Chapter 129
"Don't you really want to kill her?" Yue asked puzzled.

It's not fake that Lou Qi wanted to kill that woman, her killing intent was so clear before.

"That's right." Lou Qi admitted, but she hadn't figured it out yet, after she figured out something, it wouldn't be too late to kill her.If this woman has a purpose, she will definitely appear in front of them again, she is not in a hurry for this moment.

But looking at Shen Sha, she still felt unhappy, unhappy, very unhappy.

So on the way out of the village, she walked on the other side of Yuewei, not walking with him in a daze.

Yue walked under a lot of pressure and almost couldn't straighten up.On the left is Lou Qi who can stay by his side no matter how he avoids, and on the right is the master whose breath is getting colder and his face is getting darker and darker.

However, Lou Qi just talked to him from time to time, he knew that the master was going to ask why Lou Qi didn't see him that day, so he helped to ask, and Lou Qi also cooperated and gave a general idea.

"Yunfeng Mountain Villa? It has been rumored for the past few days that the owner of Yunfeng Mountain Villa has obtained a rare iceberg blood lotus. It is estimated that many people will visit Yunfeng Mountain Villa. Fortunately, you got the blood lotus and returned it. ?” Yue couldn’t help touching his forehead.

"Bingshan snow lotus, can it be called rare?" Lou Qi was puzzled.

"Are you thinking wrong? It's not ice and snow, it's blood. It's a letter difference, but things are absolutely different."

"What? Bingshan blood lotus?" Lou Qi was in a mess, and after a long time, she made a mistake! "What is the effect of the iceberg blood lotus?"

"It is said that this thing can revive the dead, flesh and bones. When a person is about to die and has his last breath left, only one blood lotus petal is needed to bring the dead back to life. Wounds can see the flesh, and only two petals can heal the wound."

Wow, she returned such a good thing to Yunfeng, isn't she stupid! "I don't know if I can ask Yunfeng to come back, woo woo." She regretted it.

At this time, Shen Sha suddenly asked in a deep voice: "Who is Yunfeng?"

Lou Qi froze immediately, it's over, she didn't mention Yunfeng when she was telling the story just now, she only said that there was someone, that person, now she slipped her tongue and said the name.You can pretend to be completely unfamiliar with the other party without mentioning the name, just a passer-by, but once you say the name, it seems to be very familiar.
Yue Wei cried out inwardly, it really feels terrible for him to stand in the middle now.

"You mean, on the way back, you were on the same boat with him and spent the whole day together." Shen Sha's tone became more and more serious.

Lou Qi gritted her teeth immediately, and shouted across Yuewei: "I didn't make medicine for others! Do something I've never done before!"

"Who told you that this emperor has decocted medicine?" Shen Sha's voice burst into air.

"Are you kidding? I saw it myself. Didn't you come out with a bowl of medicine?"

"I just held it up. She said it was too hot and almost knocked over. I just caught it and heard your voice."

Therefore, this misunderstanding came about by such a coincidence.

"Then the ashes on your face."

"I don't know when it came up!"

"Uh, hehehe." Lou Qi smirked.Yue Wei immediately took two steps back in time, Lou Qi rubbed against Shen Sha doggy-leggedly, hugged his arm, and immediately wanted to turn into the silly Baitian she scolded just now. "Master, so I misunderstood you"

Shen Sha refused to accept this, and continued to make a bad face: "Who is Yunfeng?"

"I only know this name, and I don't know who he is." She couldn't help but slander, the vinegar bucket is really hard to deal with, isn't it?

Yue touched his chin from behind, and the two vinegar buckets went together. Will there be more opportunities to fight and quarrel because of this kind of thing in the future?However, this is not a good thing, did the master forget what the genius doctor said, that woman who appeared when the moon was cloudy and the sun was cloudy?
What if this woman is really found in the future?
Thinking of this, Yue frowned immediately.

At this time, it is still necessary to find an opportunity to remind the master.

Although this deserted village was very strange, it didn't seem to be in any danger. Nothing happened when they left the village, and Mulan didn't come out either.

However, when Lou Qi left the village and looked back, the strange feeling in his heart could not dissipate for a long time.

"Where are Feihen and Taxue? And Lord Yuewei's horse?" Lou Qi asked Shen Sha, but she was worried after asking, and suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, "Wait a minute, I'll take care of you again." check."

This thing is not quite right, the mid-month Gu was thrown out, since Shen Sha is fine, why didn't he go out to look for it?Why did the corpses of those people who were killed disappear inexplicably?Where did the three horses go?Feihen is Shen Sha's mount, why doesn't he care?
This village gave her such a strange feeling, and she also picked up the rouge box, the all-black door, the unusually vibrant magnolia tree, the girl named Mulan who looked exactly like her
Also, before entering the house, she obviously didn't feel that there was anyone in the house, but both Shen Sha and the woman were there.
Lou Qi once again felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

For the first time, she felt powerless and terrifying.

