Chapter 137

It was a coincidence that these people had all gone to break the domain, but only this woman had seen Shen Sha galloping past on the side of the road on a bloody BMW with four guards.

It was a glimpse, and I can't forget it since then.

Of course, she knew the distance between herself and others, and she didn't think about anything extravagantly, but since then, when people mentioned handsome men, she would definitely mention Shen Sha.

Didn't expect to meet here.

This is really exciting.

"The emperor who breaks the domain? I admire him the most."

"Dijun," one of them took two steps forward, clasped his fists and said, "Xia Yuhuang, these are all friends from the rivers and lakes who are traveling together. We want to follow Dijun for a while, I wonder if it is possible?"

Shen Sha just hummed, pulled Lou Qi and walked ahead.

Yu Huang and the others were overjoyed and immediately followed.

At this time, there was a sudden tremor under everyone's feet!
"Earthquake?" Someone yelled in horror.

"Let's go!" The uneasiness in Lou Qi's heart became stronger, she thought of the mechanism that could create such a large vortex, and always felt a little bit ominous.

Everyone quickened their pace.

At this time, on the other side of the river, many people rushed onto the boat. At this moment, they couldn't care less about identifying the boat they were on. It was a boat anyway, so they rushed to the nearest boat.

Someone yelled to start the boat, someone stretched out a foot and kicked the person who was about to climb up. "Go to another boat, don't you see that it's full?!"

"That's my boat!"

"Get out, I'm going to take this boat!"

Some of the fast-moving boats had already sailed away, and were laughing triumphantly, but other people on the boat shouted: "The boat is leaking!"

"No, no, the deck seems to be broken!"

"The ship is sinking, the ship is sinking!"

"Dive, dive."

Someone yelled.Diving, the fire won't reach here, at worst, they'll sleep in the open by the river overnight, and we'll figure it out tomorrow!

Plop, plop, plop.Many people jumped into the water.A middle-aged man accidentally looked into the water, and suddenly felt chills all over his body!In that water, there are sharply cut bamboo poles standing upright in that water!This jump will immediately penetrate the heart!

"Brother, jump down!" His brother's anxious voice sounded from behind, and he was pushed down immediately, and beside him, his brother also jumped down.

"do not want!"

The desperate screams stopped abruptly, and the surface of the water quickly turned blood.

The riverside is another slaughterhouse.

It was discovered that most of the people in Yunfeng Mountain Villa had disappeared. Occasionally, a few of them were found to be horrified and asked questions, and were killed by someone venting their anger, but that was of no use, no one could escape.

This time, they didn't need to avoid the guards, because there were no guards.It was so quiet in Shuiya that you could hear the occasional sound of water dripping from above.

The earthquake was only for a moment, but it was enough to pull their hearts tightly and hang them in their throats.

Lou Qi knew that what they said was an earthquake.Sudden earthquake?She always felt a little strange, this Yunfeng Villa is surrounded by river water, if there is an earthquake, the river water should be abnormal, right?Except for the vortex created by the mechanism, she didn't see any other unusual places today.

Of course, she is not an expert in this field, so it's normal if she can't tell.

Lou Qi frowned when he saw that the big boat was still there.Naturally, she didn't come here for this big ship. If the people from Yunfeng Villa wanted to leave first, the ship should have already been driven away.She came here for those small boats, it's not that she didn't miss those light boats last time.

But since the big boat is still there, of course it is a big boat.

"Dijun, let's go up and have a look first?" Yu Huang took the initiative to step forward.

Shen Sha nodded.

"Which of these two ships are we going to take?" another man asked.

Lou Qi coughed, and pointed to the right: "That's the big one." The array she set up is still there, no one destroyed it, and the smaller one is just an illusion.Kong Xiu glanced at her and smiled.

Yu Huang took two people onto the big boat, and before they could check it carefully, there was another violent vibration on the ground, gravels fell from the top of their heads, the current became faster, and there were several people in the water in front of them. A fish jumped out of the water.

He knew that it was Xing Luo Yu, but who could care about Xing Luo Yu at this time, his expression changed.

"It's really an earthquake!"

"Get on board!"

With a wave of Shen Sha's hand, Jin Lao and Yue each lead their people up first.

"The boat is still there, what was that old worm guarding here before?" Before getting on the boat, Lou Qi suddenly grabbed Shen Sha.She always felt that something was wrong, so many bugs were guarding here, but they didn't see that they wanted to use this boat for themselves!No one knows where it went.

"Unless there are other things here." Shen Sha raised his eyes and glanced, the light in the water was dark, and the big boat was parked on a section of the waterway. To board the boat, one had to walk on a suspended protruding stone path. The water below was calm, and occasionally The water pattern swayed, it should be the favorite place for those star fish to hide.There is a thin layer of water on the surrounding walls, and not a single grass grows, but there are some traces of moss.

