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Chapter 135 Who is Shen Sha Like?

Chapter 135 Who is Shen Sha Like?
Kong Xiu didn't see Shen Sha's appearance clearly just now, but now he approached and could see clearly, he suddenly yelled in horror: "Who are you?"

Shen Sha paused when she was about to pierce the stone, then raised her eyes to look at him.

What's the meaning?What the hell?
Lou Qi was also taken aback, and asked, "What's wrong with Senior Kong?"

Kong Xiu calmed down, but still locked onto Shen Sha's face, his eyes showed a strange bright color, but his expression was a little bit painful: "Like, very similar."

"Who do you look like?" Shen Sha asked in a deep voice.

"Sect Master of Dust Dust Sect."

As soon as these words came out, not only Lou Qi and Shen Sha, but even Elder Jin were stunned.

The cave was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard.

It took Lou Qi a while to find his heartbeat.What are you kidding?Shen Sha is like the suzerain of Dust Dust Sect?What a joke!
"My parents are dead." Shen Sha said indifferently.The implication is that he is not some unidentified bastard, he has parents, so naturally he has nothing to do with the damn Duanchen sect master.

Kong Xiu smiled wryly, "I'm not saying that you might be his son, and it's impossible because of your age."

"What's going on here?" Elder Jin asked, "Axiu, have you ever seen the Sect Master of Duanchen?" They all said that his whereabouts were erratic, and that he was the most mysterious person in the world. He is obviously the suzerain of the Dust Dust Sect.The Duanchen Sect has existed for so many years, and no one in the world has seen the true face of Duanchen Sect Master.

How could Kong Xiu have seen him?
"Let's talk about it later." Lou Qi felt increasingly uneasy.Can't stay here anymore, can't stay here anymore.

Shen Sha didn't ask any more, his eyes were condensed, and after a few movements, he saw that the sky stone, which was difficult to break even with their internal strength, was cut open just like tofu under the smashing.

As soon as the stone was cut open, Lou Qi turned around consciously, then unwrapped a small package from his back, and handed it to Elder Jin.

Originally, Mr. Jin didn't know why she went out to touch the clothes, shoes and socks of the two men when she came out, but he suddenly realized when he saw it.

After being locked in the stone for more than ten years, the clothes on Kong Xiu's body have already rotted away, and he is now naked.

And because he has not seen the sun for many years, his body is not as white as ordinary people.To their surprise, his body didn't shrink or deform, it was just white.

But because he hadn't moved for many years, and he was forcibly fixed in a standing posture by the stone inside, and now he was suddenly free, his body and legs couldn't be controlled at all, and he fell down all of a sudden.

Shen Sha would never reach out to pick up such a fruit man, instead, he took three steps back in disgust, and returned to Lou Qi's side all of a sudden.Well, it's his woman's body that he likes.

Fortunately, Jin Lao caught Kong Xiu in time.

After putting on the clothes, shoes and socks for him, Lou Qi turned around, touched the room, and took out a small bottle, which was supposed to be fed by herself, but under someone's scorching gaze, she had to hand the bottle to him. Jin Lao.

"Old man, feed all the medicine inside to Senior Kong."

When the bottle cap was opened, a strange fragrance came out. Although they didn't know what it was, both Jin Lao and Kong Xiu knew that it must be something unusual.

There were five small white pills inside. To be honest, if Kong Xiu hadn't been a good friend of the old man, she wouldn't be willing to give them away.You know, this is the best thing she has brought in modern times, the life-saving medicine came.

As soon as the pill was put into the mouth, it melted immediately, like the taste of fine wine, refreshing and intoxicating.Kong Xiu was very surprised, and after a while, he felt a heat flow from his dantian to his limbs. Soon, his legs, which had been as stiff as stone, seemed to be out of his control, all of a sudden warmed up. Also softened.

Kong Xiu had a feeling of being connected to his body again, and for a moment he felt his eyes were hot and his nose was sore.

"Okay, let's go, let's talk about it after we leave." Lou Qi was a little nervous, she didn't want anything to happen here, she hasn't had a good look at the outside world yet, she has been running around all the time, It hurts to think about it.

Although Jin Lao is really not young, but with his cultivation base, Kong Xiu has no burden on his back at all.

The four of them came out of the cave, and immediately rushed down towards Shuiwu Peak.

But as soon as he reached the middle of the mountain, Lou Qi stopped suddenly, and looked down the mountain in horror: "Look!"

The water mist was thick, and they should have been unable to see anything, but they saw the faint light of fire.

"Fire, the villa is on fire!" Elder Jin also cried out.

The fire can still be seen from such a long distance, how big is the fire?

"Yun Xiangyang really has a conspiracy!"

"Old man, did you see the route of Shui Ya that I drew earlier?" Lou Qi said quickly, "You take Senior Kong to find Yue first, we'll come here later!" She said, pulling Shen Sha and walking Turned around and ran in the other direction.

