Qingjiang Fish King gritted his teeth, he had never been so humiliated before, he wished he could crush Lou Qi to death on the spot.But the thing is in her hands, but he is the one who is afraid of it.

"Since you think that the Duanchen sect is so glamorous and everyone has taken a fancy to me, why do you dare to go against the Duanchen sect and kill me?"

Seeing that the boat was about to be led into the right path by Yunfeng, Lou Qi felt relieved and simply asked a few more questions.

"Have you really never heard of Dust Dust Sect?"

"Strange?" Lou Qi asked back, looking at Yunfeng.Covering his lips with his index finger, Yunfeng smiled and nodded.

It's not surprising, she didn't hear Shen Sha and the others mention Duanchenzong either.If Duan Chenzong was so famous, he should have mentioned it to her when he told her about the Three Mountains.

Ask Tianshan, Shenyunshan, Bixianshan, she only knows the three mountains and three sects in the world, including Shen Sha's former teacher, but she has never heard of the Duanchen sect, and the old Taoist has never mentioned it.

"If you want to know about Duanchen Sect, I can tell you later." Yunfeng said.

"You, answer my question just now." Lou Qi said Qingjiang Fish King.

Qingjiang Fish King looked annoyed, and said angrily: "Although the Shang Zong is powerful, the Xia Zong is not a vegetarian. Since he is employed by the Xia Zong, there is nothing to be afraid of."

(End of this chapter)

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