This can be regarded as clear at a glance, what else can be hidden?
Lou Qi also looked around, but couldn't see anything either.

"But, what about those people in Yunfeng Villa? Also, what's the benefit of killing these people?" There are doubts everywhere.

At this moment, there was another vibration under the feet, and a bigger stone fell from above, and one of the big ones hit the ship plank, breaking a ship plank. "Master, you have to get out quickly, otherwise the boat will be smashed." Yuewei shouted from the boat.It's not just the boat that gets smashed, they get smashed too.

Get the boat out quickly.

It is still useful to take Yu Huang and others, they have already divided the work and are ready to cooperate, just waiting for Shen Sha and Lou Qi to come up and then sail out immediately.But those two still couldn't get on the boat.

"Girl Qi, think about something after you go out." Elder Jin slapped away a fallen stone with his palm.

Shen Sha saw that standing here and thinking hard was no solution, so he grabbed her hand and wanted to take her aboard.At this moment, there was a huge vibration in the whole water, with a few bangs, half of the cliff in the direction they came in just now collapsed, just blocking the entire entrance.

Beside the boat, the starfish jumped out of the water one after another. Seeing this, Mr. Jin couldn't help shouting: "You don't go, I will catch a few fish first!" After speaking, he jumped up and moved towards those The fish pounced.

"Dijun, let's go, if the exit is also blocked, we won't be able to leave!" Yu Huang and others were very anxious.

It was this sentence that suddenly made a light flash in the minds of Shen Sha and Lou Qi at the same time, but they both felt it was incredible!Impossible, who can calculate it so far?


Shen Sha no longer hesitated, and boarded the boat while holding Lou Qi. "Start the boat and rush out as fast as you can."

Yu Huang and the others immediately got busy.

"Old Jin, Senior Kong, pay attention to the water!" Lou Qi also shouted immediately.

After catching some fish, Elder Jin immediately asked, "Did you find anything?"

Lou Qi didn't say a word, and suddenly jumped down towards the boat. Just when they were shocked, they found that her feet were hooked upside down on the side of the boat, and she was staring upside down into the water.

Seeing this, her face changed drastically again!It was immediately confirmed that this Shui Ya was a trap!And this trap is aimed at Shen Sha!Just for him!
Who is it, who is it!
"Shen Sha!" She yelled suddenly, turned over and flew up, and rushed towards Shen Sha.

Shen Sha knew that she must have found something in the water, but he had never seen her look so furious and terrified, and his heart sank, he opened his arms to catch her, and said in a deep voice, "Calm down!"

When Lou Qi was drunk by him, his heart stabilized, and he grabbed his hand, "Go, I'll take you out first!"

She has to take him away first, otherwise, he won't be able to leave, won't be able to leave!As for the other people on this boat, she can't control it anymore!Her gaze swept over Moonguard.

When Yue Wei heard Lou Qi's words, he knew that there must be a big problem, and he was coming for Shen Sha, so he immediately said: "Master, you go first."

"Let's go, how do we go, isn't it by boat?" The beautiful woman asked in confusion.

Lou Qi didn't care who to deal with, she pulled out Broken with one hand, and grabbed Shen Sha's hand with the other, "Let's go!"

Pulled by her, Shen Sha kicked off and flew off the boat again.He turned his head and slapped the big boat with a palm: "I will help you with a palm!" It was not so easy for the boat to rush out, but with his powerful palm, the boat immediately flew off the string like an arrow He rushed out towards the outside.

"You still care about them!"

"The moon is on board."

After he answered simply, Lou Qi fell silent, how could she have forgotten that Yue Yu was a brother to him, how could she ignore him.Originally, it was difficult for the boat to rush out, but now it is fine, and the chances of successfully rushing out should be much greater.

"You worry about yourself." Lou Qi took out a small bottle from her belt again, "Look, look." She opened the lid, poured all the powder inside into her hands, Then he quickly made a hand formula with one hand, and sprinkled the powder on the water surface from time to time with the other hand.

In the water waves where nothing could be seen before, a huge figure slowly floated up.The figure is so big that it covers this section of water.

At first glance, the figure turned out to be a skeleton, with two clusters of flames flashing in the eyes, and the dense teeth seemed to be smiling horribly and strangely with the rippling water.But looking at it again, it looks like a huge round flower with smaller flowers carved on the petals.

Looking at the huge pattern, Shen Sha suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and a feeling of nausea rose. He pressed his chest and almost vomited, but he felt something alive in his body moving, moving, thinking is coming out.

"what is this?"

"Lingsheng laughs!" Lou Qi turned around, and suddenly tore off his collar, exposing his muscular chest.Her fingers quickly slid across it, and the other hand continued to make hand gestures quickly.

"Living Smile is a frightening ancient formation that can draw out all living beings. To put it simply, as long as you reach the eye of the formation, the Gu in your body will be drawn out!"

(End of this chapter)

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