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Chapter 131 The Fake Blood Lotus

Chapter 131 The Fake Blood Lotus

All the boats were caught by the vortex unexpectedly, and were quickly twisted and drifted towards the center of the vortex.Some boats even capsized directly, and the people on board fell into the river, and were submerged in the vortex in the blink of an eye, and could not be found.

There was a lot of screams and screams on the river, and the boss of a boat yelled in horror, "Water monster, I met a water monster!"

"Hurry up and control the boat, ah, it's going to capsize!"

It's useless to bark, and you can still flip what should be flipped.

Yue looked at the horrible scene in front of him in shock, and then looked at their small boat that was still floating smoothly in the vortex, his jaw almost fell into the water.The old man stood at the bow of the boat with his feet apart, standing firmly like a fixed mountain. The boat was always drifting along the vortex, following the undulations of the water, it seemed so strange amidst the boats turning upside down.

"Hey, hey, the boat is about to capsize, dive into the water." He turned his head, only to see Qing Li waving and shouting at the people on the big boat in front of him, clearly looking like she was watching a good show.


Lou Qi, are you trying to prevent the people on the opposite big boat from falling into the water and drowning, and also vomit blood to death because of your anger?
"Stand up, little girl, I won't save you if you fall into the water later." The old man called out.

Lou Qi waved his hand and said, "You can just take care of the boat and worry about so much what to do."

The old man laughed and scolded: "I don't know good people."

"Lou Qi, do you know him?" Yue only took the opportunity to ask at this time.

Lou Qi shook her head: "I don't know, who said I do? It's the first time I've seen it." However, it was the first time she saw a real person. Before, she saw portraits.

Yes, this old man is also a member of the stack of portraits of Old Chou Dao, who can be kind to him, Old Jin.

Jin Lao, like his surname, just likes gold.

I don't like silver, I like gold, it's golden, it looks like I'm in a happy mood.

Mr. Jin and Kong Xiu are nephews. The old man said that if anyone can persuade Kong Xiu, it must be Mr. Jin. Unfortunately, Mr. Jin’s whereabouts are erratic and it is difficult to find him. He is an old urchin. , and loves to play, sometimes you see him, maybe he is a cook, the next time you see him, maybe he looks like a monk, and you see him again, he may be a bandit.

And this time it seems that he is playing the boatman.

When he saw him on the shore, Lou Qi knew that Mr. Jin must have finally heard about Kong Xiu and rushed over, presumably to save Kong Xiu.But even if he wanted to save people, he had to play first, and earn some gold leaves by the way.

"Be careful, that kid, stay on the stern of the boat." Elder Jin instructed Shen Sha unceremoniously.Shen Sha didn't look at him, he made a wrong step, and he had already slipped to the stern of the boat, using a clever weight to prevent the stern of the boat from being swayed by the water waves.

The boat pole in Mr. Jin's hand flicked left and right in the vortex, and suddenly he shouted: "Get up!"

The small boat rushed up, broke away from the vortex, shot out in the air like a spaceship, and then fell back to the water surface with a bang.

"Hold on."

"Talk too much." Shen Sha stood firmly, and the bottom of the boat sank again. After a swing, the small boat was fixed by the deep internal force of the two people in front and behind, and floated steadily on the river.

Yue and Lou Qi stood in the middle, their feet firmly glued to the board.Old Jin wiped his face and said, "Oh, I'm scared to death, this is a water monster."

Even Shen Sha wanted to roll his eyes, which eye saw that you were frightened?
"You guys are all pretty good." Elder Jin glanced at their faces one by one, and then turned to Lou Qi: "You should be more pleasing to the eye. What's your name?"

"Lou Qi."


Lou Qi caught a flash of surprise in the eyes of the old man, and his heart moved, but he asked calmly, "Mmm, Lou."

"It shouldn't be. The Lou family is here." Mr. Jin closed his mouth and shook his head, "It's nothing, nothing."

Lou Qi knew that this old Jin must know something, the Lou family?Is it a special status to have a Loujia in this world?But she really rarely heard of someone surnamed Lou here, no, not very rarely, it was because she had never heard of someone surnamed Lou since she came here.

If Mr. Jin doesn't say anything, she will ask next time.

"You guys also went for that iceberg blood lotus?"

Lou Qi nodded: "Can't we just go and have a look?" She didn't want to talk about Kong Xiu just yet.

"What's so good about a fake blood lotus? Why don't you let the two of them join in the fun? How about you and me find some delicious food?"

Elder Jin frowned at Lou Qi, like a foodie hooking up with a foodie.

Lou Qi was really tempted, Shen Sha squeezed her hand hard, this woman really left him to go with a stinky old man?How bold!
"No, this is my master, I'm just a maid, I have to follow the master." Lou Qi immediately said sadly.

Old Jin let out an earnest sound.