"Lou Qi." Shen Sha grabbed her hand, the strength made Lou Qi involuntarily look into his eyes.He said in a deep voice, "Go, let's talk about it after we leave."

This sentence made Lou Qi feel that he must know something.

Fortunately, they still have two horses, Lou Qi and Shen Sha rode one together, galloping out.

Lou Qi sat in front of Shen Sha, but couldn't help but turn her head to look, but Shen Sha covered her eyes with one hand, "Don't look."

After running for a long, long way, Shen Sha reined in and slowed down.Lou Qi was about to speak, when Shen Sha shot quickly, grabbed a small flying insect on her head, and said to Yue: "Fire!"

When Yue Yi saw the little flying insect, his expression changed, and he hurriedly took out the flint and lit it on fire, and his voice was trembling with anxiety: "Master, there is no bottle!"

"Lou Qi, the bottle!" Shen Sha knew that Lou Qi always had a bottle on him.

Lou Qi took out a small bottle, Shen Sha stuffed the little flying insect into it, and closed the lid tightly.Yue threw the kindling into the grass, and the fire ignited all of a sudden, and Shen Sha raised his hand and threw the bottle into the fire.

Shen Sha pulled Lou Qi back a few steps, Yue turned her head and looked at her with a complicated expression.

This made Lou Qi a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.No way, there is something they are better at than her?There are bugs that can escape her vigilance?

"Where is the magic raccoon gall? You eat it right away." Shen Sha looked at her solemnly.

"What's going on, you should tell me first." Lou Qi really wanted to vomit blood.

"Did you offend someone from Dust Sect?"

Before Lou Qi did not say that she met the Qingjiang Fish King and was hunted down, she only said that she did not know which party was going to kidnap her, but unexpectedly, such a small flying insect could also attract Dust Sect.

However, what about Dust Sect Sect?How could it make them change color like this?Before, she thought they didn't know Duanchen Sect, otherwise why would they have never mentioned it to her.Also, what was so strange about that village just now that she couldn't see it?

"I'm sure I didn't offend anyone from the Duanchen Sect, and I don't know why the upper sect of the Duanchen Sect fell in love with me."

"People from the Shangzong have taken a fancy to you?" Both Shen Sha and Yue were shocked, and they were not happy, but frightened.Under Shen Sha's menacing gaze, Lou Qi had no choice but to tell the story of meeting Qingjiang Fish King in detail.

After hearing this, the two were slightly relieved.Yue said to Shen Sha: "They hired people from this side, which means that no one from their side has come over yet, and they don't pay that much attention to Lou Qi. Fortunately, the master found out about the soul-attracting soul just now, and failed to send it back. Send the message, Lou Qi should be fine."

Shen Sha nodded, hugged Lou Qi tightly, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, this emperor will never leave you."

"Hey, tell me what's going on first."

"That village is an illusion."

Shen Sha said something that almost made Lou Qi go berserk.

What are you kidding, sister?Is that an illusion?Who has the ability to create such a huge illusion, and can escape her eyes?

"Impossible," she subconsciously wanted to refute.

"Lou Qi, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people." Shen Sha said in a deep voice.He always felt that Lou Qi would be too complicated, but this incident also reminded him that Lou Qi is not omnipotent, but it is normal to say that she is only so old, how can she really be omnipotent.

Lou Qi was shocked.

She has always felt that she has gained a lot, and now she realizes that she is conceited.

Yue Wei said: "Lou Qi, Dust Dust Sect is not as simple as you imagined, even what that Qingjiang Fish King and that Yunfeng said is not all."

However, it is not so easy to break Lou Qi's confidence. She is not the kind of person who will be afraid when encountering difficulties. The more terrifying and powerful they say, the less she will believe in evil. "So what if it's not simple? This girl is not that simple either!"

"Okay, you are worthy of being the emperor's person." Seeing that she was not afraid at all, Shen Sha was immediately satisfied.As his woman, she should be so courageous!
This night spent in the wild, Lou Qi fell asleep in Shen Sha's arms.

And that night, she once again dreamed of the old man.The old man was still dressed in a bright yellow robe, frowning at her.

"Qiqi, why did you forget to draw the soul?"

Attract souls?she forgot?Should she remember?Obviously knew it was a dream, but Lou Qi also felt that this might be a channel and opportunity for her to communicate with the old man, so he immediately asked: "Old man, tell me quickly, am I from this world?"


"What did you say?"

She was going crazy, she could only see the movement of his mouth for the key words, and couldn't even make out the shape of his mouth, so she didn't know what he was talking about.In the end Lou Qi had no choice but to give up asking him this.

"Why do you say that I even forgot to lure souls? Did I know how to lure souls?" The little insects with colorful wings were dealt with by Shen Sha and the others before she had time to see them clearly today.

"Inviting Soul. The Lou Clan."

The old man's words continued intermittently, and finally Lou Qi heard a sentence, Duanchen went to the sect.
She didn't know at all what he said about Duanchen Shangzong, whether to go or not!

But it turned out that the old man knew about Dust Sect, why didn't he mention it to her?

(End of this chapter)

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