"Qi girl, be careful!" Elder Jin yelled helplessly, and continued down the mountain with Kong Xiu on his back.

"What are you looking for?" Shen Sha asked Lou Qi, she was obviously nervous to leave, why did she still go to the mountains?
"Bugs." Although Lou Qi hated those bugs, he needed them and had to.Although she felt that if Yun Xiangyang wanted to make a big move, then the Second Martial Uncle, that is, the Second Villa Master, should either use up all the bugs or transfer them away, but she didn't know how to be sure.

With her ability, it is not difficult to find the wormhole, and the place where countless worms are kept must have a very obvious smell.

It was a huge grotto.Just by looking at the size of the grotto, you can tell how many bugs are raised in it!
"It's disgusting, this wormhole is said to belong to the second owner of Yunfeng Villa, have you heard of it?" Lou Qi asked.

Shen Sha shook his head, "I have never heard of this person."

When they took a closer look, the worm cave was indeed empty, but even if it was empty, there were still some worms wriggling around and at the bottom of the cave.I heard that the wormhole is to throw all kinds of worms together, let them fend for themselves, and those who can survive are tough.This is also like raising Gu, more like the cruel survival rules implemented by some underground mercenary organizations at that time, killing and killing constantly, only those who are capable can survive.

The ones left now are still alive, so they are naturally powerful bugs.Maybe it was missed because the other party walked in a hurry.

"There are several stone chambers in the cave."

Shen Sha suddenly pointed to the bottom and said.

Lou Qi took a look, and sure enough, he saw several small stone chambers that could accommodate only one person were dug into the upper stone wall of the grotto. You can see the space inside.

"This." Thinking of the last time they wanted to arrest her and bring her to the worm cave, and said that these worms had no fresh food for a long time, Lou Qi probably understood the purpose of these grottoes.

If people are locked inside, those hungry insects will desperately crawl in through the dozen or so small holes when they find food, but there are only three small holes in the door, and whether they can squeeze in depends on their ability.

This is insect training, and it is torture for those locked in the grotto.

Lou Qi took a look, walked to the other side, stepped on the ground, and the doors of the remaining stone rooms opened, and then she saw one of the stone rooms, and there was a corpse inside.

"Stay here, the emperor will go down and have a look."

Because there is a Jue Gu in his body, which is the king of ten thousand Gu, Shen Sha is not afraid of these insects, he jumped down, twisted his body and entered the stone room. There is only one person in the stone room, so he can only turn sideways He turned over the corpse with a smashing knife.

The meat has been eaten up, and the clothes have been drilled and tattered, covered with countless wormholes.

But in the mouth of the skull, there is a jade tablet stuck.

Shen Sha absolutely didn't have the concept of not moving human bones. He inserted it with a broken knife and twisted it lightly, and all his teeth fell off. He pinched it with two fingers, took out the jade tablet, and jumped up.

While he was doing this, Lou Qi had already picked out several worms from the bottle, put them in, and put them away.

"What is this?" Seeing what Shen Shan took, she read out a word on it in confusion: "God?"

"This is the token of the owner of Yunfeng Mountain Villa," Shen Sha said, "That corpse may be Yun Xiangyang."


Lou Qi called out.If it was Yun Xiangyang's body, then who is that Yun Xiangyang in Yunfeng Villa now?No, that's not right, that Yun Xiangyang has always only spread words, and has never appeared before!
So, what about the second uncle?Aren't he and Yun Xiangyang senior brothers?

"If this is the real Yun Xiangyang, then today's incident will probably involve many people in Yunfeng Villa." Lou Qi frowned.She thought of Yun Miao and the others, Yun Miao was still thinking about how to torture her, she didn't seem to know that she had to retreat at any time at night.

But the life and death of Yun Miao and those people has nothing to do with her at all, even if those people who rushed over today are dead or not, she doesn't care at all, but Yue Wei doesn't know if they have come out.

"Yue is not an idiot, she should have gone to Shui Ya as you said, let's go." Shen Sha grabbed her hand, and the two of them flew towards Shui Ya.

When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, looking at the mountain villa, the flames were already soaring into the sky, and the entire Yunfeng mountain villa was on fire.The fire was raging, and the flames soared into the sky, illuminating the night.There is no way to save such a big fire.

From time to time, one or two "fire men" shook out of the fire, and then fell to the ground.Pyro, that is, a raging fire is burning all over his body.

Sure enough, many people were drunk and dreamed of death, failed to escape in time, and were burned to death inside.The fire made the logs crackle, and there were many screams, high and low.

It was as if everyone had come to such a feast of death.

Shen Sha's face was as sinking as water, he pulled Lou Qi's feet non-stop, and rushed towards Shui Ya at the fastest speed.Yes, rush.After all, there are still a lot of masters or those who are not addicted to those fine wines, and now they flock frantically to the place where the boat is parked by the river, they want to leave, they want to leave!

And at such a critical point of escape, no one knows anyone, and whoever blocks his way, there is no choice but to kill, kill, kill!
(End of this chapter)

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