"Old man, why do you say that blood lotus is fake?" Lou Qi appeased a certain vinegar bucket, and then went to Mr. Jin to inquire about the military situation.After she got the blood lotus, she really didn't open it to look at it. At that time, she thought it was a snow lotus, so she didn't have any curiosity at all.So she actually didn't know what the blood lotus in the box looked like.

"That's because the old man has seen the real blood lotus." Old Jin said surprisingly.

"What what? The old man has seen the blood lotus? But, maybe this one of Yun Xiangyang is another one."

"Tch, little girl, do you think that iceberg blood lotuses are everywhere like idiots?"

Khan, what kind of metaphor is this?Old Jin Urchin seems to be exactly what Old Chou described. He is fun, but not ordinary people can play with him.

Lou Qi looked at Yue in surprise, and Yue Wei nodded to her: "Bingshan blood lotus, Tianji can grow one by chance, and only one flower will grow in a thousand years."

Dizzy, there is only one flower in a thousand years.In this way, there is really only one flower.

If Jin Lao had really seen that blood lotus, then where did Yun Xiangyang come from?What will happen if the fake blood lotus is used?
However, even if that thing is fake, it has nothing to do with her, if Yunfeng.

Lou Qi suddenly exploded.

Does Yunfeng know that the blood lotus is fake?If he doesn't know, then when he finds out that the blood lotus in his hand is fake, will he think that he was transferred by her?

Because the things have been in her hands for a long time, it is entirely possible to change the package, isn't it?Besides, apart from the blood lotus, she seemed to have no other reason to sneak into Yunfeng Mountain Villa. Now that she snatched it, how could she return such a precious thing just because she ate two meals of delicious food made by him?

Is it stupid? !
Lou Qi really felt quite stupid.

If Yunfeng took the blood lotus to save people, but something went wrong, wouldn't it be her fault?
Lou Qi suddenly felt depressed. Although she didn't need to care about other people's life and death, if she somehow forged an enemy because of this, then she would die unjustly.

Seeing her face suddenly darken, Yue Wei thought about it and understood the twists and turns, and laughed all of a sudden: "Lou Qi, it seems that you are really likely to do something stupid."

"Go." Lou Qi rolled his eyes.

"The fake blood lotus is not poisonous, it's nothing more than fancy and useless. It's the companion flower of the real iceberg blood lotus. It looks exactly the same, but it's grown from those useless things like blood lotus. If you eat the most, you'll be lax. Diarrhea can't kill anyone." Elder Jin waved his hand and said indifferently.

It means impurities. They are all impurities. If you have diarrhea, it’s okay, it’s okay.

"Old man, what do you mean, that blood lotus is in your hands now?" Lou Qi leaned over and said in a low voice, "Then you still come here to join in the fun, you are not afraid of being known by others, everyone Besieged you?"

"Who told you that it was in my hand? It wasn't in full bloom when I saw it, okay? I was too lazy to wait there, so I left."

You are too lazy to wait for such a good thing, lazy!have to!wait!
If others hear it, they must vomit blood!In terms of irritating people, this old naughty boy is more powerful than her!
Lou Qi stroked his forehead: "Since you're gone, how can you be sure that Yun Xiangyang didn't just go there later, just in time for the flowers to bloom, and picked them off?"

"Yun Xiangyang can't go to that place." Elder Jin shook his head, "No, it should be said that few people can go."

"What is so mysterious?"

"You promise to do one thing for me, and the old man promises to take you to find that iceberg blood lotus plant after the matter is finished, how about it?" Old Jin said in a low voice mysteriously.

"Tell me what you are doing first."

"Help me save someone."

Lou Qi's heart skipped a beat, and he said calmly, "Save someone?"

"That's right, I'm not here to join in the fun. I'm here to rescue my nephew, but I don't know where he is locked up. You, ask those two boys to help me find it together."

Lou Qi suddenly laughed in his heart.Hahaha, are you looking for Kong Xiu?This business is easy to do, easy to do!
But she still showed embarrassment: "I heard that Yunfeng Mountain Villa is full of peaks, large and small, occupying the entire island. It's not easy to find someone? And this time there are so many people here, it's even more difficult to find. If people think that I am going to secretly look for the blood lotus, then I will be the target of public criticism? It is very dangerous, okay?"

Yuewei secretly rolled his eyes, obviously you know where that person is locked up!Obviously their purpose of coming here this time is to save that person!Now is it necessary to pit an iceberg blood lotus by the way?
Elder Jin was stunned: "Is it so dangerous? You can look for it secretly, and I didn't ask you to make it known to the world."

"But there are so many people here, there must be a master, there must be an accident, anyway, there is a risk."

"What do you want?"

"Since I'm taking such a big risk, after your nephew is rescued, you have to promise me that no matter what happens, no matter what, you have to take me to find the iceberg blood lotus, and you can't snatch it from me." Ah, and, promise me one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Mr. Jin didn't have any problem when he heard it, he didn't intend to snatch the blood lotus.

"I haven't thought about this matter now, just treat it as you owe me, and I will ask you for it when I think about it in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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